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Toradol for Pain User Reviews (Page 5)

Toradol has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 214 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Toradol

  • Punk
  • November 13, 2017

"So, tonight I decided to go to an E.R for my extremely awful wisdom tooth pain that started about 4-5 days ago. I've not eaten solid foods in 3 days because of it... and the nurse comes in and gives me the shot in my arm. First of all, why give someone a shot that causes pain, when they're already in pain? It felt like the nurse pulled my shoulder out of place when she injected me. I literally could not move my arm for like 20 or so minutes. So yeah, tooth hurt less because I was busy with the awful shoulder pain. Second, did absolutely nothing for my wisdom tooth pain. Now, I'm having pain in my kidney area and soaking in a hot bath trying to figure out why I'd been given this shot, and 800mg of ibuprophen when it clearly says not to mix."

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  • JCDS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 21, 2016

"I was in the middle of passing a kidney stone. I was admitted to the ER with severe pain in right side, tremors, cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, feeling of full bladder and need to urinate but inability to urinate. I was given IV toradol and the pain subsided within a minute. I was even able to get some shut eye on and off for maybe an hour. Of the IV drugs I have received, this one had me the most clear headed, functional, aware. It staved off the pain for about 3-4 hours, after which I asked for another injection before being released from the ER, as the pain was returning with the nausea. NOTE: I have been having severe (2 or 3 at rest, 7-9 in wrong position) right leg pain for a few months. Toradol ineffective. Nerve pain?"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • January 19, 2012

"I was given Toradal (iv form) in the hospital. I was in agony after experiencing severe complications (nerve damage, bleeding, infection) from two back to back knee surgeries. Morphine couldn't touch the pain. Toradal was my miracle."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 11, 2024

"I had a severe case of endometriosis for years. I would pass out from the pain. The only thing that ever helped me was Keterolac prescribed to me by a nurse/practitioner. Prior to that I was taking Aleve/Naproxen every couple of hours until my stomach couldn't handle it any longer. Not everyone's body can handle the same medication."

9 / 10
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  • Bemused
  • October 17, 2017

"I was given Toradol when I went to the ER with severe kidney stone pain. I did not want narcotics and didn't have much hope for Toradol (I'd had it years earlier for migraines, when it did nothing). It worked amazingly well for the kidney stone pain, though -- I had relief within minutes. I did have diarrhea the next day, presumably as a side effect, but that's better than the stone pain."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • migra...
  • August 13, 2011

"I have been on everything you can imagine for migraines. Finally, I was prescribed Toradol. It is a miracle pill! No side effects at all, which is great considering I have three young children! It works relatively quickly as well! TRY IT if nothing else has helped."

10 / 10
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  • Mustang
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 9, 2019

"Today I got a toradol shot in my hip for my arthritis and Now the pain is 10 times worse it’s shooting down my leg and when she gave me the shot almost 10 mins later I passed out and my blood pressure dropped super low then the doctor let me drive home....?!"

1 / 10
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  • Ginny...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 2, 2019

"I have shingles, these things always crop up on a weekend, when your primary care physician isn't available. Went to an urgent care clinic and this is what they gave me for pain. Seems to be working. I think I can get some sleep anyway."

7 / 10
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  • trill...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 10, 2021

"I sustained an L4 to L5 spinal injury in a head on accident and went into an urgent care for chronic back and neck pain, I was giving a Toradol injection on my hip which hurt so bad, worst than my sleeve tattoo lol but after 15 minutes I was feeling great! My back pain and headache was gone! My legs and arms weren't so numb until the next day I felt even worse. My hip where my injection was done hurts to the touch, I've been limping. Geez I don't recommend.. don't think it is worth the couple of hours of no pain..."

2 / 10
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  • NanaM...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 10, 2015

"Started taking toradol before diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it did little for my joint pain but helped some with my arthritis. For fibromyalgia it was pretty usless and I ended up after several long painful months having to go to opiates and chose to leave my job verses caring for patients while medicated."

4 / 10
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  • Cathy
  • November 24, 2016

"I went to Urgent Care for what turned out to be a kidney stone. I was in severe pain and they finally (after begging) gave me Toradol in my IV. It took quite awhile to just take the edge off. It lasted about 3 hours. When I left, they gave me another pain killer that nicely did the trick!"

3 / 10
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  • Chron...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2022

"I went to the ER for back pain, so severe it was difficult to breathe. After the x-rays, I was given a Toradol shot, which I've never had before. The nurse said it should kick in within 5-10 minutes but its been 7 hours since and I felt no pain relief. I do have a tolerance to medication in general. Though, I thought I'd share it, and see if it helped anyone."

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  • Smalls
  • March 12, 2021

"If you have Eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE)....DO NOT TAKE OR ACCEPT THIS DRUG!!!! I went into the ER for arm & chest pain. (No heart attack...I believe it was my EOE causing spasming) The dr didn’t bat an eye when I told him I have EOE. I got the injection form & right off the bat started having issues with it. It also did diddly squat for the pain that I went in for. I told the dr I wasn’t feeling right (sick to my stomach & dizzy at the time). He took my oxygen level & then gave me my discharge papers. That night, stomach pain. The next day, stomach pain & my body felt super fidgety on the inside. The next day, back in the ER because my stomach pain was getting worse along with my tremors. 5 days later, I’m still having tremors. My stomach is still hurting. Going off the side effect list, I’ve had quite a few of the reactions listed. This is definitely a no go for me ever again!!!!! I went in the ER for one issue & came out with another."

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  • Meg
  • April 21, 2021

"I went into the ER because of a seven day long migraine. They gave me a shot of Toradol. Within one hour my entire abdomen was painfully heaving and cramping about every 1 to 2 minutes. For the first five days I couldn’t eat, and I couldn’t sit down, because sitting made it worse. So I paced my house until I was so exhausted that I could nap. Then I would wake up in the middle of the night and continue to pace until I was so exhausted I could go back to sleep again. That severe heaving and cramping continued for five straight weeks. It took three different medication‘s to get it to stop. It was the most torturous time of my entire life. I could barely sleep, and I couldn’t work. Now, I can’t even take Advil. It causes the same response. (Before the Toradol I took Advil all the time with positive results.)"

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  • Reaga...
  • February 6, 2013

"I was in a vehicle accident and had a Toradol injection for pain in my back muscles. I experienced the severe side effects of blurred vision, nausea, and dizziness (I felt like at any moment I would pass out) about 2 hours after the injection. My hips also hurt for about 8 hours after the injection. My back pain has lessened, so the medication worked, but it is now on my list of allergies."

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  • Menina
  • November 19, 2009

"I had a awful reaction to this medication, while I was in the ER. I felt like my whole body was on fire and I wanted to crawl up the walls. It was giving to me because it is a none narcotic medication because I am allergic to a lot of the stronger pain medication's. This is one more I can add to my list of adverse reaction."

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  • panda...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 16, 2020

"I have a severe case of mono and my tonsils swelled up to the point of not being able to swallow, talk and could barely breathe. was in 9/10 pain and swallowing felt like swallowing knives which is very unbearable. I was given steroids and toradol shot to reduce swelling and for pain. The injection itself was very uncomfortable but within 15 mins I was able to move and open my mouth and it took away my my pain to where I was finally able to swallow solid foods!! I'd say it lasted about 6 hours. It did make me a little drowsy which was nice bc U hadn’t been able to sleep. My arm is still very sore from the injection but was so worth it!!"

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  • Anonymous
  • June 20, 2010

"Morphine and Dilaudid didn't touch the pain I had while in the hospital for 3 days with a severe headache -- one dose of Toradol and I was instantly pain free! Was thrilled to take it for the prescribed 7 days. I was diagnosed with a 9mm Chiari 1 Malfomation and have yet to find anything close to Toradol to relieve my worse than migraine headaches! -- unfortunately, I was told taking it long term would be very dangerous! "

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  • Aisha
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 1, 2018

"I suffer from severe kyphosis (my spine spine is bent forward) which leads to severe migraines I've been prescribed everything in the book even sumatriptan referral to go to pain management, orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, ears neck and throat docotrs. Nothing has helped until I switched my PCP and my first walk in visit she gave me torodol literally worked in 5 minutes I felt brand new. I felt the pressure on my neck gone. A month in a half later I recieved another migraine went to ER they gave me torodol shot and the pills. This stuff is amazing."

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  • Anonymous
  • July 26, 2009

"I have been in total agony with a pain that felt like I was going to be giving birth to an elephant, plus pains in each side of the abdomen and pain coming out in my lower back and rib pain. The pain made my moods and emotions full of anger, sobbing, outbursts, I felt non-human. Just no control of myself. I tried Dilaudid, and Tylenol 3's nothing worked and while in emergency I was treated with several drugs, the pain remained. Finally Dilaudid with a shot of Toradol and it took the pain, what a relief. I felt human again, I felt focused and I could see life and what was real. "

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  • Fifi
  • May 16, 2015

"I went to the ER w what I thought was severe kidney pain, I was in hysterics every couple of minutes. They gave me an IV of toradol and I waited, and cried, and waited, and cried. 7 hours later I was still balling my eyes out. The doctor said my organs were fine, but I have intramuscular pain. So as far as that kinda pain goes, in my experience, doesn't do a thing to help. Tho I will say I didn't experience any side affects - positive or negative"

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  • BabyG...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 13, 2019

"I suffer from upper back pain that occasionally flares up pretty bad that sends shooting pain into my left shoulder blade and this time up into my head. I had pain in the back on my head for about 3 weeks, then it moved to my left temple where it throbbed so bad, I finally went to the ER, they gave a muscle injection of Torodal and a Norflex (muscle relaxer) injection. The pain went from a 9 to a 1 within 15 minutes. Wish I would've went in sooner. I'm glad I figured out that this drug is an option. Normally ibuprofen works for me but sometimes it doesn't at all, the nurse said this is a "souped up version" of ibuprofen."

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  • Anonymous
  • July 31, 2010

"I've had several surgeries and was administered Dilaudid and had horrible side effects during and after use so for my most recent surgery I asked for an alternative and the surgeon gave me Toradol which enabled me to get out of bed with no pain and walk hours after surgery. The use is limited due to risk of liver damage but it is a good alternative to opiates."

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  • Ginge...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2018

"I had daily headaches resulting from a concussion. A neurologist put me on Toradol and I could not wait to wean myself off. I had such stabbing pain in both eyes from it I could barely function. I now take Elavil and am very excited not to have headaches! Fingers crossed!"

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  • Cltcq...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 21, 2018

"Went to the ER with a migraine, second day of migraine and had to get relief. I had to fly the next day. Was given Toradol, Benadryl and an anti nausea medication. Left the ER two hours late and felt much better. Still experienced some mild nausea the next day but the pain was gone. I do not tolerate Imatrex so this drug helped me without making me feel any lingering side effects. I plan on asking my doctor for a prescription if I ever need it again."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.