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Microgestin Fe 1/20 User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Microgestin Fe 1/20 has an average rating of 5.6 out of 10 from a total of 553 reviews on 39% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Microgestin Fe 1/20

  • Agirl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 27, 2015

For Birth Control "I switched from Safyral to Microgestin. After reading the horrible reviews of this pill, I literally cried.I wanted to share my GOOD experience with taking Microgestin over the past ~2 months. I have noticed no spike in appetite, except around the week before my period and at times while I'm on my period, which is not unusual for me. I have not noticed any extreme bloating, and I've experienced little to no nausea. I have no cramps, no spotting, and my period is now extremely light, to the point where I forget I have it at times. I only experienced one patch of skin on my face that became almost unnoticeably darker, but it faded in a week. I exercise daily, eat reasonably, and I have not gained weight. THIS PILL IS NOT BAD IN MY EXPERIENCE"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2012

For Birth Control "I was very hesitant to try this birth control after reading SO many negative reviews. I decided that I would go ahead and try it anyways, since everyone reacts differently. Personally, I absolutely LOVE this birth control. I have been on it for approximately three months now, and have not had any bad side effects whatsoever. I used to be on Yasmin for 3 years, and would get headaches almost daily. Ever since I switched, I rarely get headaches. I have had no weight gain, no mood swings, no acne, and no change in breast size (unfortunately). I have noticed my periods are much lighter and I have had no spotting. Overall, I give this birth control an A ."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • December 3, 2009

For Birth Control "I had been taking Microgestin for over 6 months now (switched from the patch), and I will be switching to another form of birth control once again. I've gained 15 pounds (going up 3 dress sizes!) and I've had excessive night sweats. None of these side effects have occurred prior to taking this pill. I will be switching to another form of birth control."

3 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Bee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 18, 2019

For Birth Control "First I wanna say I have never been on birth control I am 24 years old .this is my first time being on birth control. I’ve been on this birth control for about three months now. The first few weeks my mood swings were horrible my boobs grew !!! I feel the difference ...and I haven’t gained any weight at all ! Actually this birth control kind of slow down my appetite. Now after the few weeks went by everything has been fine with me. My period is back on track how it used to be .I have no problem with this birth control but every women body is different so I really didn’t have any bad experience with this birth control I hope this help"

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  • JNVW
  • September 1, 2014

For Acne "When I first started this medicine, I would get headaches and feel super sleepy within the first 5 minutes of taking it. But those side effects subsided as I got to my next pill pack. Probably the worst part of this medication is that it caused me to have more and consistent acne than before (which is one reason why I wanted birth control in the first place). Along with acne, Microgestin Fe 1/20 caused the skin above my upper lip to darken (known as Melasma). It wasn't too noticeable at first, but as summer went on, and with more sun, it got worse. It was effective as a birth control and good with period regulation but I wasn't pleased with the negative side-effects AT ALL so I have recently switched over to Gianvi."

6 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Bsucc...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 28, 2013

For Birth Control "I started this pill after a horrible experience with implanon. I've been on the pill for over a year and I love it! My periods are predictable and very light, and have had no weight gain. I only get light acne (one or two pimples) when my cycle is about to come on I've had no breakthrough bleeding, but have noticed a decrease in sex drive, but not by too much."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 29, 2012

For Menstrual Disorders "I've been taking this for a week and a half. So far, two different times I felt alarming numbness in one arm and dizziness - thought I was having a stroke. But it passed. Also, my breasts feel very tender, sore and heavy. They have not grown that I've noticed, though. I have also broken out (acne) more than usual. So I have experienced side effects. I'm going to try this pill out for a whole pack before I switch. I haven't experienced moodiness, which I was concerned about, because I am prone to melancholy. I would recommend that you try this pill and don't back out because of the negative reviews. Give it a chance. That's what I'm doing."

7 / 10
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  • Patie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2015

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill since June of 2015 and I so far have not gotten pregnant, but I have pregnancy like symptoms all the time which lead me to think I am pregnant therefore buying tests. I have major migraines, I am depressed, already had anxiety but it has heightened, I am moody and nauseous all the time. My body aches. I am worried about what the affect this is having on my body. I have also taken the pill at the same time everyday and have skipped the week off (period week) but have not had a period since the 2nd month of being on it."

4 / 10
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  • nurse...
  • November 9, 2018

For Birth Control "I took this for 4 months. At first great, boobs grew 2 cup sizes, no acne, & when it came time for my period I only had some spotting. However, 3 weeks into taking it I had to go to the ER cause I thought I had a blood clot. My left arm was numb and swelling, went to the ER & luckily everything was fine. 2 months later I developed severe anxiety & blood pressure was scary high. My heart rate was 142 at the doctors & they were so concerned that they made me stay until it lowered & told me that if it goes back up to go to the ER. Gained 10 pounds & had severe bloating and water retention in my calves. I started dating my current boyfriend while on this and he says that the person I was on this pill is not someone who he would date. I had NO emotions, I literally felt nothing and he tells me that I acted like a zombie. Now I'm off it my boyfriend tells me that I’m a totally different person. This pill will probably work for someone who is very healthy and has no history of mental health issues."

3 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • December 12, 2012

For Birth Control "I am 19 years old and this is my first time on birth control. I chose this one because it is fairly inexpensive if I didn't have insurance to cover as well as fitting my body. I have no bad experiences with it at all, no weight gain or anything and it does its job! Needless to say I love this pill!"

10 / 10
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  • BreyAnn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 4, 2015

For Birth Control "This is the worst birth control I have ever used. I have been taking it for two weeks now and I have literally gone crazy. I'm not myself at all. It has made me insanely emotional, I cry all the time not to mention I'm very very depressed and have thoughts of suicide. I am also very irritable and find myself snapping at people for no reason. I would never recommend this pill to anyone."

1 / 10
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  • sammm...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 9, 2018

For Birth Control "I was so skeptical to begin taking this because I read the reviews beforehand but after being on it for a full month now, I can say I think I found the one. My boobs grew just enough, light period, and virtually no cramps. I used to not even be able to get out of bed because of my cramps and it is so nice to be able to actually function the first couple days of my period."

10 / 10
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  • Sarah...
  • March 1, 2016

For Birth Control "I've been on this pill for a little more than 2 years (can't remember exactly when I started it). Only birth control I have ever used and I have no problems with it what so ever. No mood swings, no weight gain, no increased acne, and so light of periods that I only need a liner which lasts for 2 to 4 days. My sex drive is the same as it was before the pill and I haven't had a single pregnancy scare which is great because I've had unprotected sex with my boyfriend the entire time I've been on the pill. I of course take the pill like you are suppose to (every day at the same time) other than not bothering with the sugar pills. I recommend to try it for few months because when I first began the pill I had nausea but it stopped after few months"

10 / 10
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  • Tyler...
  • December 23, 2016

For Birth Control "I started this birth control after my insurance stopped covering loloestrine fe.. the first 2 months of this were a breeze. I had little to no symptoms, almost like I wasn't even on birth control. I finally reached my 3rd month and I am truly horrified by my experience with this Bc. I am a sexually active woman and the symptoms I'm experiencing are making me feel like I may be pregnant even though I am not. It started with severe constipation, frequent urination, loss of appetite all together, nausea ALL DAY EVERY DAY mostly at night. I truly can't take it anymore and I decided to stop this Bc last night in hopes of the nausea stopping. If you are feeling this way please go to your gyno and seek a new pill. It's truly not worth this feeling"

2 / 10
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  • Nana
  • September 17, 2015

For Birth Control "So amazing. I have currently had the IUD Mirena for 3 years & recently realized how much I miss Microgestin Fe 1/20 & want it back in my life. ( recently I had a new guy complaining he can feel it) The Microgestin Pills had me with the finest body (lost weight); no acne, light/no periods, & no pregnancy. I would take it every day, on time (@ 3pm), until a nurse (funded by my [different] school health insurance) encouraged me to get the IUD because you don't have to remember something every day, it "prevents pregnancy better". That is why I switched. Yes, this pill me feel bad at first, but the nauseousness goes away. I want it back."

10 / 10
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  • Zayna...
  • September 28, 2017

For Birth Control "I was EXTREMELY nervous about taking this bc. This is my first bc pill I've taken and it's been great. I just finished my first pack and all I can say is I weigh less and my period was SUPER light! Before bc, my periods were like 4 days long. On birth control, it was literally a day. I didn't have any mood swings or depression. I do feel like it increased my anxiety a tad bit. Always remember, when looking for the right bc for you, never put too much into these reviews. Try it out for yourself."

10 / 10
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  • Taylo...
  • July 25, 2016

For Menstrual Disorders "I just started my second pack of microgestin fe 1/20 and I cannot complain! I definitely have the side effect of feeling a little sick, but that is to be expected. My first month of using it I also had started working out and I actually lost 7 or 8 pounds, so I had no problem with my weight. I'm sure it is based upon your body, but if you maintain a healthy lifestyle weight gain should not be a problem. I started taking this due to the unreal pain I was experiencing while I was on my period. This past one was nothing! I had zero pain and it was extremely light and only lasted about 2 days. It was so nice! My only complaint is my stomach hurting during the first few days of pills."

8 / 10
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  • danny...
  • September 13, 2016

For Birth Control "I've been on this pill for 8 months. I've always been overweight but I've significantly changed my lifestyle, going to the gym consistently for the first time ever, yet I'm gaining weight. Ugh. Other side effects: anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, weird, vivid, and often sexual dreams, I sleep so much (10 hrs/night), loss of sex drive. Headaches and disturbed sleep which were extremely rare for me before. Also my blood pressure was 140/89 the other day and I've never had high blood pressure! I was compelled to read reviews after that and I see some people had the same issue. This is the first pill I've been on so I thought "maybe this isn't so bad" but now, writing out all of my side effects, I'm seriously considering stopping this pill."

6 / 10
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  • 9...
  • July 20, 2010

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "I have been on this pill for 9 months. I was put on it to stop the growth of ovarian cysts. I take no other medicines. I eat well and exercise regularly. Only in the past 3 months have I experienced headaches, a bit more moodiness and SUPER TENDER breasts, which have grown a cup size so I don't really mind. I could do without the tenderness though. As far as weight gain, I always am up and down 5 lbs a month. I was actually kind of hoping that this particular pill would keep me on the lower side but I guess not. Also after reading others reviews I am now thinking that perhaps I have more upset tummy issues due to the pill."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 24, 2013

For Birth Control "I have just been on Microgenstin Fe 1/20 for a month now. No period yet, which made me nervous until reading some these reviews. I was on Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 and wanted something with less estrogen. I have lost five pounds, no mood swings and I'm loving it. Only thing is night sweats and more emotional at times."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 12, 2014

For Birth Control "I recently decided to get back on this pill, after I was off it for a few months. My experience has been slightly different from the first time I took it. As it has in the past, my skin has completely cleared up, however this time around I am feeling extremely nauseaus, lost my sex drive, and I am constantly and randomly just bursting into tears. This might just be temporary side affects, hopefully it gets better soon..."

6 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 7, 2009

For Birth Control "I've been on Microgestin Fe 1/20 now for a little over 2 years. I haven't gotten my period since I started taking it. My doctors don't know why but don't seem to be too alarmed. I noticed I am emotional and I have the urge to cry about the SILLIEST of things. I don't think it has made me gain weight, if so no more than 5 pounds. "

4 / 10
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  • TexLady
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 2, 2015

For Birth Control "When I originally took Microgestin 1/20 by Watson, it was amazing (particularly after the first couple of months of taking when my body got use to it). My breasts went up a cup size & there were little to no side effects. Lighter periods. No pregnancy. WIN! THEN after almost two years, a dark cloud called Actavis became the new manufacturer and shattered my love for Microgestin. Something changed in the formula because I was suddenly sick during the first week of each new pack to the point that I'd throw up at times. Random cramping. Gained about a pd a week - not a deal breaker but still sucks. HEAVY exhausting 2-3 day periods. Two side effects worsened over time: melasma and mood swings. Needless to say, it's goodbye time. Beware!"

1 / 10
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  • Genah
  • April 21, 2019

For Birth Control "I’ve used birth control for over 10 years. I’ve used Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 for majority of that time. I’ve also used the patch (no complaints other than it would give me a small rash on the area that I applied it on). Microgestin Fe 1/20 was my least favorite. I didn’t get my period the first 4 months. I gained weighed (10-15 pounds). I hit the gym everyday for about 2 hours. I ran 5-7 miles a day, ate clean and I could not lose the weight. I had mood swings. I just got off it. As soon as I went back to Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 (my regular birth control) I dropped all the weight, my period came back, and my mood swings went away. I’ve always been regular. Please read reviews before you try something."

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  • December 27, 2013

For Birth Control "I started this pill and all seemed fine. I had some symptoms while my body was "adjusting" to the hormones: breakthrough bleeding, a little weight gain, feeling blue. But I guess my body never fully adjusted because 6 months later, this pill is giving me headaches, I have breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the month every month, I feel slightly nauseous all throughout the day, and I still cramp and get acne. I didn't get pregnant though, and my periods were super light and short, but this pill just doesn't work with my body, I think."

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.