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Fentanyl for Pain User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Duragesic, Fentanyl Transdermal System, Fentora, Subsys Actiq Lazanda

Fentanyl has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 173 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 79% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fentanyl

  • back...
  • December 16, 2010

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I was put on Duragesic when the MS Contin wasn't enough to control my chronic pain, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia, even with breakthrough medicines. At first, the patches worked well once I got up to a dose that worked. The only horrible drawback is that I live in the desert, and once the daytime temperatures got over about 90 degrees F, the patches began dumping more because of the heat. I finally had to quit using them due to side effects brought on by the high temperatures. Also, at times I would just fall asleep. I finally quit the patches altogether when I fell asleep driving and almost had a bad, bad wreck. I feel the patches work great for people who don't have to deal with high outside temperatures."

7 / 10
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48 Report
  • November 21, 2013

"I was first prescribed oxycodone 5 mg/2 tabs/twice daily, as required. Then put on the 25 mg/mgh fentanyl patches. They were a godsend. The only problem I had was that every 50 hours (on average), they would stop working. I had to have someone from Mylan send me a letter to show to my doctor in order to change to every 48 hours."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 1, 2011

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "The pain patch works well for me, as I am disabled and don't work. I do have a problem with excessive sweating and keeping the patch on for 48 hours. The best thing I have used for keeping the patches on is benzoin tincture. This works great for me when nothing else worked. My doctor recommended I try it, and boy, I'm glad I did! Can be found in any pharmacy for around $5.00."

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Kristi...
  • April 30, 2008

Actiq (fentanyl) "I have been on Actiq for over 2 years. I've been on the same dose the whole time, and I must admit, without it, I would be bedridden and contorted. Actiq is a very serious medication that each prescriber/user needs to be educated, responsible, and accountable for. I truly thank the good Lord for it because my quality of life has improved tremendously, without it, my life would be full of pain and agony, and I would be just a shell of who I am now. So, Actiq is great, just use with care!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 3, 2010

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I just had the worst 3 days of pain in many months because Rite Aid gave me the generic patch. It isn't the same. The brand name has a delivery system with a reservoir of medicine on top of the patch. For me, the brand name worked great."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • April 24, 2009

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "This medication is supposed to be continual pain relief, but on day one it gives mediocre results, day two somewhat okay results although my pain is still at a 4. Then on day three, watch out. Pain level back to a level 8 to 10. I then go through the sweats on day three, and the chills and nausea the entire day. I have only been on this patch 1 month."

4 / 10
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47 Report
  • Achy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 30, 2012

Actiq (fentanyl) "My experience with Actiq was like a miracle. I get many very severe migraines, especially when I am in a stressful, rushed situation. Some of these occasions are holidays, birthdays, etc. I would try to prepare ahead of time, but frequently I would get a migraine. When a bad migraine doesn't abate after the usual rescue and pain management medicines, I would take Actiq, without it, I can't participate with my family to help with any preparations, spend any time with them, and can't even sit down to have a meal with them. After several times of a ruined holiday or special times with family, they either forget you or resent you. Children don't understand at all. So, the next time there's a special event, you get nervous thinking of it."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • TMD...
  • June 29, 2009

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have been on Fentanyl for about 3 years due to spinal fractures. This is the only medication that has given me any relief. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my pain at a 2-3 now, whereas before it was a 7. I am currently on 37 mcg/hr (1 x 25 mcg patch and 1 x 12 mcg patch). I have only two issues with the medication. First is that occasionally it causes extreme nausea (this usually occurs the day after applying a new patch) and blisters on my back where I applied the patches. However, this is probably due to sensitivity to the adhesive and not the medication. Even with these issues, the positives far outweigh the negatives with me."

9 / 10
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  • butch
  • January 23, 2014

"I started taking fentanyl after trying every other opiate available and finally found relief. I'm on the 25 mcg patch. I'm in the 36th hour right now on the first patch, and so far it's perfect and surprisingly has my pain at a 9 out of 10 taken care of with breakthrough medicines. I felt the patch when I finally slept in for once this morning without having to wake up to the pill schedule."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 27, 2009

Duragesic (fentanyl) "Duragesic was a great blessing for me. I'd been on Percodan x 4/day for about 2.5 years when I developed an ulcer from the pills. The doctor started with 50 mcg/hr, but that didn't do it, the 100 mcg/hr is working good still for me. I suffer chronic low back pain, worsened after failed surgery. I've been on these for about 3 years now and am starting to have more breakthrough pain and still get Percodan for these times. I suspect tolerance is developing, but without the patches, my quality of life was almost zero, barring the fact you are alive. These have given me back much of the things I enjoyed doing before, but it requires moderation on my part more now. The only downside I see is the cost and addiction factors. Well worth it to me though."

9 / 10
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42 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 23, 2012

"I was put on Duragesic (fentanyl) for severe back and migraine pain. OxyContin and Percocet didn't touch it. I am allergic to codeine and hydrocodone. At first, the patches were a godsend. The first 24 hours were hell (vomiting, dizziness, heart racing), but it got better when my body got used to the medicine. Unfortunately, about 6 months later, I would lose track of hours of time. People said that I would 'zone out' during conversations and just stare at the wall. Next came spasms. I would have horrible cramps in my legs. My toes would curl up, my legs would start to shake. I had to step down off the patch 25 MGs at a time. Once out of my system, the spasms stopped."

2 / 10
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  • bloxham
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 19, 2016

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I have been all the way up to 150-200 mg with 30 mg breakthru. I really had a life then but wasn't really "there". I couldn't find any doctor in my area to presribe fentenyl so all I got was 15mg oxycodone and that's it. I have a 30 degree curve in back, left hip damage, Crohn's disease and now colon cancer. I'm back on them but only at 50 mg every 72 hours. It's a joke. The DEA here is cruel to people that truly need it. Tolerance included, I don't absorb oral meds but do receive very few 15's for break thru. I am waiting for a pain pump once my colon is removed but can I make it? I'm angry, depressed and want to just sleep without screaming."

6 / 10
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25 Report
  • patch...
  • May 20, 2008

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I have been on the Duragesic patches, 100 mcg, every 2 days for a little over 3 years for chronic pain due to a failed lumbar fusion surgery. Before going on the patch, I was taking 10-15 Loritab's a day, which tore my gastrointestinal system apart. These patches were a Godsend, with Norco as a breakthrough med. I usually only have to take it if I get a little overactive. The only reason I didn't rate a 10 was a few side effects: sweats and constipation being the worst. Gains beat that easy."

9 / 10
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  • hecate
  • September 7, 2007

Actiq (fentanyl) "I have been a pain management patient for 4 years now. I am very sensitive to many medications, and there are not many pain medications that I can take because I have such adverse side effects from them. The Actiq lozenge works very well for my breakthrough pain. It works very fast to relieve my pain, and the good thing is that I have control of my medication intake. Sometimes it is not necessary to use the whole dose, so I never have to take any more medication than I need."

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  • Occip...
  • September 19, 2010

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have been using the Fentanyl patch for a year now. I started with the smallest dose and now am using 100 mcg, replacing every 2-3 days. After 10 years with a chronic headache, I have tried almost everything out there, as well as alternative forms of pain relief (acupuncture, biofeedback, etc.). I've come to realize that the best relief for me seems to be the strongest pain medicines, like methadone tabs, morphine tabs, and fentanyl patches. Unfortunately, every one of the strongest also causes edema for me. Not right away, but after months of use. It's frustrating. I'm not sure what my doctor will do, but I sincerely hope the step-down from 100 mcg to no longer using the patch won't be an insane withdrawal experience."

7 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 15, 2010

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I broke my back 8T when I was 29. The pain got worse as I aged. This past year, I thought my life of suffering would destroy me. My doctor placed me on the patch. It made me feel so much better. A lifesaver. Considering I have a curved spine and fibromyalgia too, I have to wear 2 x 25 mg and change every 48 hours. My only complaint is sweating and some dizziness."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 24, 2009

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I could not live without my patches, but I took the bus to Kansas to see family, and my suitcase managed to disappear. I had the worst withdrawal I have ever been through. I ended up in the hospital and had to fly home."

9 / 10
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  • ian...
  • March 28, 2009

Duragesic (fentanyl) "Great as a pain reliever, but major, major problems when I contracted Legionnaires' disease and had to be put on strong antibiotics, Biaxin and E-mycin. These made my whole system go into meltdown until I removed the patch and went back on MS-Contin. Be very careful of drug interactions."

7 / 10
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  • Pain...
  • March 28, 2013

Sublimaze (fentanyl) "Fentanyl saved my life pre-back surgery. The sublingual fentanyl literally is the best pain reliever (severe pain relief only! Not for mild to moderate pain) more than Kadian, Norco, Oxy. I was in so much pain; Fentanyl got me through it. Back surgery was a success, and life is moving on; almost pain free."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Macktee
  • May 6, 2008

Actiq (fentanyl) "I've had chronic daily cluster headaches for about 35 years. Actiq is the only med that I've tried to offer near-complete relief. I've been using them for almost five years, and they still work as well as the first time. For me, a true 'miracle drug.'"

9 / 10
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  • MiniG...
  • September 23, 2013

"I have just recently started this medication for severe Fibromyalgia pain. Unlike most others who have posted here, I have not been taking strong opiates for my pain prior to being given this patch by my doctor. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia eight years ago after being rear ended in an auto accident that happened twelve years ago. This past year, I have been on Hydrocodone 5/500. Prior to that I was on Tylenol for pain relief. After 4 days of being on the 12.5 mcg patch, I am beginning to get some relief for my pain. I think I am going to like this patch."

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  • Healt...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 20, 2023

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I was switched from the Mallinckrodt 75mcg patch to the Mylan 75mcg patch, and ever since then, I have been in constant pain. With the Mallinckrodt patches, I could sometimes run out of my Percocet 10mg a few days early without experiencing withdrawal symptoms, as long as I had my Mallinckrodt patches. I never ran out of patches. Now, with the Mylan patches, I can't tell any difference in pain relief from Day 1 to Day 3. I am always in pain. When I was using the Mallinckrodt patches, I would only experience pain on Day 3. It's worth mentioning that my insurance coverage has changed, and I now have state-provided insurance, which may be a factor in the difference in patch effectiveness. If anyone else has experienced this problem or has any information or insights to share, please let me know. I'm desperate for any helpful input."

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  • kwilly
  • July 30, 2009

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I was put on Vicodin first for my chronic back pain, didn't work then the doctor said to try injections, they worked for about a month. Then I got pain so bad I couldn't get out of bed half the time, and my family doctor said he didn't want to give me anything stronger because of seizure medicines I was on. I tried everything for pain, then someone suggested pain management, finally, a doctor listened. He put me on the Fentanyl patch. I feel like I'm 20 again. I can work, do things I couldn't do before with my kids and grandkids. This patch is a godsend. I did experience heavy sweating, vomiting, and dozing off until my body became adjusted. Now I still get the nodding off effect occasionally, and itching where the patch is."

9 / 10
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  • sassca
  • February 18, 2009

"I have been on fentanyl for many years, and for many of those years, I have lost many, many patches. I now go to medical supply or my pharmacy and buy 3' surgical tape. I have yet to lose a patch in 10 months. The tape costs about $6.50 a roll. Good luck to you. I know how horrible it is to run short and have to face that unbearable pain at the end of the month. Not too many people understand the pain."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 18, 2008

Fentora (fentanyl) "My husband finds great relief with this for his breakthrough pain. Very fast acting but relief only lasts about an hour. He needs more than one of these for use a day but since the DEA have declared war on pain management doctors he is only given one dose per day. His quality of life would greatly improve if he was allowed to have more for his breakthrough pain. "

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.