Replens for Vaginal Dryness User Reviews (Page 2)
Replens has an average rating of 3.1 out of 10 from a total of 135 reviews for the treatment of Vaginal Dryness. 18% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 72% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Replens
- Lin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 11, 2021
"Tried Replens one year ago for vaginal dryness due to menopause. (I'm 54.) Had a large amount of white, clumpy, rubbery discharge. Stopped using it after one week. The discharge is a mess and also a turn-off during sex. At least for me, it is. I use a low-dose estrogen and thought a moisturizer would complement that. It did not. I tried it again this week and used it twice, and the same issue: the white discharge. It's severe enough that I'm not using it any longer. Threw the tube away - total waste of money. It doesn't make any sense that this product should cause this much of an issue for myself and others. Honestly, I don't know why my gynecologist would recommend it?"
- Ano...
- September 20, 2020
"I've been using Replens on and off for a year or so. The disposable applicators are awful. When you squeeze and let go, the applicator sucks the vaginal wall and is then difficult to remove without causing light damage. I then bought the reusable applicators because Replens was the only moisturizer that lasts. The applicator is quite sharp, not rounded for comfort. The moisturizer is sticky, and it doesn't feel very nice, but it was the best I could find. I used it again to insert an estring, and the amount of lumpy white discharge I'm having today is shocking. I read that it is dry skin shedding, but it's quite alarming. I definitely do not have a yeast infection. There isn't enough written about this to make it less alarming. It must have been because I used double the dose as I normally use. I hope it's a good thing that I'm shedding so badly."
Frequently asked questions
- Ann...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 16, 2020
"Used it one day, and everything was fine. The second time I used it, I immediately started burning. Later that evening, I was bleeding from inside. Looked at reviews and found others that were the same. Not sure if this is what happens in the beginning and then it gets better?"
- Dma...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 6, 2019
"I decided to use Replens since I'm past menopause and don't use HRT. It's definitely helped with vaginal dryness and intimacy. However, lately I've noticed some discharge similar to yeast. I'm not sure if it's from the product or not, since I have no other symptoms. Upon reading some of the reviews, I do see that it is not uncommon. I'm going to purchase an over-the-counter yeast tester just to be sure, though. But do believe it's from the product."
Are you taking this medicine?
Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 23, 2021
"I am so glad I found this page with other women reporting the same issues that I have been experiencing when using Replens MD. My GP prescribed it for vaginal atrophy 6-7 months ago, but almost from the start, I noticed a thick yellow/nasty brown sludgy discharge after each application. This was accompanied by mild irritation both inside and outside. Furthermore, I have not noticed any improvement in my vaginal atrophy condition. More recently, I have also started to see pinkish blood in the discharge as well after each application. I have been assuming that this must be the 'expected' discharge of dead cells the information leaflet describes. Reading the other comments on this page has now made me realize that it is not and that Replens is definitely not for me! I will go back to my GP to discuss ASAP. Thank you, ladies!"
- LDe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 18, 2021
"Read about the stuff online, and it was supposed to be good for vajayjay dryness due to PCOS. I was excited that it arrived a couple of days ago and that my husband and I could have a wonderful time this weekend. This morning, I happily got out of bed, used the first dose, and hopped in the shower. Hours later, when I went to the bathroom, I cannot even describe what I saw. It looked like dark, dried chunks of tar coming out of me. It was like I started my period but worse. All this in a matter of hours. This is absolutely terrifying! I’ve never seen anything like this come out of me. Almost like pieces of my insides are coming out. Do not use this stuff!!!!"
- Jod...
- February 2, 2020
"1st time I used this product before sex. I was impressed with how comfortable the sex felt, but the horrible rubbery white discharge after was so embarrassing. The leaflet says to expect dry skin to be expelled, so I hoped it was a one-off. The second time I tried it, it caused severe burning pain for several hours and swelling. What a shame. I can’t risk trying it again."
- Pen...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 17, 2021
"I’ve only used it once so far recently. I tried it many years ago, and it was so watery it was almost as if you peed your bed. No burning this time, but yes to the white clumps. I couldn’t imagine what they were until I came across this website. But I have also had the white clumps from (HyloGyn)? And other vaginal moisturizers that I have tried. So I’m guessing it is dead skin cells from all of them. Would have been nice for the makers of these products to let you know. I’m hoping I don’t get bleeding or pain. Menopause is awful."
- Peg...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 23, 2020
"I could not use the one you insert into your vaginal, but the external one is a gift from the gods. I've used it for a couple of years now, off and on, couldn't live without it. If you cannot tolerate the application type, try the external gel... fabulous!"
- Lin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 28, 2023
"I am 53 and have vaginal dryness. I bought this...started it on a Friday...every day I started feeling worse. Sunday I had abdominal cramping, bloating, and feeling like I had a UTI. It is now Tuesday, and I am just starting to feel a little better...but now I am a little itchy. UGH! I never thought buying this would lead to all of this."
- Mel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 12, 2024
"I had read the insert explaining how Replens worked. So when I had some discharge, I realized that it was dead skin cells being eliminated from my body. I wasn't concerned because I suffered from horrible dryness and pain. The discharge was only bad the first day after I used it. Replens did help with dryness and pain, but I probably will need hormones as well. I wonder if all of the complaints come from women who maybe do not understand that lots of dead, dry skin cells stick to Replens and get eliminated. Yes, there is some pink color that looks like blood, but that may come from old blood cells from inserting the gel. If you scrape yourself a bit, or it may come from intercourse. It is a helpful product, but I would suggest not having sex right after using it."
- Ray...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 26, 2020
"I used this product, Replens, for the first few hours before having sex and immediately noticed a white, rubbery, yeast-like substance. I knew it wasn’t a yeast infection because I had no other symptoms. It happened suddenly after using. I was able to extract some of the stuff to check for an odor. Thankfully, no odor or any other symptoms. So I tried again to make sure it was the Replens, but this time I did a self-check and found nothing in my vagina, so I proceeded to use the product. Then a few minutes later, I inserted a finger and pulled out this rubbery substance again. I cleaned myself and threw the remaining 12 doses in the trash! HUGE WASTE OF MY MONEY!!! Don’t purchase this product. Use coconut oil, it works better."
- Jay...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 14, 2023
"I have had a great experience with Replens. I have been using it for about a year now. I wish someone had told me about it earlier because I used pellets to combat dryness and was told to take progesterone, which made me bleed heavily. I got off the pellets and I just happened to see Replens in the drugstore one day. I am surprised I had to stumble upon this product and no doctor or nurse practitioner told me about it. I guess because they couldn't profit from it. Anyway, it has been a godsend! I also experienced the white clumpy discharge, but after that went away, it has been smooth sailing! Surfboard!"
- JoJ...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 5, 2021
"I am 56 years old and experienced a surgical-induced menopause after having both ovaries removed 12 months ago. I started using Replens approximately 3 weeks ago, and it states to use twice weekly. My GP prescribed it as I was experiencing what I can only describe as discomfort around the urethra (and just inside the vaginal opening). After using Replen 5 times, it's not helped much, but I haven't experienced the brown discharge or any discharge for that matter, which worries me as if I'm putting it up there, where's it going? I'm writing this as three days ago I started with irritation in the vaginal opening, which has gotten worse. Day 3 today, and only toilet paper with cold water soothes it. The area is sore, red, and has a burning sensation. I've used Canesten thinking it might be that, but after reading these comments, I'm convinced it's Replens that's causing it. I am also on Vagifem twice weekly and HRT 1% daily. This product is expensive too. Going to try natural SYLK now, as lots of women have recommended it."
- Lyn...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 24, 2020
"After using Replens, I have had white clumps the next day, as well as reddish, sometimes brownish, and this only happened the next day after use. Not to mention, a couple of minutes after use, I had burning. Once, I had a yeast infection from it within a week, and I've not had a yeast infection in 25 years. Yes, it does moisturize and last, and I love that, but the side effects are not normal."
- Do...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 12, 2022
"I was just getting over a severe yeast infection and was feeling better. I noticed some dryness and decided on this product. Holy moly!!! The clumps of white discharge (I had to scrape off with my finger) and the burn!!! What?!! I was freaking out thinking my YI was back with a vengeance until I read all the comments. How is this still on the market?!!!! We should all sue!!!"
- Ale...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 21, 2021
"According to the instructions, 'a few days after first using Replens, you may notice an off-white residue (which may be dry and bitty). This is natural and is the result of Replens cleansing the vaginal passage. The vagina is normally self-cleansing, but when you have been dry for some time, discarded cells tend to accumulate. Replens simply clings to these cells and flushes them away.' My experience did differ a bit from this description. I am not menopausal, and as far as I know, I have a normal amount of discharge, so I believed my vagina was self-cleansing just fine. I have mild PCOS without diabetes, and I am using Nuvaring, which I did not remove when I used Replens right before bed a few days ago. The next morning, I had this huge amount of white stuff and worried I may have developed a yeast infection. The next 2 days, I had a few more small chunks and a LOT of clear watery fluid. I will use it once a week and see if it gets 'less and less' as it says in the instructions."
- Dee...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 3, 2022
"I used Replens vaginal moisturizer a day before sex (once every couple of weeks) in addition to once a week postmenopausal application of Estrace cream. I've had no problem with Replens and good results. Replens content is mostly oils. Much better than vaginal lubricants! I'm wondering why women are having problems."
- Mar...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 27, 2021
"Oh my! I wish I’d read the reviews and comments on here first before buying and using Replens. I was actually frightened I’d left a tampon up my vagina, there is that much white clumps coming out, to the point I’ve had to insert my fingers and scoop it out. Until I’d read this, I was about to make an appointment at my doctor’s. Surely this isn’t right."
- can...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 1, 2020
"I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Thankfully, early stages and surgery was 100% effective. I was researching what products to use to prevent issues with surgical menopause (dryness without using hormones). Replens was highly recommended. I knew about the side effects (white residue from dead cells). It became a sort of a turn-off for your partner after sex (or using toys covered in the white stuff). I switched to Aloe Cadabra. I stopped using Replens for at least 2 weeks, maybe more. It wasn't discharge I found! No odor or itching, but a large amount of white clumps. Like wet toilet paper. I am more disturbed it WASN'T discharge. Not sure if/how it was going to exit or if it would have caused issues if not removed. Still gross! I am not going to use this product again. If Aloe Cadabra doesn't work, I will continue to look for other options."
- Tas...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 27, 2020
"I really wish I had read the reviews here before I tried Replens. I have been fighting recurrent BV, and then what I thought was a yeast infection due to the antibiotic (used Monistat for 3 days), but that was causing my problems - it was Replens, which I was using for dryness. Got exactly what others have talked about here - stuff that looks like wet toilet paper in clumps. I stopped immediately! Hoping to find another product that moisturizes without this effect."
- Mae...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 30, 2020
"I was looking for relief for my vaginal dryness. It definitely helps with the dryness. However, the big white chunky stuff (no smell, no itch) is a humongous turn-off. Especially during intercourse. Product has been discarded. The search continues."
- Agg...
- July 4, 2019
"Used this product for the first time this morning, about 10. Developed a cough about 4:30, shortness of breath, etc., usual reaction to the many things I react to. About to take some cortisone. Used once, $40+, bit of a shame."
- She...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 6, 2021
"Absolutely shocking!! I am swollen and on fire inside and outside, labia is swollen. This is the second time I’ve used it, first time same thing, thought I had inserted it incorrectly, but no, same thing second time. Can hardly keep my legs together!! This product needs to be taken off the shelves, not even going to go there with the white clumps, it’s painful and shocking!!!!!"
More about Replens (emollients topical)
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"Thankfully, I found this thread and found that many others had a similar experience with this Replens cream, or I would have thought that I was the problem. I have used it before a few years ago with no issues whatsoever. It worked like a charm. This time, however, a different story. The burning started within a few minutes and was extremely uncomfortable. I had to apply a cold compress to get some relief... it burnt for about an hour. It’s obvious that this product has changed and should be removed from store shelves. I certainly will not be trying another dose and fully intend on returning it for a refund."