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Fentanyl for Pain User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Duragesic, Fentanyl Transdermal System, Fentora, Subsys Actiq Lazanda

Fentanyl has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 173 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 79% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fentanyl

  • Chicky
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 13, 2020

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have Dercums disease which is extremely painful. I have been on every narcotic. The Fentanyl patch 100 units relieved all pain. I have had numerous surgery to remove painful lipoma. I became concerned about possible addiction and sought help in a hospital in NYC. The pain specialist advised a DRG implant as well as proposed cessation of all narcotics."

10 / 10
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  • Sasse...
  • July 23, 2011

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I was on 15 different medicines for pain and muscle spasms. I have been on the patch for 4 months and my pain has dropped so much it is unreal. I didn't know about this, until 4 months ago I had been in the bed for almost 15 years due to car crash. I find this medicine to wonderful."

9 / 10
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  • Kaylu
  • September 12, 2008

"I take Fentanyl patches. First was on a 25 a 12.5 every 72 hours. Soon, the breakthrough pain was intolerable so he increased me to 50 every 72 hours. I developed some mild breathing problems, so he took me back down to the 25 12.5 but instead of every 72 hours, he has me taking them every 48 hours. This change is new, but hopefully it will do the trick. This drug has been a God send! Without it I couldn't function and I wouldn't want to live. My pain was THAT bad before Fentanyl, even with the back injections. Best wishes to all of you who are dealing with terrible and chronic pain. Future surgeries may partially correct my back problems; until then, I'm thankful for Fentanyl!"

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • bf31
  • November 1, 2011

"My Pain is completely alleviated with this medication when in normal use. I am on a 3 day schedule in changing the patches. I did try to go on a 2 day schedule as well, but then I experience too many unwanted side effects (drowsiness, feeling 'high', etc) so I asked to go back to 3 days. After about 2 and 1/4 days the patch doesn't seem to work, so the final 3/4 day I really start to feel the pain and withdrawal symptoms. I sometimes feel the loss of 'control' with the patch because of the time it takes for it to become effective and the amount of time it goes out of your system. In other words, if a patch rips (I've had 2 do so in the last year) I start to feel the medicine pouring into my system and I have to immediately take off the patch."

8 / 10
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  • Chron...
  • January 28, 2012

"Fenanyl was recommended by the hospital pain management team. I had been on it for 4 years low dose 50 for 2 years then the 75. They worked well until i was hurt in an auto accident then had to move to the larger dose. Always had oxycodone for break through. The down side is it does leave you groggy. Once your body is used to the medication you have to constantly tweet your medicine. I recently changed medications, my head is clearer but my pain is off the chart. I think I will be going back to the fentanyl if I can't find a better alternative. "

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • MRSDJ...
  • October 30, 2011

Duragesic (fentanyl) "Scoliosis and multiple herniated discs in both my neck and lower back have required quite a few spinal surgeries but left me in chronic pain. Over the years it has increased to the point where nothing was helping my pain. My pain Doctor started me on Fentanyl 100 and slowly raised it to 150 over the course of a few years. Currently I am able to control my pain to about a "4" out of 10, by adding Oxycontin for breakthrough pain. Drowsiness and constipation are the most annoying side effects but its worth it to get my life back to semi-normal."

10 / 10
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  • Tyler...
  • May 19, 2011

"I was on Oxycontin for 2.5 years and 30mg Roxicodones for breakthrough pain and then was on massive amounts of Morphine and none of it actually helped. Then, I was given Fentanyl 50mcg patches and I don't get ANY "buzz" but my pain level is DOWN. I have MAJOR SPINAL PROBLEMS LITERALLY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. I wouldn't be here now if not for Fentanyl. I'm disabled for life and I'm dealing with that in my own way, mentally. But the relief that Fentanyl gives helps me be able to think clearer and to be pain free. "

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More FAQ

  • mopar...
  • August 12, 2010

"Fentanyl patches are the best and easiest pain relief product I have used. Unfortunately after three years I became tolerant to the medicine. I went onto morphine, then Oxycontin and then Suboxone. Now I rotate between these every nine months. I have found the name brand Duragesic best. If sticking becomes an issue most companies will mail an overlay free of charge, either Bioclusive or Tegaderm. Make sure to use an overlay approved for your patch as some have not been tested and have adverse reactions with the delivery system. I change every 72 hours. Be careful not to get too hot. One day I sun-tanned outside and my patch went into overdrive. "

8 / 10
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  • Fast...
  • April 21, 2008

Fentora (fentanyl) "Fentora, like Actiq, is a very fast acting pain medicine that starts providing relief within minutes. One of the advantages of Fentora tablets is that it quickly dissolves in your mouth, unlike Actiq, which is large and noticible. "

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  • Anonymous
  • June 26, 2011

"I have been using the Fentanyl patch for about 10 days now (50mcg), and it works very well. I also use Norco 10/325 for breakthrough pain. I was previously on MS-Contin 45mg/3 x per day with Norco for breakthrough pain, and it didn't work half as good as the patch. I have adhesive arachnoiditis, and the Fentanyl patch has been the only medicine that allows me to walk around the house. I was bedridden otherwise. The only issue I have with it is the medicine doesn't seem to last the whole 72 hrs, only about 64 hrs. I place the patch on the side of my abdomen, where movement is minimal, and it seems to stay in place better than on my arm or anywhere else."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • June 8, 2011

"My mother was on this patch for 3 yrs and it really helped her pain in her knee and hip. She was too old to go through an operation. I must say that this patch helped her condition in her final days, she died in no pain and I am so grateful that she left in peace at the age of 88."

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  • tongue...
  • November 19, 2010

"I had an operation plus radiation 3 years ago and have suffered from VERY annoying constant pain ever since. I was on 1 Physeptone (10mg) 5 Anamorph (morphine 30mg) 5 Serapax EVERY day taken at different times. I was ALWAYS at the Doctor and Chemist. Now I'm on Durogesic (fentanyl) patches 75mg instead of all three drugs, and am now pain free. It is a miracle medicine and (for me) has NO side effects like morphine and physeptone,and it saves me a fortune! Definitely worth a try for ALL pain sufferers!"

10 / 10
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  • steel...
  • April 19, 2011

"I injured my back about 6 years ago. I was put on all kinds of medicines until I met the best doctor in the world. The doctor put me on the patch and it was the first time in 6 years that there was no pain at all. But now the doctor is gone and no one else wants to write a prescription for the patch so I was left to suffer withdrawal for the first time in my life. Great medicine but it will make you go through withdrawal and trust me it isn't fun. Many doctors are afraid to write the prescription for this medicine."

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  • happy...
  • October 5, 2010

"I have low back pain for 15 years with severe chronic pain for the last 5 years. Like many other posts I have been on many different pain medicines from Lortab to Oxycodone. In 2008 I had 4 discs fused to relieve my most severe pain. Two weeks ago I started pain management being prescribed the Fentanyl patch and Oxycodone for breakthrough pain. The Fentanyl patch has been great. I don%u2019t have the ups and downs in pain because I forgot to take the pills at a certain time. My pain is well controlled with little breakthrough pain and the side effects are far less than the oxycodone alone. I wish I had this a year ago. I see bright days ahead."

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  • oppap...
  • May 20, 2009

Duragesic (fentanyl) "Having a positive feeling for the fentanyl transdermal system I would recommend it to anybody, but after using the 100mcg/hour ones for 5 years I have noticed that the patches don't last for 72 hours. I believe that I am one of those people who require change every 48 hours which will be conveyed to my Doctor in a few days."

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  • SleepRN
  • April 9, 2008

Fentora (fentanyl) "I was having a bad time with Kidney Stones and found this to work the best for severe breakthrough pain. I take OxyContin and Roxycodone for my back pain and have tried just about all the opiates but this by far works the best for me."

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  • Anonymous
  • September 19, 2011

"I've been on fentanyl patches for a couple of years - 150 (100 50) for degenerative disc disease and in the past few months they have been working less well, starting about 22 hours into the 2nd day (so, almost at day 3). The 3rd day is the worst and it's almost (not quite) as bad as what happens if I forgot to change it on the 3rd day (which only happened once or twice!) Apparently the medicines are just running out and I start feeling more nauseous and exhausted, and my arms feel like they are going to fall off (I don't normally have pain in my arms.) The pain relief on day #1 is outstanding and I get all my housework, chores done, and spend lots of time being ACTIVE with my kids on day 1."

7 / 10
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  • satel...
  • July 21, 2010

"Over the last 15 years I had 7 back surgeries. I have been on pain medicines for almost 20 yrs. I have tried just about every pain medicine out there and I must say the patch is by far the best. Lowest amount of side effects and greatest benefits. If giving the choice of pain medicines take the patch."

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  • Bradi...
  • February 25, 2009

"I am 40 years old and I think I have been on every pain medicine there is on the market. My doctor put me on FENTANYL patch in 2002 200mcg X 72 hours. This drug made my life livable again. I swear by this medication for pain control. Thank God for this medication."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 5, 2010

"This is so much better than taking pills all day everyday! The best advise I have for people that have problems keeping the patch on is this: I buy the large waterproof bandaids and I buy the generic patches (not the kind with the gel). As soon as you put on a new patch, put the waterproof bandaid over it. Dont wait until it is falling off to put the bandaid on. The Nexcare brand or the generic CVS waterproof bandaids are the best. I haven't lost a patch early since I have been putting the bandaids over them. The best part is that I get 10 patches a month and the bandaids come 10 to a box. It's perfect! This works great in the summer time too. I live in South Louisiana so trust me, I know what I am talking about."

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  • okrebl
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2017

"It was used as a pain reliever in an emergency room setting by a licensed practicing physician. I received two separate doses at my own informed request, but the second dose was a bit much for me. Although it did what it was supposed to do which was relieve the pain I was experiencing. It was too powerful for my liking."

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  • canjomo
  • July 14, 2010

Duragesic (fentanyl) "My quality of living without constant pain has been the down side....attempting to go off the medicine...withdrawal etc. I was up to 100 mcg...I am now down to 37 mcg....will attempt to continue to decrease dose....wish me luck!"

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  • Fat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 16, 2018

"Utter sleeplessness Extreme Headache Brain Burning, Inside of Skull on Fire Severe Twitching of Limbs Confusion Inability to Focus Total loss of memory! Total loss of appetite Neurological Issues, Visual"

1 / 10
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  • ollie
  • August 5, 2009

"I have been on different kinds of pain medicines for years for chronic pain resulting from car accident and 3 back surgeries. When I was taking oral medicines I was always waiting for the medicines to start working and watching the clock to take another one. I went to a new pain management doctor he put me on the patch. I noticed a difference the first day. It was much better than my oral medicines. The doctor has just increased my dosage to 50mg/h. It is great. The only real side effects I have had is dry month and I sweat more. But those side effects are well worth the pain control I receive. I am back to work, I don't have to miss any days or leave early because of pain. No more ups and downs. He has me changing the patch every 48 hours."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 4, 2023

"I had been on oxycodone 15 mg every 4 hours. I became paralyzed with extreme pain. This patch helped so much. They started on a low dose and changed to dilaudid for breakthrough pain. I found with the patch now at 75 mcg, I use less Dilaudid. I can think clearly and don't feel high. Thank you."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.