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Reglan for Migraine User Reviews (Page 3)

Reglan has an average rating of 2.9 out of 10 from a total of 122 reviews for the treatment of Migraine. 17% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 75% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Reglan

  • Kaleb...
  • May 22, 2021

"I suffer from hemiplegic migraines and had a very bad attack yesterday late morning. I went to the hospital where I was given IV push of Benadryl, Toradol, and Reglan. As soon as she started the IV and walked out of the room I had a horrible feeling come over my whole body. My legs felt like they were on fire and I felt as if I was going crazy. I tried to relax and shake it off but the feeling wouldn’t go away and I became dizzy and almost delusional. I called my wife to tell her what was going on and she told me to hit the call button so I called the nurse back in and told her how I was feeling and she said the Reglan has that affect on some people. She pushed Ativan to counteract it. It was a scary feeling"

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8 Report
  • Babyg...
  • July 25, 2014

"I have a history of migraines and Reglan, Benadryl and Toprol always works for me. My migraines seem to always be at night and wake me from sleep, I usually use an ice cube (plain not covered on temple) and it works. Really bad ones require the above combination and puts me to sleep all day when I return home from ER. Also my eye loses sight in bottom half/top half or complete eye for a few mins which I found out is a retinal migraine, which is strange because there is no pain at all with that one."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Migra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2015

"So glad I looked up these reviews! I had the same experience as others with the anxiety, wanting to crawl out of my skin feeling. I had the Benadryl as well, but it didn't help. The doctors and nurses were acting like I was crazy and like they had never heard of this reaction. I'm glad to know I'm not alone and that I wasn't imagining these symptoms. I literally could not lie in the bed - I was pacing around the hospital room, and actually had to jump up and down because I was so restless. Absolutely awful feeling - I'd almost rather have the migraine (almost, but not quite). They finally had to give me Ativan to help. The Reglan did get rid of my migraine though, that's why 2 stars. "

2 / 10
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18 Report
  • Blari...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 4, 2015

"I was diagnosed with "Chronic Migraine Disease" 18 yrs. ago. I have tried too many medications to list. Almost all of which have not worked for me. About 9 yrs. ago during a trip to the emergency for a migraine, I had the worst nausea. I was given Reglan for the first time. Not only did it stop the nausea, it calmed my migraine down! I wasn't even given any Dilodid. I couldn't believe it! I was later perscribed Reglan along with Maxalt. This combo worked the best for me. However, my doctor quit using Maxalt. So, while searching for new meds. my doctor gave me a prescription of Reglan to at least help with the nausea. Not only did it help with that, but if caught early enough, it would stop my migraines. I love Reglan!"

10 / 10
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17 Report
  • K8T
  • December 8, 2017

"I had a severe migraine for several days. Norco & Fioricet, weren't even touching the pain. Finally gave in and went into the ER. They gave me what they called a cocktail including Reglan & Benedryl. Nothing that was actually intended for pain, but I was willing to try anything so I didn't comment. That was the day I experienced my first ever panic attack. I couldn't vocalize what was wrong, I was hot, thrashing & grasping at my IV, my heart was racing and thought I was actually dying. It sounds so dramatic, but there really isn't words to describe the feeling of the moment that you believe your life is ending. Those of you who suffer from panic attacks- you have my respect & sympathy. Traumatized from Reglan. Never again!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • April 7, 2014

"Went ER on Saturday got Reglan, Benadryl and Toprol, along with a bag of saline. Yummy combination, knocked out my migraine and me. Slept for an hour in hospital then another 4 at home. I'm still wiped out but after a doozy of a migraine I am exhausted for at least 5 days post. Almost like a hangover."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Kat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 5, 2017

"Do NOT take this medicine. 1 time IV dose. Causes nervous system damage. First Parkinson side effects, then anxiety after 5 months NOT gone. Possible sensitive to other medications. Horribly traumatic. Couldn't work."

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  • Ebby
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 21, 2018

"I will never in my life allow this to be administered to be ever again in life. On 04/20/2018, I went to the ER for a severe Migraine. The RN gave me a cocktail of to toradal and then the Reglan. About 30 seconds later the nurse walked out and I began to experience a strong intense feeling of fear, anxiousness, and anxiety. I wanted to rip the IV out of my arm and run all the way home. I never want to feel like that again...NEVER!!!!!!!"

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • MahaZ
  • March 31, 2015

"I don't have a history of migraine but I had sever headache for 3 days so I went to ER. After doing some scans they gave me Benadryl, toradol and Reglan by IV. As soon as Reglan was injected I had severe reaction to it within seconds and I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I was literally paralyzed. I could hear people talking but I wasn't able to respond and my heart rate went to 150 bpm. It was the worse feeling ever. They had to give me an antidote to reverse the effects but it still took almost 3 hours for me to actually speak again. After that day I personally do not like Reglan and how dangerous the side effects can be."

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  • Kam
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 22, 2019

"Omg where do I begin. Was in the emergency room for severe migraine and nausea. They gave me this drug through my IV. Never again. I began to sweat, I started cursing and screaming, I was so anxious and delirious. It was a terrible experience. I feel like I needed to just run out of the hospital. Do not recommend."

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10 Report
  • NuJer...
  • November 10, 2015

"I've had a headache for a little over a month followed with nausea. However yesterday there was some pressure with it so I went to the ER. At the ER I was told that I would receive a migraine cocktail, which was Benadryl, Reglan, and IV fluids, not knowing what to expect I accepted. As soon as I was given the medicine through my IV I immediately began to feel jittery. My legs started shaking, it felt like something was crawling on me, and then I got extremely sleepy. I kept falling asleep but every time I woke up I had some serious anxiety. I never want to experience that feeling again. And what do you know today my head is starting to hurt again."

3 / 10
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  • Beann...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 26, 2022

"I'm not kidding when I tell you this medication made me feel a way I never want to feel again. I have since listed this medication as an allergy because I refuse to go through what this medication put me through. I was losing it inside the ER after being given this. Could not sit still and wanted to rip my IV out. I would have rather felt a migraine/nausea than be given this. Would not wish this medication on my worse enemy. Very jittery and uneasy throughout your body.Please be advised."

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5 Report
  • Chels...
  • January 8, 2017

"Visited the ER due to intense migraine lasting 7 days with 4 impacted wisdom teeth coming in. Face swollen, migraine and intense anxiety went to a different hospital and was hoping for something that WORKED, But got the reglan/benedryl cocktail which made me freak out like a idoit and I cried for anxiety meds when a new doctor came in and denied me anything else and called me a pill popper, although the only meds I'm taking are for my teeth pain (antibiotic and a steroid) and also continued to be rude while still having an outrageous migraine. Home now...hours later...with a migraine still......"

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  • Same
  • February 27, 2019

"I was in ER last night for severe migraine attack. The doctor asked what I normally get and that's toradol, zofran, and steroid through IV. They come in with this toradol, reglan, benadryl mix. Literally 2 min after meds were administered I felt the need to jump out the bed and just go home. I was burning up inside, restless, and still had the headache. So when I see other people posting almost the exact same thing, I totally get it. The national headache society did a study, benadryl is actually one of the drugs NOT recommended to treat migraines. I was told Reglan treated the "pain". Nope, it actually just controls the nausea by getting your stomach to empty / process the contents faster. I had the same migraine when I woke up. Now the toradol I know helped, it usually does to some degree. But getting a steroid shot / injection is usually what keeps the migraine from returning. Personally, I just don't think the doctor had a lot of knowledge regarding treatment of migraines."

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10 Report
  • Quisha
  • September 22, 2017

"Given IV with toradol & Benadryl. My headache went away almost immediately . Soon after that I started shivering and trembling. I dismissed it thinking I was just cold because of the hospital temperature & the IV fluids. I also had to pee so bad that I unhooked it myself because I could not wait on the nurse to come in and help me. I was so restless and anxious that I drove home, knowing the nurse told me to call a ride, but it's like I couldn't control the urge to just make it home and go to bed. I didn't realize that all of those symptoms were side effects of the medicine until I got home & started to tremble more & was unable to sleep. Since then I've been having panic attacks & anxiety, muscle stiffness & twitches. DO NOT TAKE"

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  • Anonymous
  • October 9, 2010

"I was just given Reglan this morning at the ER but don't think they combined it with anything but saline. Usually I get the physically "hyper" feeling but with mind exhaustion with Dramamine or Benedryl. Those medicines make me feel like all my muscles need to be repeatedly stretched and like they are itchy on the inside. Luckily I did not get this feeling at all today with just the intravenous Reglan. Even managed to sleep through half the drip. Only bad thing was that it was really cold going into my whole arm felt numb. Also, don't know if it is common or not, but was starving 6 hours later and ate more in 1 sitting than I ever before (I'm sure I will regret that tomorrow)."

6 / 10
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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 21, 2009

"Like the other anonymous user, I went to the ER with a migraine. I received this medicine and Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) intravenously. The side effects were intolerable. Within minutes of injection a combination of agitation, nervousness and anxiety overwhelmed my already throbbing head. I felt trapped, as if there was no escaping the discomfort of the side effects. I gave this a 3/10 because it still prevented me from throwing up after I already had several times. It works, but I won't ever use it again. I know it wasn't the Benadryl as I have taken it since without incident."

3 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2017

"I've been to the ER for migraines too many times to count and have been given every kind of drug that can be given. I woke up this morning with a horrific migraine and vomiting and off I went. They gave me the Reglan/Benadryl combo and within less than a minute the pain was gone. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I've never had anything to work so well and so fast. I went home and slept for four hours afterwards. I'm so glad they decided to try this with me."

10 / 10
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  • No way
  • June 17, 2016

"Had a myelogram on a Friday. By Sunday I had the worst headache in my life! Tried to get through the pain but by Monday morning I was told to go to ER. I told them I had a spinal headache, not my typical migraine. They gave me IV fentanyl which calmed it for 20 minutes. They then gave me the 'cocktail' of Benadryl, Reglan, and Toradol. Within minutes I was shaking violently and couldn't control it. It made me so nauseated. I thought I was going to either have a seizure or a heart attack! It didn't give me any relief at all- not even sleepy. After several unsuccessful pages to anesthesia for a blood patch, I said I had enough and wanted out of there (after more than 6 hours in the ER)."

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  • RAC
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 19, 2022

"Reglan caused me to experience major anxiety and panic attacks within minutes of receiving it via IV. Made me feel like I was dying. The anxiety attacks took a few months to subside. Horrible drug, wouldn't recommend to anyone."

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4 Report
  • Red...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2014

"Had a migraine for three days that escalated and went to the ER. They have me Reglan with saline. Not only did it do NOTHING for my headache, it put my Restless Leg Syndrome into overdrive affecting my entire body but wouldn't prescribe anything for that. They attempted to flush it out with more saline to no avail. They eventually gave me Fiorecet and that at least helped, though didn't stop, the migraine. "

2 / 10
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  • Kitty...
  • November 5, 2016

"I as well had a severe migraine that was 2 days old. Went to ER and she said, let's try reglan and bene. I said do whatever. Withing 20 secs of the IV, I literally froze. My heart was beating insanely, my brain was doing 100, and my body froze. I couldn't move if someone pointed a gun at me. I tripped out so bad. She tried talking to me and I didn't even answer. So she said the lights would turn off and get some sleep. I finally could move my fingers to text my then bf, please come lol. I was pregnant years after and with that came migraines. Went to my doctor and she said, Let's try Regl-...I stopped her and said like hell! She just did benadryl and Tylenol 3 pills. Good lord. That drug is for the devil I'm sure."

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  • KitKat
  • October 27, 2019

"I went to the E.D. 2 nights ago for a massive headache, worst headache I have ever had in my life and I was miserable and dry heaving. When I finally got pulled back they gave me the "headache cocktail" with Reglan, Benadryl and Toradol. The nurse started taking the blood pressure in the same arm as my IV. While it was squeezing my arm it was shooting pain in my arm. The fluids were painful in my arm and I kept begging for them to take them out. I had a massive panic attack and couldn't keep my legs still. I started feeling like I needed to get out of my own skin and my clothes were strangling me. I started begging for them to let me leave because I HAD TO go. It took about 30-45 min for me to actually calm down, my headache went away, but I freaked out both my mom and my boyfriend. It was one of the worst experiences of my life while I was leaving the dr was like "oh, yeah one of the medicines can wind you up and give you anxiety like that". Thanks, glad you tell me this now"

2 / 10
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8 Report
  • aster
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 27, 2023

"Went into the ER for a migraine that was bothering me and had me leave school early. They didn’t explain much about the drug but they gave it to me anyway with a combination of Benadryl. It was the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life. I was feeling anxious a few minutes after taking it but I wasn’t expecting it to become the most horrifying and insufferable experience in my life. I felt like I was coming out of my skin and wanted to rip the IV out and the skin off my body. I had a panic attack that lasted a long time and couldn’t stop freaking out. I remember looking at the nurse and asking her “what did you do to me” as extreme paranoia and panic flooded through my mind. A doctor came by and offered Ativan to help. I couldn’t trust them and declined a few times, even though I am really into pharmacology and knew it would help but my paranoia made me feel like they would give me something else and kill me. I ended up taking it and it helped."

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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 4, 2017

"I'm surprised to see all of the negative comments about the reglan, Benadryl, toradol combo. It's been a life saver for me! When I've gotten a terrible migraine that I couldn't shake, this was the only combo that could help me. I never experienced any bad side effects like the ones people have mentioned. I've been given it several times while at the hospital and it has always gotten rid of my migraines without really any negative side effects. The only thing is that it makes me really sleepy."

9 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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