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Prozac for Depression User Reviews (Page 3)

Prozac has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 408 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Prozac

  • Phil1...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 15, 2013

"I suffered with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which caused depression and stress. I came on here in June looking for answers. I used to be on Sertraline, but they stopped working after I had stopped and went back on them. I thought my life was over. I got put on 20mg Prozac by my doctor, and it is the best medicine ever. I would highly recommend it. It gave me my life back. I am so happy, no more stresses. Also, I have no side effects. Give it about 6 weeks, trust me, and you will see how this works. Unbelievable. 10/10!"

10 / 10
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174 Report
  • Marthan
  • August 2, 2018

"I lived life trying to fake it until I could make it. I lived like I was an extrovert but inside I felt like a worthless daughter, wife, mother, and friend. I worked myself into a state of being physically ill & nearly died. When I discovered that I subconsciously attempted a long-term suicide, I woke up to complete chaos. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder w/psychosis. I started Prozac & was so sick & tired the first 2 weeks that I wanted to stop taking it but wasn’t allowed to. Prozac allowed me to accept my natural personality & create a healthy, happy, and safe way to live. I would love to think I would be okay now without it but it isn’t worth the risk. I have such peace in my heart & mind. I did add a low dose of Wellbutrin after the first year for sexual side effects. No drug will fix everything and they all have side effects but this combo has worked for me and has given me the life I now know I deserve. Good luck!"

9 / 10
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112 Report
  • Coola...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 31, 2022

"I wanted to share my experience because when I was in the thick of my depression and reluctantly decided to try antidepressants, I was absolutely terrified and it was reading reviews on here that really helped me stick it out and have hope for a better future. Prozac/Fluoxetine has honestly changed my life. In the best way ever. I had so many symptoms that I thought were just personality traits that I can see now was actually my anxiety and depression. I used to worry so much about everything and had terrible insomnia because of it. I was completely reliant on sleep aids and was always overwhelmed with work so much that I was taking sick days very regularly. Prozac did take about 8 weeks to start working for me. So you do need to be very patient. But I feel so much better now. I don’t feel any different, just think clearer and no longer sweat the small things. If you’re struggling, please don’t be scared. It might be the best decision you make."

10 / 10
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57 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Meg
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 8, 2018

"I've taken Prozac for 2 weeks now. So far I've experienced a big decrease in appetite, which has been okay. The two major things that this drug has changed for me is that it's made me calm and collected, and it makes me worry/stress less. The thoughts and problems that usually fill my head don't affect me as much anymore, and I get over things much quicker, which has led to decreasing my stress and my severe anxiety. I've also felt very calm and mellow, which could turn some people off, but for me, it has been a blessing. I've always not been able to stay still or focus, and I am very scatterbrained, so this is a huge change that I've welcomed. It has helped me actually get things done and focus, and has made me much more productive since I actually have the motivation to do things now. Thanks for reading, I wish all of you luck on Prozac! Will definitely continue taking this amazing drug and am excited to see how much more it can positively change my life in the future."

9 / 10
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115 Report
  • Me Ag...
  • October 10, 2015

"I've been on this for a year at 20mg and am so happy I chose to do so. I was so down; couldn't sleep, not present in the moment, constantly worrying, etc. I was very skeptical of any SSRI and prefer to go 'natural' so I resisted. Over a year later I feel like I have a new life, a better future, am a better employee, spouse, parent, etc. I suggest using an 'all the above' approach as part of a strategy to combat depression. Involve a good counselor who has similar values, exercise, eat well, rest, be around supportive people, do something spiritual consistently. I did this and my world changed for the better. I hope it is sustainable."

10 / 10
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146 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • ethan...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2023

"Once my diagnosis with schizophrenia came out, it changed my entire world. I did not change it in a good way. I was depressed and did not feel like myself at all. I struggled to get through each day for about a year and a half. Even got let go from a couple jobs because I was not able to work at my full capacity. I first tried Pristiq with no results. Then I tried Cymbalta with no results. Next was Wellbutrin with a slight improvement but not enough for me to be okay with. Then I tried Provigil, which also made a slight difference. I then tried Prozac, still with Wellbutrin and Provigil. An hour after taking Prozac, my entire world changed. I feel energized, a good mood all day long, a good feeling all day long and I feel like myself again. My first day on it I ended up cleaning the entire house and getting rid of things that were not needed. Words can't explain in this review how Prozac has changed my life."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 10, 2013

"I am a 60-year-old woman who seemed to be depressed all the time. I was always depressed and crying; now I never get depressed and seldom do I cry. Things that bothered me don't affect me much now. This has been a godsend for me!"

10 / 10
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168 Report

More FAQ

  • Melly...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 17, 2019

"I have been on and off of Fluoxetine for the last 7 years. I initially started on 20mg and the first 3-4 weeks were tough with the side effects... but once you get past this, the Prozac works wonders. I increased to 40 mg but found it too much so cut back down. Now, 7 years on, I’ve been on 20mg for around 3 years and again the side effects for the first few weeks were tough. I’ve today increased to 40mg and I think I felt very unwell initially - but I’m going to stick with it. One thing I found is if I drink quite heavily then this would completely negate the antidepressant, leaving me incredibly low. So monitor how much you are drinking if possible, especially on 40mg."

8 / 10
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88 Report
  • Mcano
  • September 24, 2020

"Absolute rubbish. Caused uncontrollable massive weight gain just like the atypical antipsychotics do (129 to 185 in 3 months!!! Eating same diet. Robot emotions. Hair loss. And suddenly...good old diabetes 2. I want to sue. Dr said I would not gain and probably lose weight. This was in 1995.akk those rapidly created fat cells created to stuff this poison in are still hanging on in 2020 to this toxic drug. Think twice."

1 / 10
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74 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 10, 2019

"I have been on it for 5 weeks. Initially, I did not feel so great, and sleep went out the window. Over time, the meds started working, and now I feel much better. Less anxious and depressed, more confident, sleep is still iffy but improving. Doc stated for me it may take 6 to 8 weeks, and I ain't stopping."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • deser...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 3, 2016

"I'm pretty outgoing in nature, but I'd get depressed and aggressive from time to time. Anyway, so the first 5 weeks on this med were very up and down. I slept but woke up feeling tired. I was drowsy during the day. I'd feel good some days and worse on others. I was going to quit on my 6th week. I woke up and said 'I can't take this anymore,' but my mom convinced me to keep taking it. It was like a miracle. I just woke up in the morning, 6th week in, and felt okay one morning, energetic, happy, motivated. I could phone up anyone and talk without feeling like it was torture. So give it at least 6 weeks. It should get even better than how I'm feeling now. That would be amazing!"

8 / 10
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133 Report
  • Crazy...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 15, 2018

"Give this medication at least 3 months to fully work. I started at 20 mg and increased to 40 mg within a month and a half. I have to be honest, the side effects can be difficult, but stay with it regardless because you’ll be thankful you did by the time you start feeling the benefits of this drug. A year ago is when I started Prozac and I’m so much happier today than I was from the start. Give it time because nothing good happens overnight. Good luck to everyone."

10 / 10
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107 Report
  • Sum
  • January 26, 2021

"I have been on fluoxetine a week now for Bipolar and Boderline Personality disorder. I was prescribed 20mg. I took my first 20mg pill in the morning and that entire day I felt awful. I was so exhausted, felt "high", couldn't think, felt sedated and my anxiety was through the roof. The next day I decided to reduce my dosage in half. I split the pill and took just 10mg that morning. I felt so much better. I had energy throughout the day without overwhelming tiredness or sedation. I have been taking 10mg since then and continously feel better and better. I was extremely scared of starting a medication like this but I do not regret it now. I have started feeling real things again. I'm feeling emotions instead of mimicking them when I am suppose to. I have snapped a lot less. I am much calmer and a lot more patient. I have more energy. I just expect to keep getting better from here! Highly recommend 10mg if you are struggling with the 20mg (especially if you have any sort of anxiety/panic issues)."

9 / 10
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68 Report
  • just...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2019

"Excellent! This is the third time I'm taking Prozac for depression. It works great. It's energizing to me, not sedating like Lexapro and others have been to me. It works very fast for me (first day) every time I've started it again. I can tell it's working the first day. My husband started taking it 3 days ago but says he can't feel it working yet. I guess everyone is different."

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Ramakin
  • May 20, 2017

"Six months ago, I was hospitalized. I had never been treated for my depression due to insurance and financial issues. During my 9-day stay at the hospital, they started me on 20mg of Prozac. By the time I left the hospital, I was at 40mg. The suicidal thoughts went away, and I was able to feel moments of clarity. Although I made some big life changes after being released from the hospital, the depression was still there. Sleep and isolation were still my life. Now that I have been on Prozac for 6 months, I look back and realize how far I have come. I am now taking 80mg a day, and I can finally break through the fog. For me, depression wasn't necessarily sadness, but an absence in vitality. Prozac has helped me regain it."

9 / 10
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115 Report
  • Cebai...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 4, 2021

"I’ve finally found the right anti depressant. At first Prozac made my anxiety worse, just for a few weeks. I bared with it and I’m so glad I did. I literally feel like my depression is cured and I’m so much calmer. I’d say this drug works better for depression than anxiety. The side effects are much less severe than sertraline. I feel like I’m out of the black hole."

9 / 10
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61 Report
  • Jack...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 2, 2016

"Fluoxetine/Prozac 20mg for depression/anxiety. Within 4 hours of taking it at 4 pm, I truly felt better by 8 pm and happier. Not sure if it was the meds at first or believing it to be working? Had done a lot of research before taking it, both positives and negatives, so I have an open mind about Prozac. Certainly felt better quickly after the initial dose! First 2 weeks: slight headaches, a bit spaced out initially, groggy, dry mouth, difficult to concentrate, but I did feel like this while depressed! Now on the 3rd week, it's kicked in after 2 weeks and I feel calmer, relaxed, able to think clearly, not a foggy mind, feel focused, happier, and motivated. This drug has dealt with anxiety & depression, 100%. I was worrying about everything. Sleep is okay now, no sexual dysfunction yet. Good luck."

10 / 10
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123 Report
  • Jack
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 21, 2019

"My side effects of Prozac are 1. All-night dreams. At my age, 72, I wake up at least four times to go to the toilet; every time I wake up with a dream. 2. During the first years of using the drug, the quick throw after intercourse was solved but not anymore after 65 years old. 3. Diminishing of appetite to having sex, once every 3-4 weeks. 4. Flu and colds are very little. Otherwise, it is the happiness pill which I cannot stop after 32 years of using it."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • Lukas...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 14, 2019

"I’ve been taking Prozac for 2 1/2 years now. I started in September 2017 at 20mg, stopped in October 2018, and restarted in January 2019 at 10mg. As of July 2019, I’ve increased to 20mg. Prozac makes me feel “normal” every time, especially the 20mg. It’s amazing! What’s odd is the first time I took it, I gained weight and lost sexual function; however, this time I seem to be losing weight and sex isn’t impaired. I wonder if stopping and taking it again changes how the body responds? Overall 10/10."

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86 Report
  • annie...
  • January 27, 2014

"I had slipped into a depression following some traumatic life events. The mornings were worse and often unbearable. I became suicidal. I was also agitated. I was desperate and went to a GP and was prescribed fluoxetine 20mg. I have been taking them for six weeks and feel so much better. Mood has lifted and morning depression has stopped. It's saved my life. Side effects were a sore throat and cold symptoms which lasted four days. Yawning as well. Best thing I ever did was admit I had a problem and take medicines."

9 / 10
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149 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 28, 2015

"Been on and off Prozac for depression. Very effective for turning negative thoughts into positive ones, increased energy and motivation to get things done and get through the day, less fatigue from stress and worry, better sleep at night, better appetite, able to cope with life's stressors, feel like spending more time with friends and family and doing activities when not depressed, more social/talkative when not depressed, increased confidence when not feeling anxious or depressed. In better health, feel more in control of my life, more optimistic and positive."

10 / 10
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133 Report
  • Lko
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 28, 2019

"This has been the most effective antidepressant I've used. Have taken Lexapro for 2 years but going back to Prozac as Lexapro didn't do a whole lot. 20 mg is the best dose in general with Prozac, even though some people take more (with more side effects). I personally would never go above 30 mg, trust me on that one. Also, because it has a super long half-life it is easier to stop taking it."

9 / 10
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78 Report
  • Muse
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 5, 2019

"Felt horrendous for years with menopause. Now I'm on Prozac as didn't want to take HRT. It has literally saved my life. I am back to normal and no side effects. Highly recommend. I'm in the UK so I get it for free."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 3, 2009

"I have been put on Prozac about a week ago (10 mg) for depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, as well as OCD. (I know... a lot of conditions) But this is the best medicine so far out of the 48 others I have tried in the last 6 months. The first few days, I felt a little manic on it - very happy and had a hard time sleeping. But today, day 5, I feel more balanced, and the only side effects I am experiencing are nausea, some dizziness, and diarrhea; but that should go away within the next week. I look forward to going back to college, spending time with my kids, and enjoying life without my ups and downs, lack of energy, and no desire to do anything. Prozac has been a Godsend to me."

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180 Report
  • Andy...
  • August 20, 2017

"I was so depressed, and I started this medicine without expecting that after 15 days, I am like I've taken ecstasy. I am full of energy. I don't hesitate to be myself! I love being myself, actually! I'm not thinking anymore about cocaine, weed, and stuff like that because that was the main reason that I needed a doctor! THANK YOU, PROZAC"

10 / 10
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102 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.