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Ketoprofen for Gout, Acute User Reviews

Brand names: Kiprofen

  • Jep...
  • July 6, 2015

"During a very serious bout of gout, I was unable to put pressure on my foot. My doctor recommended ketoprofen and assured me I would be able to walk without crutches the next day. He prescribed 75 mg 3X a day. True enough, I was able to go to work the next day, and within a week, the gout had cleared up. I now take a pill as soon as I feel a flare-up of gout, and within a day or two, it is gone, and I have not had a serious bout. I just found out that the 75 mg capsules are no longer available, only the 200 mg, and I am unable to refill my final 30 on a prescription I got last August. I only take them when needed and was hoping to get this last refill to cover me until 2016."

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  • Sam...
  • September 15, 2016

"I had intense pain and limp as a result of the pain on my swollen left big toe. It was diagnosed to be gout. I tried a couple of medicines to cool the pain, but in vain. I bumped into a friend, whom I told of my pain being due to gout. He immediately told me his issues with gout were far worse than I have, but he put his praise on this (Ketoprofen (Ketonal) medicine prescribed for him in Kosovo, that made him feel better by just the first tab, 100 mg (he is over 50 years old though). I went and got a prescription and took the first tab of 100 mg from him at 19:00 (I am 48 years old). It is a miracle. The next morning, I wanted to challenge Usain Bolt for the 100-meter race :) I am following the prescribed dosage now."

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