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Dilaudid for Pain User Reviews (Page 5)

Dilaudid has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 234 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 78% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Dilaudid

  • Karen...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 26, 2017

"I suffer from chronic intractable migraines and fibromyalgia, and have a recent history of strokes. I'm a long term pain management patient and my normal pain meds are OxyContin 15mg twice a day, with Oxy IR 15mg every four hours. Three weeks ago, I tripped in a parking lot and fractured my shoulder. Because of my normal meds, my orthopedist put me on 4mg Dilaudid (tablets) every 4 hours (in place of the Oxy IR) because of the extreme pain of the fracture. I have to say that I was surprised that it did not work at all. It did, however, make me violently ill with near constant vomiting and diarrhea. I have had dilaudid via IV many times, and never experienced these symptoms, and they resolved as soon as I stopped the oral dilaudid tablet."

5 / 10
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  • clayc...
  • May 14, 2008

"Was given this drug while in the hospital. Had severe tonsilitus and could not eat, drink, speak or breathe. A shot in the IV and then flushed with saline! What a relief!!! Worked instantly! Even though it doesn't make you sick like morphine, I still vomited when I got home after a dose two hours earlier."

10 / 10
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  • gator...
  • April 20, 2012

"I was recently in the hospital for a cyst that ended up being MRSA. It was one of the most painful things I've been through and it took 3 days in the Hospital with Antibiotics and IV Pain Meds (Dilaudid) to get me stable enough to go home. I was on 4mg of Dilaudid IV every 2 hours. For me, about 1 1/2 hours after getting the Dilaudid push I was starting to get in pain again. When I got it though, my pain instantly disappeared and I could get some rest. I can't take Morphine because it makes me vomit. This medicine was my lifesaver! The only thing is it made me itch so the doctor gave me Benadryl with every dose. Had no problem after that."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Khramos
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 5, 2017

"Was given 1 unit every 6 hours in ICU after a fempop bypass. Effect was literally in seconds after injection. Pain was gone. But my heart rate and BP dropped to the point I had to undergo cardiac monitoring. They thought it had triggered s heart attack."

9 / 10
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  • Robo
  • November 25, 2011

"I've been on Dilaudid for 15 years for back injury and illness called Wegner's granulomatosis. Started out at 2mg and over the years I'm now at 4mg's 4 times a day. It is a great pain reliever. I am able to function normally as anyone else without any side affects. "

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mateo
  • December 17, 2010

"This is the best pain reliever I have ever encountered. I have been prescribed opiate painkillers for three years starting with hydrocodone, oxycodone, Demerol, and Dilaudid by far is the best on the market. I have Osteocondritis Dicassen along with Acute Chronic Tendinitis and severely pronated talus bones in both of my ankles. I have finally found a pain management clinic that is willing to work with you and takes opiate tolerance into consideration when prescribing. I just stopped taking 4 x 80mg Oxycontin with the new formulation and switched to Dilaudid 8 mg 4 to 6 times daily. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. "

10 / 10
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  • Terry
  • April 7, 2017

"I had broken my heel in 3 places and fractured my ankle. I was given morphine for the intense pain but morphine didn't last long. I finally received dilaudid through an IV which made all the difference in the world! Dilaudid for me took away the horrible pain and made me sleep a lot. Spent 5 days in the hospital and don't remember much."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 3, 2008

"Crushed knee, shattered tib and fib. Leg was a mess with lot's of soft tissue damage as well. Natural morphine couldn't stop the bone pain but Dilaudid did the trick in a minute. I have to have a combination of pain killers for everything to stop but Dilaudid was the breakthrough med. It was by IV only."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • June 21, 2010

"I was given Dilaudid after having T8, T9, T10 removed and spinal cord decompression done after developing an epidural abscess. It was given by I.V, 4 mg every two hours and worked great for breakthrough pain. No side effects at all."

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  • I...
  • April 30, 2010

"I've had 6 back surgeries in the past 2-1/2 years, and two of those surgeries in the last month (I've also had 61 spinal injections), and Dilauded is the ONLY pain medication that has worked to help reduce my pain and keep it to a tolerable level."

9 / 10
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  • Rachi...
  • December 23, 2016

"Don't if you can help it. Yes a shot of this IV will STOP your pain, and possibly the rest of you, pretty much immediately. If you have a low BP or sensitivity, or have never taken a strong (Norco doesn't count) narcotic before, try something else first. SEVERELY addictive. One shot and you will want another one, no joke. ONE SHOT. The pill version by comparison is slow acting and hits for a long time, most people will find better relief with percocet. Unless you have just had surgery, been shot, or have a broken bone, try Fentanyl first, at least that won't kill you in one dose."

5 / 10
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  • 7time...
  • November 2, 2009

"I suffer from chronic back and knee pain. Had lower spinal fusion, both knees totally replaced and stenosis in my upper neck that flared up once to the point that the pain was agony! This was the first time I was given an injection of dilaudid as opposed to morphine. Morphine has never taken my pain away, it just made me not care that it hurt, and the first time I was injected with dilaudid, the effects the first minute scared me, but I had a great nurse that walked me through everything I was going to experience and assured me that in one min. It would pass and it did and for the first time in 12yrs. After about five mins I had absolutely no pain. Also took the pills for about 1 month and worked very well."

10 / 10
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  • I...
  • December 1, 2009

"After breaking 3 ribs and taking Vicodin and Tramadol to no relief I asked the doctor for Dilaudid 2 mg every 6 hrs. It took the pain from 9 down to 4 in about 20 minutes. Now I can finally get some sleep and get a few things done around the house...great medicine."

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  • brain...
  • July 11, 2009

"My husband had surgery to remove his prostate gland, bladder, and 12 inches of colon six months ago. He was hospitalized for nine days. His lower-back pain was excruciating, and morphine (controlling it himself) and various types of mattresses did nothing to make him comfortable. He was getting no sleep at all until the surgeon offered Dilaudid. It lasted for about 5 hours or so, and he could have it every 6 hours. It brought quick relief to the back pain and relaxed him enough to get decent amount of sleep after several days of terrible discomfort. No side effects for him either."

10 / 10
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  • soopa
  • September 30, 2009

"I've got complex regional pain syndrome and it helps with the numbness in my leg but does not take away all of the burning sensation. After the Percocets quit working the doctor put me on Dilaudid #4's and the pain has been reduced some but I feel that I could use something even stronger. 1 every 6 hours helps but is still not enough."

6 / 10
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  • dsf
  • June 20, 2010

"I pass chronic kidney stones and have had numerous stones removed via surgery. A few times my kidneys have shut down via urine back pumping from obstructing stones. In this case a shot of Dilaudid every 15 minutes kept me laughing and giggling with the nurses. Amazing stuff. For my day to day pain from stones and stone related damage to my urinary tract Dilaudid is really the only medicine which is proven to help time and time again. I've been on every pain medicine it seems over the years and while Demerol is a close second, Dilaudid is what keeps me productive at work. I'm on 8mg but cut them in half as needed. "

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  • Patty
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 3, 2021

"A few years ago I was receiving Dilaudid after a serious major surgery intravenously inpatient for about a week. I received it directly from hospital Doctors twice daily. After that week I asked when my next dose would come, they said I couldn't get anymore. So, I was in excruciating pain. Real pain. I asked what I could have. They said they had regular Tylenol, so I thought that was better than nothing so I took it. Of course, it didn't work and the pain just continued. Well, I guess they were tired of my whining so they released me. I was craving it for about a year. I got through it, but until I saw why today, I could never understand why. They never told me, and I just couldn't ask why. I won't take it anymore. I don't want to go through that kind of withdrawal again. I've been told it was all in my head, but after what I went through, it sure didn't feel like it was all in my head."

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  • Needed...
  • June 6, 2010

"I was given Dilaudid after a painful hemorrhoid surgery. Just writing this, I'm taken back to the excruciating pain following surgery. It was initially administered by I.V in hospital. I was then sent home with a prescription of it. This medicine is very potent and should be taken only under close watch of a physician. No side effects other than much needed pain relief and much needed sleep."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • January 30, 2010

"I was hospitalized for 2 months with partial paralysis and neuropathy from an autoimmune syndrome. I had severe pain 7 to 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. 1mg IV Dilaudid every 4 hrs during the early part of my hospitalization with a saline flush erased my pain in minutes without creating drowsiness, mental impairment, or euphoria. I was able to think clearly and solve complex problems. I was switched to the pills after a few weeks. Dilaudid allowed me enough relief so I could go to sleep without distracting pain and wake up in the morning without residual effects. YOUR CONSTITUTION MAY BE DIFFERENT. I was able to stop cold turkey after 2 months without withdrawal symptoms. Your experience may be different. Follow doctor's instructions EXACTLY."

9 / 10
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  • Jerem...
  • October 24, 2009

"I had an abscessed streptococcus infection, which is a REALLY painful occurrence. They treated me with 2-10cc Dilaudid IV Injections, and it was really great. I got REALLY drowsy, but felt nothing, even when they stuck a HUGE needle into my insanely infected tonsil (It was only one tonsil). I went from a 9 on the pain scale to a 1 in ten minutes (or what I perceived as 10 minutes at least). I also hear about people getting very sick from hydromorphone. The staff at the Medical Center were great though. The technician who administered the drug in the ER knew just how to administer it to minimize nausea. I am definitely glad that they knew how much pain I was in an pulled no punches to treat it."

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  • T...
  • July 31, 2009

"I have high pressure in my head from a brain injury last year. Morphine won't touch what Dilaudid can. It has worked great for my headaches which they say is the worst head pain ever experienced. So anyway a lot of narcotics will give me rebound pain but this one does not. Only side effects if not given with Zofran, it makes me vomit."

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  • Anonymous
  • December 28, 2011

"I have recurring kidney stones. The pain is incredible. I'm non-responsive to acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Meperidine causes seizures. Ibuprofen works well for normal pain but can't handle kidney stones. But Dilaudid works wonders."

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  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2009

"First experienced the benefits of this drug after my 10th spinal surgery. Relieved pain pretty quickly, but short lasting. It was given as break through in the hospital, via IV at first. Then the doctor scripted it to me as break through along with Percocet when I went home. I eventually had too many side effects from the Percocet. I just stuck with the Dilaudid taking it about every 5-6 hours. Now I'm dealing with being "itchy" and think it may the Dilaudid. I had bad side effects from Vicodin after one of last year's surgeries. Now it seems I'm starting to have side effects from things I never used to be bothered by before."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • December 9, 2011

"I was in the hospital a year and a half ago for heat exhaustion and rhabdomylosis. The pain from my muscle deterioration was the worst of my life. My doctor gave me Dilaudid. It definitely helped with the pain and made the most pleasant side effect of eliminating the addiction pangs from smoking. I had previously tried every other method that I could think of to quit. None worked for me. After 4 days I was released and haven't smoked since. I think 4 days of hospital confinement with regular dosage of Dilaudid could help a lot of people quit smoking."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 6, 2010

"This is the best pain medicine! While in severe pain during a gall-stone attack, they gave me Morphine which didn't really work! I kept looking at the doctors and pleading to give me something else. They gave me Dilaudid and the pain was gone within seconds! After having two very strong gall-attacks I am a firm believer in Dilaudid. Highly recommend this pain medication over anything! I never suffered one set-back or side-effect from Dilaudid either. A !"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.