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Metoprolol for High Blood Pressure User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Metoprolol Succinate ER, Metoprolol Tartrate, Toprol-XL, Lopressor, Kapspargo Sprinkle

Metoprolol has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 263 reviews for the treatment of High Blood Pressure. 33% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metoprolol

  • captnjp
  • January 14, 2015

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "This medication does keep my hypertension under control and also seems to affect my heart rate by lowering it by an average of 15-20 bpm. I take other medications that tend to raise my heart rate, so this medication is useful for me in that regard. I have found that this medication is very sensitive to dosing properly. I have found that if I miss only a couple of doses, my blood pressure and heart rate start to increase."

8 / 10
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171 Report
  • TeriDe
  • April 2, 2014

"I have been on Metoprolol ER 25mg for 10 months. It has worked great for my blood pressure and I have had no migraines or headaches. I do get really tired in the afternoon, which I never used to. The worst part is I have gained 22 lbs. and nothing I do reduces the weight. I work out 4 times a week, really watch what I eat, and nothing helps."

7 / 10
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181 Report
  • Lilac...
  • January 18, 2016

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "After having a constant heart rate of 110/20 even when resting, occasional heart palpitations, anxiety, and high blood pressure, I was put on Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg, that I halved to 12.5 mg. It's been wonderful! I am so much more relaxed, my heart rate stays around 75 to 80. Blood pressure stays in a normal range. Love it! I'm female, 47, 5'2" (135 lbs)."

9 / 10
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152 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Travis...
  • December 2, 2016

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "Wow! I have not been feeling well for a long time. Until Toprol XL 25mg. My head is clear. I can think straight. I don't have any anxiety. My work performance is at its greatest level. Even my sexual drive is back. I get up rested in the morning and feel no fatigue. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad to take this medication."

10 / 10
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137 Report
  • bob...
  • July 29, 2007

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I was prescribed Toprol-XL 25mg, 1x/day, as part of a long-term treatment for elevated (but not high) blood pressure. I found a distinct and bothersome reduction in my energy levels and focus. I have been taking 25mg daily of DHEA and find that blood pressure levels and pulse rate levels remain lowered, but energy, focus, and some vague emotional benefits are noticeable."

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240 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • makei...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 14, 2017

"At first Metoprolol seemed to work. Blood pressure was down, heart rate 55 beats per minute. The longer I took the drug, the more side effects. At two months, my feet and legs developed tingling and numbness. Then, my fingers and hands developed the tingling. At three months of taking the drug, swallowing became very difficult. Food would get stuck in my throat and I would not be able to talk or dislodge food. Then, the insomnia started. I would wake at about 2 am and not be able to go back to sleep for several hours. Always tired, then would want to eat. I gained 20 pounds in a couple of months. When I would wake in the night because my arms would be asleep, that was the last straw. I stopped taking the drug and got a different prescription."

3 / 10
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125 Report
  • Jane
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 15, 2018

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "Worked well to control my blood pressure but couldn’t tolerate the side effects. Caused constant headache as well as a pressure feeling in my head and made me feel somewhat swollen all over (even though I wasn’t)"

3 / 10
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106 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • August 21, 2019

"I've been on this almost a year for high blood pressure and an uneven heart beat. Since I started, my heart beat is fine, but I ended up in the ER numerous times for skyrocketing blood pressure. VERY EXPENSIVE! I thought maybe by switching to the brand name I could fix it, but after several months on it, found out AstraZeneca doesn't even make it anymore, so I was paying 6x as much for, basically, the generic rubbish. Finally, a wise cardiologist took me off the time release and put me on the 2x a day dosage of the tartrate, and my blood pressure has been really good since then. If you're having any problems with it bouncing around, I would suggest switching. Due to all of the issues this has caused, I've lost a bunch of weight and am exercising and on a low-salt diet. Hoping to get off of this soon. Oh, and DO NOT take the time release twice a day, even if your doctor tells you to. That should only be taken once a day. It's been a long road, but I've learned a lot. Do your research."

5 / 10
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92 Report
  • Glo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2018

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I decided to try this medicine again for high blood pressure. It would make my blood pressure okay but drop my pulse into the 40s. Once again, I tried 1 pill of 25mg. I started feeling like rubbish and my blood pressure was still 150/100, and my pulse was 48."

1 / 10
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97 Report
  • WLI
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 15, 2017

"Don't take this medication, it has too many side effects that can harm you. Try to alter your lifestyle and diet. It causes severe stomach pain, fatigue, increased urination, etc. It's best to see a healthcare provider that takes a more holistic approach instead of just pushing pills. Drug representatives give kickbacks to doctors for promoting their medications - even lobster dinners. I know, I've been to some of those dinners. It's a concern that pills are prescribed to so many people with side effects that can be dangerous. You might be better off managing high blood pressure than dealing with potential side effects."

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112 Report
  • peri
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 19, 2015

"Taken Metoprolol 1/2 25mg twice a day for 2 months for hypertension. Has lowered my BP, but I have lower back pain, extreme fatigue, get lightheaded when doing anything. I don't know how anyone could exercise while taking this. I get winded walking from the car to the store, and gaining weight because of it."

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130 Report
  • JJ Se...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 24, 2013

Toprol-XL (metoprolol) "I have been taking Toprol-XL for about 8 years now. I started at 10mg, then 50mg, and now at 100mg. It has brought my blood pressure under control - was 150/80, now at 130/70. Also brought down my heart rate, which was 88 resting to 60 resting. I am a light smoker who has asthma/mild COPD. Metoprolol has shown no effect on these conditions as my PF and FEV1 have not changed. PROS: Reduced blood pressure to normal, reduced anxiety levels. CONS: Tired (mild), weight gain (mild), erectile dysfunction (mild), heart skipping a beat (occasional only and mild)."

9 / 10
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147 Report
  • scared...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 6, 2013

"After taking this medicine for a week or two, I experienced numbness (lack of blood flow) to my fingers, usually in one or two fingers. This also happens with my toes. I have really high blood pressure, and it does lower it, but the numbness, which usually lasts about 30 minutes but returns throughout the day, is scary. It also gives me terrible nightmares, very violent. I wake up wondering how I could even have such terrible dreams. It also makes me tired. I've stopped it several times, and each time the bad symptoms go away completely in about 2 days. I'm going to have to stop taking it for good, the nightmares are just too terrible."

1 / 10
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149 Report
  • jpchi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 5, 2014

"After using metoprolol for 2 months, not only did my blood pressure not go down, but I had side effects that warranted my discontinuing it. I developed a pervasive cough and a sensation as if I had fluid in my lungs."

1 / 10
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136 Report
  • garden...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 2, 2016

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I can only take 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet a day, and I still get extremely tired. Any more and it makes my blood pressure go up. 1/4 tablet keeps my blood pressure pretty normal on systolic, but heart rate and diastolic are too low. I have trouble breathing."

4 / 10
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112 Report
  • DRxNewz
  • December 16, 2016

"Put on this mid-year after a tough year of health issues left me with increased anxiety, HR & BP. Told to expect no side effects. I can directly connect a horrible change in my daily life to this medication. I was told I was in menopause and put on hormones! - Scorching, sweaty, humiliating hot flashes - Debilitating fatigue and brain fog - Insomnia - Zero energy - Gained 20 pounds - Massive Breast ENLARGEMENT! - Awful swelling - Hoarse voice, constant cough - Major depression - Change in eyesight - No interest in life. Ridiculous! All along I thought it was my fault and menopause! Add hormones to that and it's a disaster. I was VERY close to giving up. This medication is old, outdated, and unacceptable."

1 / 10
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107 Report
  • Agirl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 7, 2014

"The medicine works great for high blood pressure, BUT.... I'm a college student in school for criminal justice. Ever since taking this medication I can't seem to keep my eyes open to study and I can't focus on course material. Whereas I was so motivated until metoprolol."

4 / 10
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129 Report
  • Rick
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2019

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "Been taking Metoprolol 50mg bid and Diltiazem 120mg bid and Eliquis 5mg bid for HBP and A-Fib. Keeps BP under control, but pulse seems too low anywhere from 40 to 60 on days of normal sinus rhythms. Makes me feel light-headed and concerns me lately. I cut 50mg in half of Metoprolol, that seems to do the trick where BP goes to 100 over 80 and pulse stays around 55 or 60. I hate that feeling when pulse is in the 40s. If I don't take these meds, my A-Fib starts up and pulse can get up to 180, scary feeling. So yes, it helps a lot, but I need to ask the doctor about decreasing the dose of Metoprolol maybe."

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72 Report
  • bano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 13, 2018

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "My experience with this drug was that I was always tired and had no energy. I was told that I had to take the drug once a day, and I took it when I got home after work. My blood pressure skyrocketed instead of going down. It left me sleeping longer. I was cranky and crabby as well. I ran out of the product. I went back to my doctor 3-4 times, and she prescribed another medicine to help lower my blood pressure. I took that prescription and went to Walmart, got a printout of the medication, and decided not to take it. In February, I changed doctors, took the empty prescription bottle with me, and asked him if I needed to take it further. I ran out of the product and was taking an alternative that had Hawthorne extract, potassium, and other nutritional supplements to lower my blood pressure."

3 / 10
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86 Report
  • Stevied
  • March 12, 2011

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "Been on this medicine for over 12 years, started on 50 mg, now at 200 mg ER. Been on 200mg for over 7 years now, works really well. I am 36, and it must be hereditary because both my younger sisters were on blood pressure medicines at an early age. My parents take 2 different blood pressure medicines as well. Works well for me when I check it every day."

10 / 10
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149 Report
  • Rocky
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 28, 2017

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "Went to have foot injury x-rayed at urgent care and spiked a blood pressure of 195/110, maybe due to pain. Was given this by IV in the ER, then pills for 3-4 nights at home. It lowered my blood pressure by like 20 points per day, and I was fine for 2 days, but then had episodes of exhaustion to the point where I had to lie on the couch for hours to recover from simple housework like washing pots. Was also short of breath like I had run 5 miles. Swallowing felt weird. Got disoriented while driving. It's a 9 on effectiveness but can't tolerate the side effects. Am 63/F."

9 / 10
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88 Report
  • Little...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 11, 2014

"I have most of all the experiences that the gentleman here have/had. I am not having violent dreams, just weird and very vivid. I have been on it for 3 years and like some, since on it, I have not had relations with my wife. I have also gained A LOT of weight. I have gone from a size 32-34 pants to a 50-52 pants. No matter what I do, whether it be diet or exercise or both, my weight keeps climbing. My emotions are all over the place."

2 / 10
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121 Report
  • Tim
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 2, 2019

"I have congestive heart failure, and this drug was prescribed, but my blood pressure was never high. I'm trying to wean myself off of this drug, and as I do, my blood pressure goes down. My heart rate is fine, but my doctor keeps telling me that she wants me to eventually be on 200 mg a day. I can't imagine even being able to function in society if I take 200 mg of this drug. The fatigue is amazing! I sometimes sleep 9 hours a day, and then when I attempt to walk 20 yards, I have to stop. But as I'm weaning myself down to 12.5 mg, my energy is coming back. But I do fear what effect it might have on my congestive heart failure."

2 / 10
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66 Report
  • Littl...
  • April 27, 2015

"I am a 25-year-old female diagnosed with idiopathic hypertension and tachycardia. I was recently switched to 50mg of metoprolol by my GP. I felt fine for the first four days, but by the fifth day, I started to experience vivid dreams, extreme anxiety after waking from sleep, and then began developing severe panic attacks and constant anxiousness. I was immediately taken off this medication and placed on Bystolic 5mg. It has been 5 days since being taken off the medication, and I am slowly losing the sensation of anxiety, but I still have some residual effects that I feel will take me a while to shake. It has been an incredibly traumatic experience. I do not recommend a beta blocker that crosses the blood-brain barrier if it is not necessary."

1 / 10
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107 Report
  • Hespe...
  • April 1, 2014

"I have taken Metoprolol (Beta Blocker) for years for high blood pressure caused by renal FMD. The negative side effect was primarily on cognitive function plus cold hands and feet. My short-term memory really became poor. I experimented by taking myself off it for a few weeks and then putting myself back on it. I was able to measure a clear difference in cognitive function. I decided to refuse to take any more Metoprolol and my doctor found me Felodipine, which is fine."

6 / 10
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116 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.