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Demerol User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Demerol has an average rating of 9.5 out of 10 from a total of 75 reviews on 96% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 1% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Demerol

  • diamo...
  • July 11, 2008

For Pain "I went to a surgical center as a patient for outpatient bladder surgery. In the recovery room, I was given two shots of Demerol in my IV to help the bladder pain. Much to my surprise, I felt like a human being again because the Demerol also relieved a migraine headache I had for about ten days."

9 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 8, 2008

For Pain "I have had Demerol twice via injection during ER visits, and it worked very well. The first time, it took 2 x 100 mg shots to knock out the severe pain caused by the neurotoxin in an Atlantic box jellyfish sting - worst pain I've ever felt! The second time, it was a 75 mg shot that pretty much dulled a uterus spasm I was having - felt like someone was ripping my insides out. I was given a shot of Vistaril shortly after the Demerol, and it greatly enhanced the Demerol's effectiveness."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Erocep
  • January 13, 2013

For Light Sedation "I got my tonsils removed, and so I have to take it. It makes my body feel tingly and dizzy, but that's also because I take it on an empty stomach since I cannot eat much. It also helps to put you to sleep and sleep through the pain."

9 / 10
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27 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • MzTT
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2014

For Light Sedation "My pain Doctor gives me this now along with Phenergan in I.M injection, prior to my epidural treatments, for my lower back (twisted tail bone), Bulging discs, neck epidurals, and botox for my migraines. This combination works very well for me in sedation and pain relief, so I can tolerate the epidurals. My system can't tolerate any other medicines very well, so I am thankful for Demerol, as it does not make me sick or have any hangover feeling."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • September 15, 2009

For Pain "I was given Demerol for pain in the ER about (3) days ago for terrible menstrual cramps, and I can say it is definitely a 10 for pain, but the side effects are not the best. I have been drowsy, thirsty, and still a little dizzy, but I guess it depends on the individual."

10 / 10
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33 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • November 25, 2010

For Light Sedation "I was given this medicine during my colonoscopy. I'm an individual who is very sensitive to medications, and I have an autoimmune disease. I don't like feeling drugged, and this medicine gave me no side effects, such as nausea or feelings as though I am dying, as I had from morphine. I have had anesthesia too...unsure what was in that...but it also made me very nauseous. So this is a medicine I highly recommend if you need to have a medical procedure done but don't want to be completely sedated."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 24, 2009

For Pain "I was given Demerol for pain after my c-section. Awesome. Instant relief, and it made me super sleepy, so I was able to get some good sleep while in the hospital. I normally can't sleep in the hospital. Great medicine."

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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 17, 2009

For Pain "I was recently in a bad car accident, and while I wasn't severely injured, I was left with terrible pain in my back and shoulders. Demerol has been the main thing that's helped me cope with my injuries and allow me to sleep at night. I am so grateful that my doctor suggested I take it."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • Johnny...
  • July 30, 2016

For Pain "My lifelong Dr retired a year ago, he prescribed me Meperidine 100mg tabs QID, and MS Contin 60mg TID. Best relief and combo for pain EVER! No side effects, NO pain! He also gave me IM shots of Meperidine 100ng-150mg, mixed with Valium 10mg in office, as needed for breakthrough Crohns symptoms. My new doctor kept me on the MS Contin, but refuses to provide Meperidine. He switched me to Oxymorphone IR 10mg, 1-2 tabs QID as needed. It doesn't come close to providing the pain relief the Meperidine did, for my back, shoulder, and Crohns related pain! I don't know what the big deal is with the Opana, it sure doesn't help me at all!! Show me all the charts you want to, Opana does not work as good as Demerol!, nor anything else I've been put on!"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 18, 2010

For Pain "I had a ruptured cyst on my ovaries and had just came out of surgery, the pain was so intense I had Demerol and Gravel in an injection. It was very good but extremely strong. The only side effects I found was a dry mouth but it helped me. Best medicine I have had in a long time."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Jimmy...
  • September 17, 2009

For Pain "I was having nerve pain after having dental work done. The nerve was compressed and it felt like I was getting shocked every couple of seconds. Demerol is first off, 50% less effective as a per oral medication (Tablet) than it is when it's given IM or IV. So I would have to take 100mg 4x/day. It did mute the pain, but it never went away and it wasn't a medication I was able to continue really functioning on because of the sedation."

7 / 10
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29 Report
  • Barpap
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 13, 2017

For Pain "Fractured my 61 year old hip in January 2017. I have been using Fentanyl patches for 2 years, 100mcg and Percocet for breakthrough. These are meds for some painful back, neck and nerve conditions. Also get accupuncture treatments. I knew about demeral after breaking multiple bones in a car accident in 1982. In the hospital the nurse came regularly with an injection. Upon release I received long and short acting meds one being demeral. Since that time I've required pain medication, the most recent the fractured hip which required surgery. The hospital gave me a demeral injection only one time, after surgery to get me to my room. It's the only 40 mins I wasn't in strong pain. It's beyond my understanding why demeral is withheld."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Mazie
  • June 11, 2022

For Pain "I am allergic to most pain meds. I’ve been on methadone for so long it no longer works . Demerol worked great after surgery in the past. I have EDS so have pain in most joints and have had over 35 surgeries and need more. Methadone now makes me sick yet pain management claims they no longer make Demerol. Why is it every thing that pain management (PM) patients need they keep taking away!!!!! So now I’m left in pain with out a medication. These morons who make all these decisions are never the ones who are PM patients! Leave it up to the doctors to treat patients not some board of people who have no clue what it’s like to live 24/7 in pain 365!!"

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • kchan
  • September 17, 2019

For Pain "Was given to control pain from a laproscopy gall bladder surgery in the mid 90s. Let the pain stop and let me sleep 4 hrs at a time, easy to step down off of to non prescription pain meds and no addiction. Used for 2 weeks. Recently was hospitalized for cellulitis pain that had me unable to put foot to ground, and with a lot of drug allergies the hospitalist asked me what I could take, they weren't impressed and said "I don't even think we have Advil here", not that that was working for me anyways, and I said I'd once had Demoral and it seemed to work well.The Hospitalist actually laughed and said "that old school drug, where the heck you think we'll find that at nowadays?" They gave me morphine instead, which while it did take away the pain, left me feeling really weird. I was given another dose 4 hours , and while it did help with the pain, it wasn't as good at it as Demoral had been. It really worked well on abdominal pain from laproscopy surgery, shame its not used anymore."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Purrsy
  • February 13, 2020

For Pain "I also find Demerol to be the most effective pain medicine. I have only been given it in hospital. When I had my surgery in 2009 I asked for Demerol, and the nurse was excited because there was one vial remaining after the phase out. Why can’t doctors, and the medical community understand that people are different? “They have found it is not as effective” well it is for me! Also, if someone has used it for 10 years, as some have stated, they are not going to develop toxicity. Having said that, when I was reading about the dangers, I recalled visiting my dad in hospital right after they had prepped him for surgery (with Demerol), and him being on all fours on his hospital bed, catheter, hospital gown, IVs and all, talking about the dogs in the trees, and looking crazed! (But delighted) So he may have been in trouble with prolonged use. No matter, I am happy right now because it sounds like it might be back around! The only upside to any potential hospitalization..."

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Jen...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 2, 2019

For Pain "I do not know why you hardly see this drug anymore. It has to be the standard for ER's and now most places use morphine or hydromorphine. Actually in this day of age you are lucky to get a aspirin today in most ER. They no longer treat flair up for chronic pain issues instead they tell you to call the doctor on the day your doctor office is closed or on vacation."

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10 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 26, 2009

For Pain "I remember being given this in the ER to abort a migraine I had going for 5 days straight. It made me loopy, and within no time at all, I fell asleep. I remember waking up groggy, still in some pain, but overall this is good."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Martins
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 14, 2020

For Pain "Since the fork lift accident amputated my thumb back in 2003 I was with excruciating pain, I saw my own bone sticking up my hand the I don't want remember that trauma. I was rushed to the ER the gave me demerol in the vein the pain goes away and I felt like all was just a dream. Then woke up in the hospital. Took me 6 months to regain my hand back with demerol help. Now I can use my hand again thanks to rehabilitation and the demerol."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • SoFar...
  • January 21, 2009

For Pain "I was given this drug after my tubal ligation surgery. I had never taken it before or since then. It worked very well. I was able to function on it as well. It didn't knock me out or make me hazy like some pain medicines. Aside from some itching,I didn't have any side effects."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • ladyl...
  • June 26, 2009

For Pain "I was given Demerol and Vistaril after a tubal ligation, my pain was under control while using these medicines. I only was given these medicines once, but as I remember they did what I was told they would, which was grant me pain relieve for the short term."

10 / 10
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17 Report
  • J bro...
  • March 30, 2010

For Pain "I was prescribed Demerol by my dentist this morning. I have to have oral surgery tomorrow. I took a 50mg tablet and waited for the pain to subside. It didn't so I took another one. Still no luck. I called my dentist back and she told me to take 2 which I did. Still not much relief."

6 / 10
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16 Report
  • UtahRed
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 5, 2021

For Pain "Wonder drug. Every once in a while I have to go to the ER for migraine. It works and breaks the pain cycle so I can sleep. But hospitals have stopped using it. It's cruel. They gave me Dilaudid and it worked. Now too they have taken away. Why?"

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5 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 26, 2022

For Pain "I'm allergic to all opiates except demerol. I have a screw attached to my spinal nerve at L3 from faulty titanium. Screw could not be removed. Living in CA I was on Demerol pain management & signed the form for my PCP. I moved back home to FL & pain management doctors refuse to Rx demerol/meperitab. My copay is $1000 @ all pharmacies per month which I can't afford on SSA. 50mg every 6 hours, PO. It helps 100% of spinal & pancreatic pain. I only took it when I had pain. Sometimes every 12 hours. Motorcycle accident ruptured C6-7, L3 to sacrum and pelvis."

10 / 10
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4 Report
  • Sockl...
  • July 13, 2021

For Pain "Have had back pain since in my early 20s. Chairi malformation arthritis scoliosis 2 herniated disc's just to name a few issues but could look after my kids a house and live with the help of two 50mg demerol every 4 hours. I have a special needs son that depends on me. Since demerol has been removed I have had no quality of life."

10 / 10
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4 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 15, 2009

For Pain "I don't know if it's me or what but I was given Demerol (along with Vistaril and Vicodin) after my ankle surgery and it hasn't helped at all. I was admitted to the hospital twice where I received Dilaudid. That did the trick. I had a screw removed from my ankle, which had shattered and the doctor drilled through my fibula bone. After I was released, I was given Vicodin to be taken one hour after my Demerol and Vistaril. That seemed to work. I was surprised that the Demerol needed a "kick" so to speak. I would definitely ask my doctor for something more again if I ever had to go back on it."

8 / 10
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12 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.