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Methocarbamol User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Brand names: Robaxin, Carbacot

Methocarbamol has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 286 reviews on 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 29% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Methocarbamol

  • Ranti...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2015

For Muscle Spasm "I pulled a calf muscle a couple of months ago just walking down the street. I rested it and it gradually got better. Then the same thing happened a couple of weeks ago and this time it felt like I had broken a bone when I turned or put weight on it like climbing stairs. It got so bad I eventually relented and went to the doctors. I was prescribed these tabs 750mg. 3 times a day if required. I have taken 3 and cannot believe the improvement, there is virtually no pain and no side effects. Brilliant. I will definately be sending the doctor a Christmas card."

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37 Report
  • Back
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2016

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I have been prescribed robaxin 750mg from having back pains after getting epidural for child birth. It works okay. I'm suppose to take it every 4 hours or when aches return. I don't even have to look at the clock and can tell the 4 hours went by because the aches return. I wish I had something I don't have to take every 4 hours, just 12 instead. I have to make sure I have my pills with me, or I will be so miserable. My aches make me so dizzy because how bad they are."

9 / 10
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35 Report
  • mommy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 16, 2019

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I haven't taken this too long. I know enough that this like many drugs, are not magic pills. I have spinal stenosis due to 3 herniated disks and degenerative disk disease. I also have fibromyalgia. My doctor cut my opioids back to 3 morphine a day, the lowest possible dose all because of the CDC and DEA. When I took the higher dose of opioids (which were increased over a long period of time), my pain was better controlled. Although this doesn't make me sleepy, I can't honestly say it does much for me, if anything. I also take gabapentin for nerve pain which helps me quite a bit. Not all meds work for everyone. First time I took it, I took it with my gabapentin and morphine. Won't do that again. Made me very, very dizzy and loopy and had to go to bed. And I have a high tolerance for meds. Now I can take any 2 of my meds at a time, just not all 3. Insurance doesn't cover it."

3 / 10
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26 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • gfry
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 6, 2016

Robaxin (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I only took 175 mg of ROBOXIN and about 30 minutes later my heart was pounding out of my chest and I had a throbbing headache. That lasted about 2 hours. I'm on other medications and checked for interactions with Zoloft, Lexapro, and Wellbutrin. Anybody experience the same or similar?"

2 / 10
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36 Report
  • Spark...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 7, 2015

For Muscle Spasm "I was prescribed 750 mg methocarbamol tablets to be taken three times a day for a muscle spasm under my left shoulder blade. I tried that twice with no relief so I thought I would up it to two pills. Nothing. Wide awake, still cramped up, the pain is a 5 out of 10 (compared to child birth). I might as well have eaten two crackers. I wonder if the manufacturer forgot the main ingredient."

1 / 10
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36 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lilta...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 6, 2020

For Muscle Spasm "I have been taking methocarbamol for a little while now, alongside 500 mg naproxen, and my dose is 750mg of methocarbamol 3x a day, to help with the pain of a bruised brain stem. This medicine has made the pain of my injury more bearable, and I can actually work, because the pain is tolerable now, because of the methocarbamol. So if you are struggling with any sort of horrible muscle pain, ask about this medicine. I hope it will help you tremendously, like it did with me"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • brandy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2023

Robaxin (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I was prescribed Robaxin after neck surgery because my doctor said it's the best one. I only had to take narcotics for a few days because Robaxin really works on muscle and bone pain and calms down nerves too. I can't take some muscle relaxers due to them causing drowsiness or mood issues, but Robaxin suits me well when I need it. I have a neck and back flare a few times a year and I never hesitate to ask for Robaxin for a few weeks. There are really absolutely no side effects. I can't really tell that I take it, maybe a couple of days of slight tiredness for 30 minutes to 1 hour after the dose, but it fades quickly. It's safe and effective. I highly recommend it!"

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 24, 2011

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I was given these after and while being in the hospital as the result of a car crash. (A couple compression fractures and a broken sternum). I don't really know if it was the Robaxin or the morphine, that relaxed me during the stay. But, during the recovery and physical therapy these really helped with my spasms. All in all what I learned is not to drive on them. "

8 / 10
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46 Report
  • Do...
  • January 7, 2017

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I was prescribed Robaxin 750mg x 3 daily for muscle spasms via my pain management dr tho I wasn't aware I was having muscle spasm in my lower back. I had failed laminectomy L4/L5 with several back injections post to help with the pain. Nothing has worked. Was on NucyntaER and Oxy 7.5/325 3x daily -this worked beautifully. Dr changed oxy to 5mg & replaced Robaxin 750 x3. I only taken 3 and I have suffered multiple charlie horses in my legs and toes; my leg remains stiff and I am terrified more spasm activity. Already my quality of life has changed for the worse. I am afraid to continue this drug. This is the only thing that has changed and I never had spasms before! Why would I take more?"

1 / 10
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31 Report
  • Dorch
  • November 15, 2017

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I have been taking this medication for about 3 months now, hoping something will change and it will start to help me, but it's not. I've also been taking ibuprofen along with it. But I still have a lot of pain. My right hip is so much worse then the left. All I want is relief. Even a little bit, I would rejoice."

2 / 10
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28 Report
  • Sinte...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 1, 2012

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "It only made the pain in my arm mild. It did not go away. I am in school and do a lot of typing and my arm, shoulder and sometimes fingers experience lots of pain so my doctor gave me these pills. They do not work well for me because I still feel the aches and pain just not as bad. When I take two, I get sleepy, take a nap then I can operate almost pain free for at least 4-5 hours."

5 / 10
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43 Report
  • carol...
  • November 1, 2015

For Muscle Spasm "I have been dealing with an injured hamstring for 9 months and the orthopedic docs have not been able to provide relief. Muscle spasms got so bad I ended up in the ER. ER doc gave me this medication and within 45 minutes the spasms stopped. I take 500 mg 3 times a day. For me this is like a miracle. There are no words to tell you how much better I feel. I have no side effects but I usually don't have any issues with medication."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Steff
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 10, 2019

For Muscle Spasm "I have a tear, a herniated disc, disc desiccation, down in my L5 and s1. I’ve been off my meds for about a week now (tramadol & celebrix) due to not being able to see my spine doctor and I’ve been in excruciating pain. I feel it down my legs, knees, hips, feet, and my back. Anyways, I ended up seeing another doctor and he prescribed me methocarbamol 750mg and the only thing it did was knock me out for 4 hrs. I was still in pain and I couldn’t believe it. This pill is not for me. I feel like I have more of a nerve damage than muscle spasm that’s why I believe it didn’t not work. No lie, I’m better off taking a sleeping pill than taking a muscle relaxer because til this day I have not found a use in those pills."

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22 Report
  • Grapp...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 2, 2023

Robaxin (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I allegedly have a bulging disc causing muscle spasms in my left leg and numbness in my foot. Robaxin doesn’t seem to do anything for me. Even at a higher dose I feel no effects. Not even grogginess or sleepiness."

1 / 10
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9 Report
  • US...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 4, 2017

For Muscle Spasm "I have neck and upper back pain (due to body armor, ridding in a turret during improvised explosive device (IED) explosions, and a degenerative disc in my neck. The V.A. has prescribed Methocarbamol to me, these things are worthless! As I saw stated earlier in this forum......a placebo at best!"

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29 Report
  • Entra
  • September 19, 2009

For Muscle Spasm "Lower to mid back pain (unexplained) - This medicine works well. It has a slight drowsy side effect but takes away most of my pain. I can get through my day without the distraction of a constant stabbing pain. Well worth the side effect."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Rogue
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2019

Robaxin-750 (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "Started taking Robaxine about a week ago, 750mg QID because I threw my back out. It definitely helps with the minor spasms and aches but doesn’t touch the big ones. Taken with the 800mg Ibuprofen it does better. I would take opiates for pain but I refuse the risk of addiction. It’s adequate. I did have to go in today for IM toradol (an NSAID, like ibuprofen) so maybe the methocarbamol will work better in conjunction with that instead."

6 / 10
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21 Report
  • Random...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 15, 2019

For Muscle Spasm "I used methocarbomol to recover from C5-C7 arthroplasty. It was very helpful the first two months post op when my incision was bothering me. I occasionally take it now for muscle pain. It does seem to help sleep and doesn't seem as drying as cyclobenzaprine. But for me it's just as constipating as all other muscle relaxers."

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20 Report
  • Justi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 16, 2022

For Opiate Withdrawal "Back in 07 I was diagnosed with lukemia,, I was pretty bad off.So going through all of that I found out that i have alot of back problems. So for 15 years now I've been taking 30 mgs of oxy 4 times a day and 9 10 mgs of methadone a day. So my doctor got raided by the FBI, no shit. So it's been very hard, I get no sleep, I'm in constant pain and I'm running to the bathroom all the time. I went to the er last night and they gave me one of these pills. It did seem to help, I got a few hours of sleep. And that's one of the worst things for me, it's not being able to sleep. I have to say that this is worst then going through cancer. So at the er they told me to go to a methadone clinic. So I woke today and thought about it, but that would just put me back to the beginning of feeling like shit. So I'm glad I got on here to see all of your stories. So I'm going to go get my script of these and I'm praying to God that it will help. The WD from methadone is bad, I can't take feeling like this."

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12 Report
  • Jinks
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 24, 2021

Robaxin (methocarbamol) for Muscle Spasm "I took Robaxin with 600mg Ibuprofen for pain. There's an aspect of muscle tension or contractures with Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (NTOS) so muscle relaxers been be used to try and manage pain. The idea behind the 600mg Ibuprofen and Robaxin was to have a muscle relaxer with an anti inflammatory working at the same time, I guess to get as close to an analgesic as possible. Day one I could hardly sleep at all and felt like my anti anxiety medication had been negated, very wired and anxious, feeling somewhat mentally off like on the verge of mania. After a week of taking this on the seventh day I felt very strange. I started feeling dizzy but not a spinning dizzy, more like a head rush type dizzy. I started getting hot and cold flashes and felt like my face was going white; I felt very faint. I started to feel every beat of my heart, it felt slow and hard. Then I started seeing little green spots and red tracers; ultimately I just felt sick. I felt like I was either going to have a heart attack or pass out, maybe both"

1 / 10
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13 Report
  • Deter...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 15, 2022

For Opiate Withdrawal "Alright guys 15 years ago guy who was in a big 450 drilling truck rear ended me. I ended up having total artificial disc replacement and thoracic outlet surgeries on both sides if my neck and upper chest to remove ribs and muscles etc.. about 5 years surgeons . Anyway pain for life was the concensus . I was on 360 MG of Oxy, 300 MG of some 300 MG of Lyrica, 100 MG og trazadone and I think around 3200 MG of motoring?, 300 MG of Cymbalta . After my last surgery I decide I needed to find out was my " Base Pain" really was now after all the cutting and rearranging. So while my wife was gone for two weeks I started dropping all my meds starting with the Oxy ,lyrican helped. I got down to 90 MG on oxy then I got rid of the soma and Lyrica oh and 300mg a day of cymbalta!! It was a hard So m to this month and I titrated down from 80 MG Oxy down to 5 and then quit altogether. An old bottle of methacarbamaol is how I'm doing it. Stuff was a God send"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 1, 2022

For Opiate Withdrawal "Well I've read alot of the reviews on here for WD use. I found a bottle of this stuff in my meds bin. Didn't even know I had it so I researched what it was used for (I must have been prescribed it at some stage). I've been on opioid pain meds for over 10yrs. I've never "abused" the med because I never wanted to get addicted. I would take it one day and go one without. Well as the years went on obviously pains grew worse. I now find myself running out of my meds early every month before the next fill date. I go through insane muscle spasm and burning pain in my legs and shins like I can't explain the pain. So I'm going to try and use this drug to hopefully start to wean myself off opioids addiction. I can't stand this anymore. I'm to old to keep going on like this. But I'm too proud to go seek help as I'm trying to hide my addiction. But I run short now and to not go through WD I turn to having to buy percs off the street. I'm in debt every month. Hope this drug helps me, wish me luck"

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • lamoo
  • July 11, 2015

For Muscle Spasm "Thus relieved the spasms about 75% compared to Ativan but it made me nauseated and I would gag trying to swallow them whether I crushed them or not, and also I have to take 1000 to 1500 at one time to feel that 75% relief compared to just one MG of Ativan at bedtime . Possibly because the Ativan worked so well and I always tested negative on random drug screens (use vs abuse) I do not like this medication because my muscle spasms are so severe and I believe they are caused by my spine being so imperfect that only a true potent muscle relaxer works with me. Just an idea of the intensity of the spasms , they are so powerful my lungs can't expand enough to catch my breath . Yes they relieve it but not enough to feel refreshed upon waken"

5 / 10
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30 Report
  • Fibro...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 31, 2022

For Muscle Spasm "I have fibromyalgia and was having really severe painful muscle spasms and cramps and was put on Methocarbimol .I was pleasantly surprised to get relief from the cramps I was having especially as my dosage of statins had been doubled . However as I have Fibromyalgia it helped with the constant muscle pain I was having anyway . As a result I felt better and was able to do a few jobs around the house which I previously couldn't do .Not for long periods though but it was such a relief for me after many years in pain and discomfort .I didn't experience any side effects except feeling so much better because of less pain.I was given two 750mg tablets to be taken 4 times a day but I found that dosage wasn't necessary for relief of my pain ."

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9 Report
  • Buste...
  • March 7, 2010

For Muscle Spasm "I take for sciatica, ruptured L4/5 disc, osteoarthritis in knees, hips and spine. Tramadol and Neurontin for pain and maintenance dose of 750mg. Methocarbamol 2X daily for spasm. The combination is excellent and helps restless leg syndrome and parenthesis too. I was able to reduce daily sleep medicine to usage 'as needed'. Side Effect: Exacerbates urge type of urinary incontinence, drowsiness."

8 / 10
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41 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.