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Suprep Bowel Prep Kit for Bowel Preparation User Reviews (Page 5)

Suprep Bowel Prep Kit has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 1501 reviews for the treatment of Bowel Preparation. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Suprep Bowel Prep Kit

  • Alvie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 11, 2019

"I was thrilled at how easy the Suprep was. Took the first bottle at 4 p.m. Not a bad taste, and managed to drink the two doses of water within the hour. I did brush my teeth and had a peppermint candy, though. Then I waited..... Got a little nervous that nothing had happened within the hour. However, around 5:30 p.m., it started working. Up at 1 a.m. to do the second dose, which was a little tough just because of the time! I wonder now if I really needed it because I was totally cleaned out from the first bottle. 7 a.m. procedure went well! So happy I had this prep. This is far gentler on our bodies than the other stuff."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • shay-...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 3, 2013

"After watching my husband do his prep last year, I was very worried. He had to drink so much that he got to the point of almost 'drowning.' After expressing my concerns to my doctor (I cannot eat and drink much due to reflux and other problems), he gave me Suprep. I just did round 1, and other than the taste, it wasn't bad. I will be smothering Balmex diaper-rash cream on my skin, applying it in a radius a good distance from the center before round 2. I did use Aquafor (petroleum jelly) after realizing I needed it, and fortunately, I had Cottonelle moist wipes. I highly recommend preparing your bottom first and patting dry with soft tissue, towel, or blow dry. :) Do not leave your bottom wet, it gets sore. I also found baby powder to be useful."

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  • Ceegee
  • January 19, 2016

"I followed the instructions my doctor gave me, chilled the Suprep mixed with ice-cold water and 2 ounces of lemon concentrate, and drank it all down with no problem! I think the lemon concentrate helped by cutting the sweet taste so many people complained about. Started at 6 PM and finished going to the bathroom about 10 and went to bed at my usual time! Got up at 5, took the second dose, and that went a lot faster! Was at the doctor's office for 9:30 and was on my way home by 12! Honestly, this was not the horrible experience so many people here have described. The doctor found 3 polyps, which he removed and told me they looked fine, but will know for sure when the biopsy comes back. My reason for having this done? My father is in stage 4 of colon cancer!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • partl...
  • May 11, 2017

"Well, if you're reading this review, I suspect you are getting ready to gulp down some Suprep. Ok, so, here is my advice to you... Go buy yourself some limes or lemons, I prefer limes. Cut them into wedges and coat them with some sugar. I like Sugar in the Raw. Mix your prep and put it into the fridge until it gets nice and cold. When you are ready, take a lime wedge and suck on it, take a nice big swig of the prep, and then immediately suck on the lime again. Continue until all of the prep is gone. The sourness of the lime eliminates any flavor from the prep. I truly cannot tell you what the prep tastes like. In my mind, I just had a nice margarita. Wait about 15 minutes and run like the wind to the bathroom. I swear, it's no big deal. PS don't forget the Vaseline to protect your butt."

9 / 10
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  • Wasnt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2013

"First, let me say taking this was not bad, as one would think in reading some of these other reviews. I mixed the medicine with iced tea, and it didn't taste as bad as I expected. I then followed it up with two 16-oz cups of iced tea. Within a half hour, I had to go to the bathroom, and after a couple of hours, I was able to sleep through the night. About 4 hours before the procedure, I repeated drinking the medicine with iced tea and two cups of iced tea. Had to go to the bathroom a couple more times, and then I was able to relax before heading off for the procedure. I would use this prep in five years when I have my reunion with the doctor."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jujubee
  • August 14, 2019

"I just returned home from my colonoscopy. It went great! Doctor said my prep was a 9 out of 9 - it was perfect. Some tips: Get your Dr to prescribe zofran (anti nausea pill) to take an hour before each dose of Suprep. I had absolutely no nausea or vomiting. I refrigerated the prep and also used cold, bottled water. I think what helped me the most was a lemonade slush from Sonic. I held my nose and gulped down 6 swigs of the prep, followed by some slush. I swished the slush around in my mouth before I swallowed and it removed all taste of the prep. I would then wait about 30 seconds and repeat. Took 5 minutes to drink all the prep. I then took the entire hour to sip/drink some more lemonade, sprite and chicken broth. I repeated again at 3 am - making sure I had saved half my sonic frozen lemonade. Zofran, holding my nose while drinking and especially the lemonade slush made it tolerable. The taste of Suprep is gross, but like someone else said, I’d rather prep for a colonoscopy than chemotherapy!"

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24 Report
  • blyth
  • May 5, 2015

"SO... DO NOT BE AFRAID!!! I have been panicked for 2 months about the taste of this stuff... I tried the gallon jug stuff 2 months ago and completely wimped out and canceled the appt... A friend of mine died just last night due to complications from colon cancer, if that was not a sign to get this medicine down, I don't know what was... ANYWAY... Refrigerate the night before... get Crystal Light powder mix... mix up a batch and keep in the refrigerator overnight... slice up one lemon... mix your solution with Crystal Light mixture... I also got a Starbucks Valencia Orange Refresher and some pineapple tea... pour your Suprep mixture into 4 4oz cups... suck a lemon... chug one 4oz cup... suck a lemon... wait 5 minutes repeat... drink 32oz of warm tea...."

10 / 10
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  • Lulita
  • July 12, 2015

"Well, just finished going through the first portion of the Suprep. I must say, it was very difficult to drink. The taste is awful. I had to put a cup with Gatorade next to the cup with the preparation, so I could drink a sip between each time that I took a drink of the Suprep. But it really has worked. I was terrorized with fear, but I haven't had any cramping or stomach ache at all, no nausea, no headache, and except for the terrible taste, the experience hasn't been bad at all. This is my first time getting ready for a colonoscopy, and I was glad I found this site before I started, it eased all of my fears by reading all the other comments. Thank you for having this site up. It helped me a lot. Hope I am able to help someone else."

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  • Raygirl
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 24, 2015

"Full disclosure... I am a self-professed hypochondriac. I have been frightened out of my wits for years at having a colonoscopy because I have heard all the horror stories. I chose Suprep as it came recommended from a friend. I prepared myself fully... I went on a low-residue diet one week before, and I bought Smart Water and drank 2 liters during the day I started my prep to make sure I stayed fully hydrated. At 6:00 p.m., I drank my first 6 oz. in water... not bad. I got it down in 5 large drinks. I waited 40 minutes, and then I literally sat on the stool for the next 1-1/2 hours. I had NO GAS PAINS, NO NAUSEA. Nothing!!! I have a very sensitive stomach and was very concerned about getting sick. I set my alarm for 3:00 a.m. and drank my second dose. I sat on the stool for 2 hours until it was time to drive to the hospital. My experience was fantastic. I would rather take this for my chronic constipation than Dulcolax any day of the week. Finally, a great colon prep!"

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  • Bud...
  • September 16, 2016

"Taste was kinda grape metallic, not too awful bad. Took the first dose at 6:30 PM, finally worked at 11:00 PM. Took the second dose at 3:15 AM, started working before I finished the second glass of water, and was through at 6:45 AM. When it was done, it was done. No worries about an accident on the way to the clinic, etc. It was on and off, not continuous in the bathroom. Overall, I'm happy with the product, it was really gentle-acting for me, not a violent experience like I've had previously."

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Brad
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 16, 2019

"This was overall a very easy experience! The drink, although it didn't taste good, was very manageable and fairly easy to get down. I used a straw and sucked on a lemon between drinks and it only took about 5 min to get down. The experience there after was fairly easy as well. The stool, if you want to call it that is more like water, comes in frequent small spurts. For me it started about 45 min after taking the drink and ended about 2 to 3 hours after. I'm on my way to the appointment now and hope all goes well for me. Good luck all. Don't believe the bad hype from all these other reviews, its easy!"

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23 Report
  • Joesa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2018

"Hey guys! 42-year-old male. Type two diabetic. I originally was ordered to do a Miralax prep, and it failed. I had to reschedule my colonoscopy, and then my GI gave me Suprep. Let me tell you, that stuff really worked. The taste sucked, but it worked. I chilled the 8-ounce bottles and mixed with water and used a straw and drank it little by little. I had a small can of Sprite as a chaser, and it helped. I was paranoid because of the potential side effects, but nothing happened (mind you, I have GAD and am sensitive to medication side effects). Just do it, and you’ll see that you will get results. Don’t get bent out of shape about it. You’ll be fine! Also, you will know on the second dose when your stool is little yellow/clear that you’re well cleaned out. Cheers, and I hope everything works out for you."

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  • Manja
  • October 12, 2014

"No big deal, people. It doesn't taste great (salted cherry comes to mind), but it certainly is not unbearable. Started at 5 PM and drank it slowly. Had first movement within 30 minutes before I even finished. Bloating and watery movements for the next few hours, about every half an hour. Definitely some bloating, but nothing awful and no headaches. Used baby wipes and A&D ointment, but didn't even need it. No soreness at all."

9 / 10
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  • Thebrad
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 23, 2014

"Having done colonoscopies a few times, I have to say that Suprep, although not my favorite, is the most effective so far. The taste... weird. But.... helpful hint for those of you taking it-since you're most likely on a clear liquid diet, I just tried this last night and this morning, and it helps a great deal for me-take a Jolly Rancher you like and chew it before drinking the prep. The goal is to get the candy stuck in the crevices of your molars, top and bottom. Now, while drinking the prep, if you need a break, stop and lick your teeth. The prep taste is immediately overridden by the candy! This made the prep taking a lot better for me! Hope it helps you!"

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  • Nickken
  • April 27, 2015

"I'm 60, and this was my first. Reading so many horror stories, I was nervous. I did eat 5 days before prep only toast and eggs for breakfast and turkey sandwiches on white bread for lunch and dinner. I feel this made my prep easier. Took the first dose at 5 PM followed by water. Within the hour, I was in the restroom and was finished off and on within 3 hours. Making the water and prep cold and sipping through a straw made it easier. At 5 AM, I took the second bottle and water chasers. Everything was clear. I was worried about nothing, and the taste is cherry, which I am not fond of, but being cold made it easy. I'll never be afraid again. I feel great, the colonoscopy is over, and all I can say is it wasn't bad at all."

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36 Report
  • Easyp...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 1, 2019

"I was very worried about the prep after hearing so many stories about the taste. I honestly don’t know what the drama was about. I found it very easy! I mixed water with crystal light mix and kept in the fridge for a day. Also put the prep in the fridge. When it was time to drink the prep, I added the required liquid to the prep (my pre mixed, chilled Crystal Light). I held my nose, gulped some, sucked a lemon, gulped more, sucked a lemon, and about 5 minutes later it was down. Easy. No cramps or any problems afterwards. I personally found it much easier and tolerable than I thought it would be! Worked well too."

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24 Report
  • Honey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2019

"Suprep works very well for the purpose for which it is intended. I have used it several times for colonoscopies, and the doctor has been pleased with the results. The taste is horrible... salty-sweet, nothing like chocolate covered pretzels though LOL. I truly felt like I wanted to vomit while I was drinking it, but it’s a necessary evil since my mom died of colon cancer. For about three hours after starting the first prep, I recommend staying very close to your bathroom. Also, if you feel the urge to pass gas, DON’T! Get to the bathroom as quickly as possible instead; you’ll be glad you did. All in all, this is a foul tasting preparation that does a very good job."

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22 Report
  • Skidd...
  • August 15, 2017

"I have to do this every year, due to Crohn's disease. I still get nervous and anxious, like most. However, it's never that bad! I actually guzzle the prep, right out of the bottle, after having it in the freezer, to the point of almost icy. Then I chase it with strong, ice-cold lemonade and then apple juice. Since you need so much fluid, that much water makes me nauseous. I sometimes get nausea, sometimes chills, and usually bloated. That goes away for me when I start going. Another great tip, while you're going? I use pure coconut oil instead of Desitin and only wipe/blot with flushable baby wipes that I keep in the fridge! :D"

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29 Report
  • Darla
  • May 19, 2013

"I must be a little strange because I thought Suprep was not that bad. This was my first colonoscopy, so I don't have any prior experience to compare it to. Everyone told me the prep was horrible. I took the first dose at 7 PM. Smelled and tasted like grape. I mixed with cold, cold water. Drank the first dose in less than 2 mins, followed by 2 16 oz bottles of water within 20 mins. Made 5 or so trips to the bathroom and went to sleep around 11 PM. The 2nd dose was at 4 AM. I was really not looking forward to the 2nd dose. I had a slight headache, and I have to say that after I drank each dose, I got slightly chilled. But, once the pooping began, the chills and headache went away."

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41 Report
  • Color...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 5, 2014

"Like many others, I had put off having a colonoscopy. I was 55 and was prescribed to take this. I had been told by other people using other preps that they were up all night and how horrible it was. I was so glad that my surgeon gave me this. Within a half hour of taking the first dose, there was action, and it only lasted about 30 - 45 minutes. I was back and forth to the bathroom, of course, but then that was it for the first dose. The same for the second dose. The taste really was not that bad for me. One trick is to get it really cold. I think I probably held my nose and just chugged it down. Same prep for my follow-up colonoscopy and same results. Oh, and I'm cancer-free now!"

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  • Anonymous
  • April 30, 2011

"Had no problems with this prep. The taste isn't that bad. Just drink it as quickly as you can. You can try adding some apple juice or have a popsicle just before drinking it. Then stay close to the bathroom because it will work quickly. And you may have some chills with it too. The second half of the prep is the next morning, which works out great. You take it a few hours before your procedure."

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  • Brian...
  • June 14, 2019

"I had no issues at all. It tastes bad, but it is tolerable if you swish your mouth after every drink with water. Within an hour the dams were let open! LOL! The first dose got everything. The second was just to ensure you were clean. Colonoscopy? Don't remember. Woke up feeling good. Doc says, "See you in 10 years"! Chic-fil-A was good afterwards! First poop afterwards was great! LOL!"

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23 Report
  • Llaba...
  • November 26, 2014

"Do not be freaked out by the other reviews (like I was). The prep is drinkable, I sliced lemons and sucked on them after each drink - that worked beautifully. Mild cramping as it worked, but it worked quickly. Prep H kept stinging in check. Don't let these reviews deter you, it's way easier than a stomach bug."

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  • chas
  • January 6, 2016

"First of all, if you think that the prep is going to taste terribly, then it will taste terribly. You MUST put a positive thought in your head that it won't be too bad. It's amazing how your mind can take over the rest of your body. I put the first 6 oz. bottle in the refrigerator overnight to chill it. Poured it in the plastic cup the next day, added cold water from the fridge to almost the 16 oz. line and added cold ginger ale to the line. Drank it through a straw, and you know what? It wasn't bad tasting. Drank two 16 oz. cups of half cold water and apple juice through a straw. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. Gonna do the same thing tomorrow morning for the 2nd bottle. No lemons or anything else."

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  • clean...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 13, 2015

"I'm a 65 y/o female. This is my first colonoscopy, so I read everything, watched videos, etc. I was dreading drinking the Suprep. Well, I have to tell you, it was a breeze! Here are my tips: 1. If you can, start your liquid diet 2 days before. 2. Drink the prep at room temp with room temp water. I think the chills and stomach pain others talked about came from drinking that much liquid cold and fast. 3. No straw, just HOLD YOUR NOSE for ZERO taste! After drinking it, I swished ginger ale around in my mouth (and spit it out). Voila! No nasty taste. 4. Divide the 32 oz of water you have to drink in an hour into 4-8 oz glasses and set a timer to drink one every 15 minutes. First poo in 45 mins. Easy peasy. Good luck!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.