Insulin aspart User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Novolog, Fiasp, NovoLog FlexPen, Merilog, ReliOn NovoLog, NovoLog PenFill, Merilog SoloStar
Insulin aspart has an average rating of 5.7 out of 10 from a total of 48 reviews on 38% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Type 2 Diabetes | 27 reviews for Type 2 Diabetes | 158 medications | |
Diabetes, Type 1 | 21 reviews for Diabetes, Type 1 | 77 medications |
Reviews for Insulin aspart
- MAR...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- April 17, 2020
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "I put on a lot of weight with this Novolog insulin. No diet changes, but gained 60 lbs in a year. I was taking 15 units 3 times a day. I kept hearing, 'Hang in there.' 'Give it time to adjust to your body.' So now, my blood sugars are worse thanks to the extra weight, thanks to the Novolog FlexPen. I also experienced not urinating enough and ankle swelling. Probably because this stuff won't let you urinate. Did it lower my blood sugar? Of course! It's insulin. But at the cost of putting on 60 lbs? Not worth it. I finally stopped it even though my idiot doctor disagreed. Yeah, Doc, I'll keep taking it until I can't fit out of my doorway. Ridiculous! I worked hard to lose 60 lbs."
- Pai...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 6, 2021
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "On a bolus regimen (rapid + long-acting) since early 2021 and developed painful neuropathy in thighs/legs that is worsening to the point of insomnia. The sharp pain sensations feel like sewing needles. The doctor didn't know the cause and wants to test the thyroid, which was negative when hospitalized for DKA. It is always best to read the package insert from the manufacturer because it contains more detail. I learned all insulin products reduce potassium levels (low K can cause muscle cramps, burning, even death), and rapid glycemic control is 'associated with' transitory eye refractive disorder, worsening retinopathy, and 'acute painful peripheral neuropathy'. This has another name: Treatment-Induced Diabetic Neuropathy. I believe PN becomes chronic once it starts as long as you're using Novolog."
Frequently asked questions
- How and where should I inject insulin?
- Humalog vs Novolog (Novalog): What's the difference?
- What is the difference between Fiasp and NovoLog?
- What are the ingredient drugs in Ryzodeg 70/30?
- Dor...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 2, 2021
Fiasp (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "I switched from Aphidra to Fiasp because both my primary and secondary insurance stopped covering it. I was using the Omnipod pump, and the Fiasp worked well with it. My endocrinologist suggested I go to the T-Slim Tandem pump that communicates with the Dexcom G6 sensor system. Fiasp does not work well with that system, it tends to clog the tubing."
- Mae...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- June 18, 2015
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "I was put on Novolog when I was diagnosed with Type 1 and have loved it ever since. I've never had any negative side effects, and when coupled with the Omnipod, it is phenomenal for me. It is important to note, however, that every person's body is different. My doctor recently had me try Humalog, to which I had multiple negative side effects. This does not mean one is better than the other, just that for my own body, the Novolog happens to be what it accepts and works with best. You should always tell your doctor how ANY medication makes you feel if you experience negative side effects. For me, the Novolog is a godsend, and I love it :)"
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- February 20, 2010
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "Novolog works very well and very fast (3-5 hours) in lowering sugar levels, but for those without insurance, be wary. Novolog is very expensive, especially when you have to couple the insulin with another slow-acting one, such as Lantus. Together, these are very effective, however."
- Het...
- January 9, 2021
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "This insulin is terrible. My boyfriend almost died today because he took the normal amount of insulin and it was too much for his body and his sugar dropped to 26. When your sugar is that low it can cause fatal symptoms including passing out, disorientation, memory loss, seizures and even death. My boyfriend ending up an hour away in the middle of nowhere and he was lost. He was passed out and almost died it was lucky his parents found him. SWITCH brands this insulin is too strong and has too many side effects. My bf got lucky today maybe he won’t next time...."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 28, 2021
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "Any fast-acting pen that fails to act even one time is a total loss. This Novolog pen fails to inject sometimes. So I rate it 1/10. What happens is: you put the flex pen on and click it into place, and then whatever amount you dial does NOT infuse after injection. So even though it works well when it works, not working even once when you absolutely need it makes it a terrible device."
- CCC...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 3, 2023
Fiasp (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "Been using Fiasp for 4 tandem with Tresiba (long-acting). This combination seems to work best at keeping me in or reasonably close to my target range. I use the cartridge Fiasp dosing with a permanent pen called 'InPen'. I know Novo Nordisk keeps saying it makes a permanent pen, but have yet to see one available in the US. This process of dosing as needed with Fiasp, having auto recording and tracking of both short and long-acting insulin, auto calculation of on-board insulin is exactly what I needed. I can still enjoy my life, exercise, or just eat anything and keep it all working relatively easily. PS, my insurance killed Fiasp from their formulary, but my Endo was able to argue an exception was needed for my coverage...good doc.!"
- 5Do...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- April 29, 2015
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Have used Novolog for 9-10 years. It has reasonably helped with controlling my glucose but has caused considerable weight gain. My units are determined by the carbohydrate count per meal - that has been adjusted from a ratio of 10 to a ratio of 7 per unit. A new endocrinologist has suggested Januvia, but the side effects sound horrendous. The other 5 oral medications I've tried over a period of years did nothing positive and actually caused too many gastrointestinal problems. Will decide in 3 months, at the next appointment."
- Joh...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 1, 2022
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Started on Novolog because Lantus alone didn't keep A1C low enough. It is effective, and I have had to rely on it more as my insurance switched me to Basaglar, which is less effective than Lantus. Being on two insulins does cause weight gain, which only decreases insulin sensitivity. Sort of a losing battle to use more insulin and gain more weight. But that's what happens."
- Ros...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 25, 2015
NovoLog FlexPen (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "I was switched from Humalog Flex insulin to NovoLog FlexPen, and I've noticed that since then I have gained 21 pounds. I'm trying my best, exercising, eating right. I'll lose a pound and gain 3. I need help, what should I do?"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 21, 2019
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Started Novolog on Friday. Amazing blood sugar control. However, by Monday I was in the ER with chest pains and shortness of breath. The hospital said this medicine caused it. Then I looked on their site and it says it right on the side effect list. Will never take it again!!!!"
- Rya...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 12, 2023
Fiasp (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "My insurance doesn’t cover Humalog any longer so I have been using Fiasp for the past 2 years. I am not a fan of this insulin. The injector on the pens often does not work well and the insulin does not lower blood sugars accurately. At least one of the pens in the box are worthless and I end up throwing them away. I end up going through my “monthly” supply twice as fast as I should. I’d go back to Humalog in a heartbeat if I could."
- Jam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 8, 2023
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "Been on Humalog for 6 years. My A1c just kept getting worse. Finally, I found a doctor that listened and put me on Novolog, and now my A1c is going down. If only my original doctor had prescribed me Novolog 6 years ago, I probably wouldn't be so messed up, fat, and near amputation."
- Joh...
- May 2, 2019
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Been on Novolog for a month, also using Basaglar, 30 units a day, and Metformin ER. A1c too high at 9.1, so the doctor told me I needed to try short-acting insulin. Cost is high, one pen is $107, I pay $325 for 5 Basaglar pens. Seems like this disease is making drug companies wealthy. I do see improvement when using the Novolog when I take it at a big meal when carb intake is higher. Has improved fasting levels. But the cost will prevent me from sticking with it. Insurance pays some, I hope, but I went off Lantus because of costs. I think Lantus worked better than Basaglar, but that's just my own observation and experience. I've tried Januvia, Starlix, Victoza, and none really work consistently even being on a low-carb diet. Besides, the insulin is affecting my weight in a negative way, which can't be good for insulin resistance. After a while, the injected insulin probably also becomes resistant to cell intake. So then you take more and more. Yeah, an expensive band-aid for a disease that fights back."
- Sti...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- July 25, 2019
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "I take a combination of Novolog R and N. It has worked just as well as the high dollar medications that I had taken in the past. I was taking some high dollar medications and always ran through my insurance coverage after 6 months. After moving back to Kansas from Missouri, my specialist here changed me to the Novolog regimen, which is all out of pocket but cheaper than 6 months of out of coverage for the high dollar medication."
- Tru...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 14, 2021
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1994. Began using Novolog. It worked great. Years later, my insurance told me I could no longer use Novolog, it was 'premium.' I would have to pay 2x as much for it. They told me I had to use Humalog to get the same Rx co-pay. Aren't ins. companies great (for themselves)? I used Humalog for years, and it worked well. Lately, in the last two years, my blood sugars (BS) went through the roof, and I had no idea why. On a guess, I doubled my Humalog, and my BS came back down. Now, using twice as much each dose, my BS is okay. Recently, I had a chance to use Novolog again. Great!!! No double dose, and it starts working 20 minutes faster than Humalog. Lilly will no longer be conning me with their prices. I am no longer using their ineffective and overpriced junk. Thanks, Novolog. It is good to use an insulin that works."
- Dia...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 7, 2014
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Good for lowering blood sugar and quick, but the side effects were bad, it caused severe itching and a bad rash running down both of the inside of my legs. Heading in to get it changed to something new."
- Sco...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 6, 2020
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "I assume the Novolog insulin is doing what it is designed to do, my complaint is with the delivery pen! It gets stuck and will not plunge, thereby leaving the insulin unusable. Humalog has a better pen!"
- Den...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 13, 2023
NovoLog FlexPen (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "I am a Type 1 diabetic, and this is the worst insulin. My sugar goes up, and I take the insulin, and my sugar continues to go up. This is not fast-acting or even acting, and since CVS Caremark won't pay for the insulin (Apidra) that does work for me because they deem it too expensive and won't approve my prior authorization from my doctor, I am stuck with this awful insulin."
- Ill...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 21, 2023
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Been on Novolog about three years now. Take it at meals, mostly lunch and dinner. Also take Basaglar, too. Biggest complaint with Novolog is slow reaction time, which allows my carbs to raise BGL too high. If I take more, it just drops me too low later. Much more difficult to judge dosing, given that I am type 2 and my own insulin works some days better than others. I have basically accepted the spikes, as my fasting level overnight is good. Personally, I think if the Basaglar worked better, it would help balance out my numbers better."
- tda...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 8, 2020
Fiasp (insulin aspart) for Diabetes, Type 1 "I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 51 years. My body will only use a brand of insulin for maybe 2 or 3 days or maybe a month. I take lots of brands of insulin. Fiasp is a very good insulin, and I am thrilled to have been able to be on it. I am now on Medicare, and my Fiasp isn't covered. I am going to miss using this insulin."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 17, 2016
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "Novolog pen does not glide well when giving yourself a shot. The medication worked well for me with minimal side effects. I have been on it for 2 years, but my coupon has expired, and I cannot afford it now."
- Hil...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 4, 2022
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "From day 2 - diarrhea. Heartbeat weird. Blood sugar - not much change. Maybe down a little. Stomach jumpy. Dosage - as per blood sugar at mealtimes. The pen is like shoving a serrated needle in that sticks. Not smooth or painless. My long-acting pen from Tresiba is very smooth in comparison. Age - 69. Female. Not sure of next step, due to the above-mentioned sides. Hopefully will discuss discontinuing with my diabetic team members. I have never met the endocrinologist…only CRNPs, PAs, nurses, office staff. The endo. office still charges a bill for a specialist office visit. My opinion, until I am seen by the specialist, no specialist charge."
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- Drug class: insulin
- En español
Patient resources
- Insulin aspart drug information
- Insulin aspart, recombinant (Advanced Reading)
- Insulin Aspart (Cartridges & Prefilled Pens) (Fiasp)
- Insulin Aspart (Cartridges & Prefilled Pens) (NovoLog)
- Insulin Aspart (Vials) (Fiasp)
- Insulin Aspart (Vials) (Novolog)
Other brands
Novolog, Fiasp, NovoLog FlexPen, NovoLog PenFill
Novolog (insulin aspart) for Type 2 Diabetes "After trying several types of insulin medications, which caused severe itching, I was put on Novolog 70/30. At first, there were no side effects, then dizziness started to occur, and it's getting worse. My ankles are starting to swell, and I am putting on weight. I'm at my wit's end. Novolog is very convenient to use, but unfortunately, now I have to go back to the doctor and start a new medication and go through trial and error with a new medication, which can also be very costly."