Retisert for Macular Edema User Reviews
- Lou...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 31, 2018
"I've had three Retisert implants done. They work wonderfully but have had two that separated after being in for a while. The first separated after 6 years and the second after 3 years. The surgery was a breeze and prevented me from having injections. They did prevent recurring floaters. Thankfully, my insurance covered it because it is quite expensive."
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- Drug class: ophthalmic steroids
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- En español
"I was diagnosed with a rare systemic disease which attacks my retina: Birdshot uveitis. Usually, biologics are used to treat it, but my side effects were many: sugar diabetes, high blood pressure, and extreme fatigue. I had my first set of Retiserts in 2008 and two other sets subsequently. I have just had the fourth in my left eye. I did have to have surgery to lower pressure in both eyes and now have glaucoma. I have had uneventful surgeries, no side effects except the above. I probably would have been blind from the uveitis and edema without them. But as stated above, you should heavily weigh your options. I was 58 when I started, and I am 70 now. Still with usable sight. My disease flares and remits at will."