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Escitalopram for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Lexapro

Escitalopram has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 124 reviews for the off-label treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Escitalopram

  • Mamma
  • January 19, 2019

"Started on 10 mg for OCD and anxiety. The first week was horrible. I had blurry vision, nausea, shakes, and twice the anxiety. Thought loops would not stop. However, by weeks 2 and 3, I could breathe again and think. Around week 5, they doubled my dose to 20 mg, and it's been a lifesaver. All side effects gone. Sometimes I have a little trouble sleeping, but I'd rather have that and be able to think and function. My head seems clear, and I'm not worrying as much. It's been a blessing. Just stick by it, cause the first few weeks are rough, but it goes away."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 12, 2023

"I've been dealing with intrusive thoughts, severe and irrational guilt, and constant doubt for the last 3-4 years. My life was completely falling apart. I began to worry about things I had never worried about before, including my food and driving. Currently on 10 mg and things feel so much better. The intrusive thoughts do come but I'm able to let them go like water falling off my back. It was initially subtle but I absolutely feel more calm and measured now. I would highly recommend giving it a try. I too was terrified of taking medication but looking back now I wish I would've taken it sooner."

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8 Report
  • feeling...
  • August 17, 2014

"I have been taking Lexapro for years with fairly good results and low side effects, usually between 10 to 15 mg. I am a 44 y/o woman, mother and wife of middle school children. My anxiety/depression has gotten worse, and I was recently diagnosed with OCD. I tried to increase to 20 mg, but after 4 weeks, I felt lousy, tired a lot, poor sleep, gaining some weight, not much. I'm going back to 15 mg. Does anyone really think there is a difference between the 2 doses? I just want to feel happy again."

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Dr OCD
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 16, 2018

"I have OCD from my childhood. By the time it gets worse, especially in traveling and university. I tried paroxetine, it didn't help a lot. Sertraline helps a little. I combined Cymbalta with paroxetine, the symptoms were zero, but unfortunately, I gained 25 kg. I switched to escitalopram 20 mg, it's amazing. Low sex drive, but it's okay for me. Guys, I’m a very successful professional. I want to tell you that OCD needs high doses, so don't give up. Good luck."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • DTrout
  • August 24, 2017

"I have had relationship-centered OCD as long as I can remember, centering around the most important people in my life. I finally made the steps to seek out help and was prescribed 10 mg of escitalopram about a month ago. I was worried about taking a medication that I feared would alter the way I think (but that's the point, I guess!) but figured that I had been living with obsessive and intrusive thoughts for about 15 years, so I might as well try it. Wow. I feel so wonderful all the time. When I get intrusive thoughts, it is much easier to brush off because I don't feel crippling anxiety; I feel like I can think more clearly about what is rational and what isn't. I had no side effects and feel like now I can enjoy life better."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • jrmjmr
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 13, 2013

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I'm a hoarder. Depressed all my life. My doctor said Lexapro would work. I tried it and took 20 mg then 40 mg. I don't go garbage dumping anymore, gained weight and sleeping problems. I don't know if it's working very well. I know I get a little angry without it. I'm taking Wellbutrin too. I wish everyone luck."

7 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 13, 2018

"I remember when OCD began to ruin my entire life last year. I was graduating nursing school when the symptoms began, and I just remember thinking that I would never, ever be able to live a normal life. Once I was diagnosed and started receiving treatment, in addition to starting this drug, I began to gain my life back. All the things that I loved and had passions for started to return. You have to let this drug give time to work, however. It takes time, and acceptance is always the biggest step in managing OCD. After about two months on it, the side effects dwindled away. Everybody's body is different, but I would definitely recommend this!"

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • April 28, 2019

"Have been on this medication for a little under a year. I started at 10mg. The only side effects I had were sleepiness for a few days and a lack of appetite for one. I started taking it at night for a change and it made a WORLD of difference. I wake up feeling well rested and calm through out the day. When I would take it in the morning, I would feel like I slept on a rock all night. This medication is awesome. Most people I’ve talked to that are my friends take it."

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Newly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 19, 2017

"I tried every supplement/natural remedy under the sun to help relieve my OCD to no avail. I suffered from horrible intrusive thoughts and daily panic attacks that were driving me nearly insane. Then a friend recommended Lexapro. I'll admit the first two weeks were hell, and I had every side effect under the sun. But after about 5 weeks, and an increase in dosage to 20 mg, I felt back to my old self. Now I hardly have any intrusive thoughts, and when I do, they are much easier to control. I'm so thankful for Lexapro, it gave me my life and happiness back. I'm now at 30 mg and find this to be an effective dose for my OCD and anxiety. I hope it continues to work wonders for me!"

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • howef...
  • May 30, 2017

"I had my first "panic attack" about 20 years ago, hellish paranoia in the middle of the night that lasted a few hours the first time. Over the years, I tried to self diagnose, thinking my attacks happened when I was living wrong. I always felt it was somehow my conscience trying to get me to live differently. I always felt guilty and paranoid about how I was living. It is only in the last year or so, that it occurred to me that I actually might have a more severe case of OCD than I thought. It is not anything obvious, but I know that I spend hours a day with my lists of things. I don't have friends although I am very friendly. I can't "waste my time." I don't get out a lot. I usually notice my "panic attacks" occurred after having had some alcohol, although often not a lot. I have become afraid of the night coming because then if I get an attack, I cannot talk to people, I cannot drive places, do stuff to distract my brain. The main thing is that I cannot sleep or even try to lay my head down because if I do not distract my brain, the terrifying feeling overcomes me. I will be exhausted but afraid to lie down. My attacks have started to last throughout the day because I sense that total unbearable fear of things I cannot control or are futile. For example, never speaking to my ex again, the unbearable thought of my mother passing away, even little stuff like where I lost a pair of glasses. Terrifying! I never thought my panic attack symptoms were like the classic ones I’ve been reading about-no racing heart, just an absolute paranoia and NOW I HAVE concluded that my problem is related to my OCD. It is only in reading all of your comments that I begin to really understand that this is biochemical. Is this something that is best treated through a psychiatrist? I tried a therapist once a week but that was useless. It feels so wonderful knowing that I am not alone in my craziness."

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28 Report
  • Denia...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 7, 2017

"I never realized I had OCD until I saw a therapist after having my baby. My whole life I was labeled as 'high strung,' and to be honest, I didn't believe the therapist when she diagnosed me. After a long and agonizing series of events, I reluctantly started Lexapro 10 mg (didn't believe in taking meds). After 3 weeks, I could not believe how much more relaxed I felt. I never realized how severe my panic and anxiety was until I got to experience life without it. My rituals even subsided (never knew I had rituals until I stopped doing them). In the end, I am glad I started the meds. The only side effect has been decreased sex drive, but it's manageable, and both myself and my husband are much happier now that I can function better and enjoy daily life."

9 / 10
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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 25, 2024

"I was on Lexapro for 3.5 years. When I say it was life-changing, I can’t put it into words. I took 10 mg for my OCD. I was diagnosed with OCD and PTSD after my son. I dealt with a lot of my intrusive thoughts on my own. It was not good. I lived a life with OCD that in my mind was manageable, which was false. I didn’t want to try any drug out of fear. During my postpartum, it got worse so I knew I had to get on something. I’m not going to lie, I experienced a few symptoms: racing thoughts, OCD worse, racing heartbeat, and hot flashes. These were for the first week or so. By week 6, I can’t tell you how much it changed me. I had less and less as the weeks went on. I really can’t say this enough, just try it. Do therapy at the same time to talk about the symptoms with. Symptoms will be there. But they don’t last forever."

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4 Report
  • alon
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 11, 2018

"49 y.o. male, have been on Prozac for 19 years, and moved to Escitalopram (Cipralex) 15mg two years ago. The medicine is perfect for the OCD and the anxiety I had. No side effects at all, the medicine is like invisible, only good effects. Before I moved to Escitalopram I used to have some night movements or could suddenly kick while sleeping, this was stopped immediately as I began Escitalopram. I recommend this medicine Cipralex, Escitalopram generic substitute."

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22 Report
  • colle...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 14, 2018

"It took a much longer time than I thought to kick in. At the 1 month mark the side effects were gone but it felt like nothing had really changed. Now, at the 2 month mark I'm seeing real reductions in obsessive thoughts and behaviors, as well as anxiety in general. Taking 15mg currently although will probably go up to 20."

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21 Report
  • Itsav...
  • June 5, 2021

"One day I was with my friend and smoked weed, I started having thoughts but it wasn’t pleasant it was anxiety provoking I never had experienced a panic attack before this experience, I looked up escitalopram and started on it, first months are tough but after 2 months my symptoms and thoughts became lesser to a point of having a normal life again I been on it for two years and anxiety thoughts are almost non existing my happiness is back my girl friend has been with me way before I experienced this intrusive thoughts and she help me seek help so please do seek help"

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12 Report
  • Forza...
  • May 26, 2010

"I recently started taking Ciprolex (escitalopram) 2 months ago, starting with 5 mg and the doctor increasing it slowly. Now I'm on 30 mg as I have impulsive behavior, OCD, anorexia, and not sure what else yet. I have filled out a 7-page question test, yes/no, to help determine other issues I'm experiencing. For many years, I have been on Prozac and clonazepam, but now off Prozac completely as of lately. I have tried many others, such as Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, etc.... with little success. I really hope that I do get benefits from this one, and so far, little side effects and seem to be on a more even state, where I can cope a bit better day to day. Hope I have helped others with my experiences, and I'm trying to still study more on it and if dosage is too much, etc."

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36 Report
  • KKano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 7, 2019

"For me Lexapro was a life saver, however I experience night terrors and low libido, along with fibromyalgia, which lead me to consider switching to cymbalta, which I tried no avail as I couldn't function on it. Switched back to Lexapro 20mg reduced to 10mg and then began experiencing severe intrusive thoughts and crippling panic again. Talking to my doctor about switching back to 20mg, because honestly the night terrors are better than the intrusive thoughts and panic for me. Fingers crossed that after the transition period it’ll be better. OCD is hard experience to walk and try to manage, I thought I had conquered it years back the first time I got on meds, but turns out stress and triggers can bring you back any time, especially mid dosage transition."

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17 Report
  • Lily
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 19, 2019

"The first time I was on it for a year and it made absolutely no difference. When I got off it, no withdrawal side effects or mood change, basically a sugar pill. This time I was on for 1.5 years. Again, no help for OCD depression or anxiety at 20mg. AND I developed panic disorder on this. I've always had panic attacks, but usually only a few per year. With this med there were times that for 2 weeks at a time, daily I'd wake up and have a panic attack lasting 1-8 hours. Yes 8 hours in a full blown panic attack with all the classic symptoms. Getting off the meds over 6 weeks: the first 2 dose decreases, my OCD actually improved 3%, but once I got down to 5mg and 0mg, the withdrawal hit me: Daily panic attacks, headache, nausea, stomach issues, floating head, insomnia, short tempered, lack of cognition, suicidal ideation. Gene testing like genesight: you can't rely on the info they give you. This was in my column of meds that should work along with others I had bad reactions to"

1 / 10
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16 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 25, 2012

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I took Lexapro for approximately 3 years for OCD and panic attacks. Initially it did help the OCD and anxiety, but I then seemed to adjust to it and it did nothing for me anymore. I did gain about 15 lbs on it. It took me about 8-10 weeks to get off it and I have to say the withdrawal is the WORST feeling in the world. Now that I'm free of it, I'm back to the OCD and panic attacks, but can't say I would go back on the Lexapro."

6 / 10
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31 Report
  • NickN...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 27, 2018

"Been on it for 3 months, and noticed around a 70-80% reduction in symptoms. I spend about 2 hours per week in obsession or compulsion, whereas before I spend about 10-15 hours. Huge difference! It's like I gained 10 hours of my life back every week. That being said my sex drive is fairly low. As opposed to every day I'm at more of a 2-3x / week thing now. The weird thing that I noticed and don't like is that if I stop taking it even for two days, my symptoms start to come back and it takes another 3 days to get back into the symptom reduction. For instance, if I forget on Saturday and Sunday, it'll be Thursday before I'm back to normal after re continuing the medication. All in all, good drug, solid results, reasonable side effects, but you've really got to take it everyday - or at least I do."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Anos
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 21, 2022

"I have always had a very mild form of OCD which was inconvenient at times but nothing too alarming or life-altering. The problem started a year ago when I had a bad episode of contamination OCD which lasted for around two months. I could not drive out of fear that I would run someone over. I was afraid I would hurt people and push them over a bridge etc. I also developed severe contamination (rabies) OCD so bad that I feared leaving the house in case a bat flew into me and bit me. I started Exposure and Preventure Response Therapy, but that has made my anxiety skyrocket. My doctor suggested I go on Lexapro to lower my anxiety/paranoia threshold so that I would be able to do exposure as part of my EPR therapy. The first week I was on 5mg and had no side effects. On in my second week now (10mg) and my anxiety is as bad as it has ever been (almost paranoid) but I am sticking to it and hoping things will improve in the coming weeks. I will keep you posted."

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7 Report
  • renske
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 2, 2020

"escitalopram seemed to work very quickly, felt on top of the world. So happy! But...within two weeks the effects were all gone! Even increasing to 20 mg didn't do anything. Waited a few months to see if the effects would be better, but no. Only good thing was that for the first time I did not have the side effect of excessive sweating and feeling warm all the time. (like paxil and fluvoxamine) When I started having panic attacks while on this medicine, I decided this was not the right medicine for me. Now recently on Prozac, fingers crossed..."

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13 Report
  • oKAYJ...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 5, 2020

"No help for my OCD whatsoever from a low dose of Lexapro. I have only taken this medication so far, so it is my only experience. I did not feel it has been any easier to avoid tapping, obsessive handwashing, or ruminating on Lexapro."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2018

"I have been suffering from severe intrusive thoughts about suicide for the last few months. After researching online I feel OCD is the best fit for what I am going through. Constant thoughts and seeking reassurance, and mental checks that I won’t act on them. After trying to get through it on my own, I finally broke down and went to the dr. He prescribed 5mg daily. Hardly any side effects and after the first 10 days I felt amazing, I thought I had found a miracle cure! I was able to think rationally and intrusive thoughts drastically decreased. Now I am on week 3 and feel like I am back to where I started. I think it is common that this can happen and hopefully if I stick it out for 6 weeks I will feel great again. Fingers crossed!"

7 / 10
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16 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 14, 2011

Lexapro (escitalopram) "I have been on Lexapro since August of 2009. Initially the OCD went away altogether but it has recently returned as of July 2011. I'm pregnant in my third trimester so it may not be working as well due to body chemistry changes of pregnancy. But, I'm not sure if it could also not be working as well due to what is informally known as "Prozac poopout" which according to my psychiatrist may happen to some patients anywhere from possibly a year but may not happen until 30 years on the medicine. Time will only tell if Lexapro will continue to work for me. I'm not sure what to do if it stops working completely. I am also on Seroquel to help with the symptoms and help me sleep since SSRI's tend to keep me up at night."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.