Complera User Reviews & Ratings
Complera has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 59 reviews on 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.
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HIV Infection | 59 reviews for HIV Infection | 71 medications |
Reviews for Complera
- big...
- January 26, 2012
For HIV Infection "This is my first medication for HIV. Though I have always had a strong immune system (CD4 > 700, Viral Load < 200, at worst), my N.P. recommended that I should start a regimen, and the only requirement I had for her is that it's a once-a-day pill. As a busy college student trying to complete my first degree, the last thing I want to be a prisoner to is my HIV. I have noticed absolutely no change in my body other than I am happier than I have ever been since being infected. But I have always used a pill case (though I am only 20 years old) for fish oil and multivitamins (Dietetics Major). So, I had no concern about adding just one more pill in there. Guess the hardest thing is getting a 500 kcal meal in my busy mornings. Keep strong!"
- Ste...
- October 31, 2014
For HIV Infection "I am 30 years old, diagnosed on January 7th, 2014. I didn't need to take any medication when I first found out, in fact, I went months without starting medication. My doctor said I may have been able to go years without any medication because my health and immune system were managing it on its own. I'm very fit, active, and eat healthy. I decided to start Complera as a preventative. I did not want my health to get out of hand, and I didn't want to be more susceptible to other illnesses. My experience has been fine. I started meds on June 1st. The first week or few days, it did make my stomach upset, dizzy sometimes, but only after taking it, not just randomly. But now it's just like a daily pill that I don't even notice. I'm happy and healthy."
Frequently asked questions
- Anonymous
- December 22, 2011
For HIV Infection "After 3 1/2 weeks of using Complera, no side effects to speak of. Remember to always take Complera with a meal and a glass of water. Get a pillbox from your doctor or pharmacist to help manage the ritual of daily pill taking."
- Xan...
- January 7, 2016
For HIV Infection "I have been HIV positive for over 16 years. I have taken HIV meds since 2004. A trick that I learned when taking Complera that may help some people. Complera has the drug rilpivirine in it. This drug is marketed under the name Edurant. I used to take it by itself before I started on Complera. The trick is to take the drug in the morning at breakfast but only take it halfway through the meal. By doing it this way, you coat your stomach before, and the food at the other end helps with the absorption of the medicine. By doing it this way, I have never had any stomach issues, and by taking it in the morning, I have no sleep issues. I am currently taking Complera with Tivicay. My T-cells are over 1000, and my viral load is undetectable."
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- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 29, 2013
For HIV Infection "From day 1 of using Complera, I have had only one side effect, and that was an increased metabolic rate for the first month. Clearly, Complera was fighting HIV in that month. In the first week of taking Complera, I could feel it working, and I felt amazing. Having been on Complera now for over 4 months, I forget I am HIV positive, as I feel totally normal with this medicine."
- and...
- November 29, 2015
For HIV Infection "I am a 34-year-old married woman who was recently diagnosed about 4 - 5 months ago through a routine doctor visit, and I've been on Complera almost two months now. When I first started, my viral load was 23,000, and I will go back to the doctor on Dec 15 to have my blood work done again to see if the meds are working!! So far, the only side effects are gas and extreme hunger, lol.... My husband is also HIV positive, and he's taking a different medicine, and his is working so far as well!!!! I really need someone to talk to about this, so if someone wants to talk - maybe give me some advice, let me know because I'm still in shock and have a lot of questions."
- Mam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 4, 2013
For HIV Infection "I started taking Complera one month ago. My virus was 1142 in my blood, and my T cells were 430 units. In the first week of taking Complera, I had side effects, but not serious ones, like diarrhea. I could not sleep well, I felt dizzy, had a headache, and I lost my appetite. And the most important, I made a lot of gas. But after a month, I visited my doctor to check if the Complera was working for me, and the result was amazing. The doctor explained to me that the virus in my body is now under 12 (undetectable), and the T cells are up to 660. I'm taking Complera every day between 8 to 10 PM, after dinner."
- Eve...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 22, 2014
For HIV Infection "A year in on Complera and feeling extreme fatigue, and 3 times a day I become dizzy, that I have to sit and wait for the dizziness to go away. I express this to my doctor, and he assured me it was the medicine. Now I am experiencing tingling, numbness in my hands and feet. My balance is unbalanced. Not to scare anyone. I have been positive for 2 decades and started treatment a year ago. I hear a lot of news about doctors saying it may be low B12 vitamin. However, I know for sure what is the cause, the Complera. I never felt these effects before in my life till now!"
- Lam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 16, 2013
For HIV Infection "OK. I'm back with my results. I'm very pleased. I started taking Complera on November 13, 2012. I've never missed a dose, and I've kept a medicine log in a notebook to make sure I date, time, and initial after I take the pill. My blood was drawn on January 11, 2013-I just got the results yesterday. My viral load was undetectable, and my T-cell count was 772. Wow. When I was diagnosed with HIV, my T-cell count was 533, and then it dropped to 381 when I was trying to decide if I wanted to be on medication. In only 2 months, my T-cell count basically doubled or tripled. I look forward to seeing how Complera does my HIV in future months."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 1, 2012
For HIV Infection "I was put on Complera as a study patient prior to Complera being approved. I went on the drug just before it was approved by the FDA last year. All I can say is that Complera is a miracle. I have had zero side effects! I can only say how blessed I feel to have been given the opportunity to participate in the study. I have been on Complera over a year now, can second what other reviewers have said. This medication has allowed HIV not to affect my life. I was completely undetectable in two months after starting the medicine, and my CD4 and CD4% have steadily gone up. I can only say to Gilead, thank you!"
- BFB...
- October 2, 2014
For HIV Infection "Began Complera in May 2013 after having been on Atripla. Positive since 1992. Both medicines have kept my viral load undetectable and T-cells above 700. Both have their side effects, but for now, I'm sticking with Complera. I take Complera after dinner, hours before sleep (to help as much with insomnia. Doctor has prescribed Ambien). The side effects of Complera I hope work themselves out overnight. As for gas and bloating, I have a glass of Metamucil every morning. And each day I live with a positive attitude, or as normal as possible!"
- dem...
- July 18, 2014
For HIV Infection "I am two months now on it after switching from a 3-pill-a-day combo. The first 3 weeks, it was a horrible experience with stomach bloating, gas, and wind. It triggered my depression as well. Week 4, the symptoms started eliminating. 8 weeks now on, and everything is back to normal, except for being happier having to take just one small pill a day. The blood tests couldn't be better with an undetectable VL and a good CD4 count."
- red...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 31, 2015
For HIV Infection "I tested positive in 1993. I actually thought I had a year or two left to live. I went without meds almost twenty (20) years. I started Complera in 2013. I'm undetectable and my CD4 is now close to 700, up from 420. I still smoke cigarettes and drink socially. I haven't had any side effects. I'm 58 years old and African American. Even at this age, my physical stamina is good (basketball and tennis). Complera is the only meds I've taken, and up to now I'm pleased with the results. And by the way, I take my Complera in the mornings with breakfast. When it's time to go to sleep at night, I sleep like a baby. Good luck, guys, and best wishes. Peace!"
- Pre...
- April 30, 2014
For HIV Infection "I got the pills a week ago and was terrified to start them after reading the side effects. I've been on them for 2 days now, been positive 25 years come August. I am experiencing lightheadedness, mild headaches, dizziness, some nausea. I'm assuming it's because I'm very petite. A lot of medicines are strong for me. Praying it will get better. By all your comments, have to say, I'm much calmer about it all."
- loo...
- June 11, 2014
For HIV Infection "Switched from Atripla to Complera, hoping for better health and relief from neurosystem damage that it causes. The food intake and horrible bloating were the first side effects of it; they got milder by the 2nd week. By the 8th week, my face started changing rapidly, my cheeks got sunken, and I developed fatty breasts; my doctor denied the fact that my face was changing. I switched doctors and went back on Atripla; the neuropathy and the neuro side effects returned; my face regained my cheeks at least 90% of it, and my chest looks normal again."
- Kna...
- May 11, 2013
For HIV Infection "As an alternative to Atripla, this medicine is a godsend! Compared to Atripla, this medicine lowers your viral load very fast! But doesn't cause nearly any symptoms at all. It's easy to take once a day. I know that if the manufacturer can create this, a cure or remission medicine is very close. And also watch out for constipation. If you get it, just supplement with some Florastor, and you're good."
- poz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 8, 2015
For HIV Infection "3 months into taking meds. No side effects. So far, so good. I feel great. Had a time adjusting to taking meds every single day. Haven't skipped any days. I take it 2 hours before or after my set time. Found out I was positive on Feb. 11th. Started meds on June 1st. Undetectable after 2 months. I'm thankful for Complera. I was terrified about taking meds because of side effects. But I've had none."
- Fun...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 25, 2015
For HIV Infection "Was diagnosed with HIV Sept. 2014. Began Complera a month later, and three weeks later, my viral load was undetectable. In addition, I've suffered little, if any, side effects. I'm a 48-year-old white male. As this is the only HIV medicine I've ever known and have noticed nothing different in terms of body changes or flatulence, or whatever, I'd give Complera two thumbs up-good luck, everybody."
- hey...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 28, 2012
For HIV Infection "I started treatment two months ago with a viral load of 38,000 and T-cell of 259. Today I got my lab results, and my T-cell was 419 and viral load was 120, and I haven't had any negative effects since the start of treatment."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 30, 2013
For HIV Infection "I'm just updating you on my Complera side effects. I posted my thoughts on Complera on August 3rd, which was only 3 days on Complera. Now it's been 30 days, and I'm happy to let you all know I have ZERO side effects. I feel like the same old me, I do everything I did before. I take my dose between 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. every morning. I'm having my first lab on September 1st."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 24, 2012
For HIV Infection "I had an extremely high viral load and was forced to initially take a different medication to get this number under control (if over 100,000, you are not supposed to take Complera). This initial once-a-day medication made my life hell, for the side effects were a nightmare, but it did its job. Once I was under 100,000, I switched over to Complera and have had NO SIDE EFFECTS! And most importantly, my viral load has remained undetectable, while my CD4 count has increased and my immune system has definitely gotten stronger. Obviously, since this medicine was just approved by the FDA, the long-term side effects are still unknown, but compared to the hell I was going through and how wonderful things have gotten, I am willing to take my chances."
- Mr ...
- April 15, 2015
For HIV Infection "I hate to scare people, but I was one of the unlucky few that had depression and suicidal thoughts on this. It took about 4 days to notice any change, but when it came, it hit me like a brick wall. I felt fuzzy and severely depressed, even more so when I got my diagnosis. I couldn't help squinting my eyes, for some reason, I felt far away and distant and very, very down. Prior to this, I was upbeat and positive about starting meds. I told my doc, and he weaned me off by giving me 2 pills of Truvada, and I felt a difference the very next day. I plan to start Stribild soon, as it is not known to have any major psychiatric side effects. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with a history of depression or mental illness. Wish me luck!"
- Red...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 2, 2014
For HIV Infection "Complera is the only medication I have taken. At first, the side effects were horrible: terrible headache, bloating, and foul-smelling gas. Eventually, those side effects went away, but I did notice that I have been losing fat in certain places, like my face, stomach, and arms. My doctor basically dismissed my concerns, but I know my body. I started taking some protein and working out, hoping this will counteract the medication. I like Complera, but it's not worth a change in my appearance."
- Tex...
- August 24, 2012
For HIV Infection "I started Complera two weeks ago. My viral load was 35,000 and my CD4 count was 750 prior to starting it as my first treatment. I am currently experiencing some side effects for almost 10 days. The most important one is the bloating. I have to pass gas (with a bad smell) sometimes a few times an hour. I also feel a little nauseous, especially after main meals. I have stomach pain and lack of appetite. A very minor and short headache sometimes plus palpitations. I don't know if palpitations are because of stress or not. I will give an update a few months from now, but I hope most of these will get better in a few weeks."
More about Complera (emtricitabine / rilpivirine / tenofovir disoproxil)
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- Drug class: antiviral combinations
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For HIV Infection "I'm new to all this HIV talk about viral loads and CD4 counts. What I do know is my doctor told me I was right there at basically having AIDS. When I got my first blood work, he immediately prescribed me Complera, and 30 days later I was undetectable. Now it's been 6 months, and I'm still undetectable, and I've had minimum side effects besides some weight gain. Once a day I have a small meal, and I'm good to go. Saved my life."