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Yaz for Acne User Reviews (Page 5)

Yaz has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 267 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Yaz

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 24, 2019

"I have been taking Yaz for about two months now for my acne. I have never felt more depressed in my life. I am finding it extremely hard to go through my day to day activities and on top of all of this, my acne is the exact same. DO NOT RECOMMEND YAZ!"

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  • Jill
  • March 12, 2021

"I took Yaz for a MONTH and it messed me up. I was getting headaches all the time, I cried at every little thing, my acne didn't improve at all, and my period never fully went away after my cycle should have been over. (Meaning I had my period and then spotted for the rest of the month) Now that I'm off Yaz, I have horrible anxiety and panic attacks. I didn't have anxiety or panic attacks before taking the pill. I don't recommend, this tiny pill is awful and will screw you up. I've had to have so much blood work, and EKGs (Testing my heart's rhythm) to see if it's a thyroid disorder, or my body just adjusting after the pill. Don't do it, not worth all of the trouble."

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7 Report
  • boudi...
  • September 14, 2016

"I started taking Yaz as my birth control in high school (I'm 25 now) to prevent getting pregnant and as treatment for my moderate acne. It is my holy grail. I used to get consistent breakouts on my forehead and chin, and since using Yaz my acne has completely cleared up. My skin is literally beautiful to the point that my friends will comment how good my skin is. Last year, I decided to give the non-hormonal IUD ParaGard a try because I didn't want the hassle of taking a pill every day. During that time (about 5 months) that I wasn't taking Yaz, my skin broke out terribly. I thought it would calm down after a couple of months once my body had adjusted but it never did. I also started having much more dramatic mood swings during that time."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Krist...
  • November 10, 2015

"I took Yaz when I started developing cystic acne whenever my period was close. It completely cleared up my face after 1 one month. For 1 year, I was symptom free, but afterwards started developing severe lethargy a week before my period. It would be so bad that I would just be walking around in a haze. I fell asleep in class, couldn't concentrate and worst of all, I couldn't drive in fear I'd crash. However, after my period started, this would go away. My breasts went from an A cup to a B cup as well. I eventually stopped taking Yaz due to the hazy PMS symptoms. My skin stayed clear until this very day. This pill changed my acne for the better for life. Couldn't be happier with the choice."

8 / 10
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  • Yolanda
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 15, 2019

"Got onto Yaz for acne. On month three it completely cleared up my horrible wavering cystic acne that was caused by another pill prior, lo loestrin FE. It makes me occasionally moody, sometimes giving me severe feelings of anger. It also makes me quite sleepy in the day time without much energy exertion. Seems to be a great contraceptive. I recommend for acne if you are not sensitive to the side effects. I have some but they aren’t debilitating."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • JMCO
  • September 22, 2014

"I love Yaz. I suffer from adult acne and Yaz always heals it within 3 months of taking it. I love that my periods come at the same day every month and only last about 4 days. The other thing I love about it is it seems to level out my moods. I'm not so up and down like I would be without it. As far as its effectiveness for birth control, I have never gotten pregnant while on the pill which makes me and my husband very happy."

9 / 10
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  • Jac
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 16, 2019

"Yasmin made my heart beat faster. Yaz was a lot better just as long you take it after eating. Do not take this on an empty stomach. My skin become smooth in just 4 weeks with yaz. The body hair strand growth was a lot lighter"

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  • Nina
  • September 9, 2013

"I have been on Yaz for hormonal acne for about 3 years now. Let me just say the first two years were awesome. No chin breakouts, less oily. Now for some reason it is no longer working. I am getting painful cysts again around my period. I thought it was temporary but I started noticing it in December and it is now September. I'm nervous to get off of it for fear it will be worse. It worked for me for some time but now I have to find something else."

6 / 10
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  • NWano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 11, 2020

"I think it was really good for my acne, but the breast swelling and water weight gain made me dislike myself. I don’t know what to do, I stopped taking it a week ago and I started breaking out again :("

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  • bre
  • August 20, 2015

"I was initially on Yaz for about 6 years then stopped because I was getting migraines. The whole 6 years my skin was flawless. I quit taking it Jan 2015 and it is now Aug 2015. My skin is unbearable I don't even recognize myself. I got back on Gianvi (generic Yaz) and I'm hoping it will work again. I'm experiencing like 10-15 cysts at once and lowest self-esteem in my life. I can't tell if the birth control is going to help anytime soon. I am only on week 2 and losing hope."

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  • Anonymous
  • December 22, 2014

"I suffered from pretty bad acne. Everyday I would wake up with lots of whiteheads even some blackheads too, my acne was also very red, over my nose, chin, cheek and forehead area. I took Yaz for three months and it does wonders to your skin, I no longer suffer with waking up with lots of whiteheads or blackheads and I have seen a change in my skin. I will continue to take Yaz to keep improving my skin!"

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  • AJS
  • August 7, 2017

"I have taken YAZ for just over 6 months now and I have seen no improvement in my skin. I don't have severe ache, I never have but I do suffer from constant congested skin that no cleanser/exfoliator can fix. Mainly whiteheads, heaps and heaps of them mainly on my chin which always turn into zits. Never ending cycle of zits. On YAZ I don't feel any period pain during my cycle and my period is light but I have found that recently, few days before I get my period I break out in acne all over my chin which has spread to my cheeks and it takes nearly until my next period to fully clear. I waited 6+ months to see an improvement in my hormonal skin with YAZ but I have seen none so I'm changing."

4 / 10
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11 Report
  • Essence
  • November 15, 2015

"This is the worst pill ever! It broke my entire face out. It made my acne sooooo much worst. I'm so upset with what has done to my face. I wish I didn't go on this pill at all seriously don't do it. It's so awful."

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  • Liv
  • March 25, 2011

"I have been on Yaz for 6 weeks. I know that isn't very long to make a judgment about it's effects on acne so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Though it really has not helped my acne at all, I cannot conclude that in the next month or two it wouldn't help then either. My issue is that the side effects are really discouraging. I have been so tired almost everyday and my energy is low. I'm a fitness fanatic but my workouts haven't been as good because I'm so tired. I've also been more depressed and my appetite has most definitely increased. I have had some mild nausea. I noticed an increase in gas and bloating. My breasts have also been extremely tender and swollen."

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  • Kay
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 19, 2018

"Before going on this BC I was suffering from depression, major hair loss, painful and irregular periods. Within that year I was diagnosed with PCOS and a hormone imbalance (increased testosterone) The doctor put me on Yaz to increase my estrogen. As soon as I went on yaz I felt a major change in my mood and energy levels. I was underweight due to the depression and I gained 5lbs. My breast size also increased (from a 32B to 32DD). I just felt so much better and balanced. I haven’t had any negative side effects unless weight gain is negative for you. Highly recommend to get your hormones tested before going on this pill. I don’t think you should take it if your estrogen levels are already high. Good luck!"

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  • Ariel...
  • November 20, 2016

"Well...i start using yaz 3 months ago and my face now looks terrible. Is so much worse then before. I can not go out and i feel so bad. When i start it i had only a few pimples in my right cheek but now all my face is coved with very ugly and big acne. But im still in the third week of my third pack now and hoping for some improvment"

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  • skinl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2021

"I've been on Yaz for hormonal acne now just 6 weeks so I am on half of my second pack. At first 5 weeks I got horrible break outs and I think my skin purged. It was painful and I just wanted to stay home because of my skin (thank god it's quarantine now, haha). But my last week. It started to help! My skin is clearing! Just a week after that it's so much better and not new breakouts. It's healing and I think that month or two more, and I'll have skin like a baby. Not any other side effects at all! love that product."

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  • Anna
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 28, 2022

"I am definitely not one to leave reviews on the Internet, but six months ago I was on this site every single night hopelessly reading about other people’s experiences, and now want to share mine to help others who may be doing the same. When I first started taking Yaz, I had the worst acne of my life. It was honestly demoralizing and I had more acne on my face than I did clear skin. The first three months of treatment were so hard and I was so close to giving up multiple times. I decided to just continue through it and I am so happy I did because as soon as I hit that 4 1/2 month mark, everything fell into place. It’s been almost a year now, and my skin is clearer than it has ever been. If you are in the same boat as I was, my advice is to keep your head up and trust the process. Trust me, I KNOW it’s hard but your body just needs time to adjust to the hormones and regulate. It will get better!"

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4 Report
  • Dwarest
  • January 13, 2017

"I have been taking Yaz for 2 weeks now. I get breakouts but they go away quickly and come back. I was still willing to give it a chance. I am stopping because I have become depressed, exhausted, negative and I over analyze things which means I over react and I'm very emotional. This is affecting my relationship and my work. I feel overwhelmed."

3 / 10
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  • Kenny
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 28, 2021

"Hi! I’ve been reading these reviews nonstop since I started taking Yaz. I’m on my third week taking Yaz and it has broken me out quite badly. Granted I have done Accutane three times and my skin was absolutely perfect before I started taking Yaz because of Accutane so I’m almost positive that my flare up is because of Yaz. I also started spotting yesterday but it was a brown color as opposed to red and it went away last night. I have also experienced some uterus pain similar to period cramps. I went on Yaz for my period because I typically have an INSANELY heavy period that last for 6-7 days and is just super unenjoyable. I’ve read so many reviews telling me to wait 2-3 months until my body regulates to the hormones so I’m going to be patient and give it time! Trying to stay positive and wishing luck to everyone else!!! We’ve got this!! I’m going to report back in a few weeks and hopefully my skin is back to being perfect as it was before I started taking Yaz!"

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  • Anonymous
  • July 19, 2011

"Before I started taking birth control I have light-moderate acne. I originally started taking Alesse for contraceptive reasons, took that for 4 months, and it made my breakouts constant. I switched to Yaz, and within a week my acne was virtually gone. Towards the end of the month, around my period, the acne came back, but after the first week of the second pack, my acne was almost gone, and its been another full month and I only ever have an occasional break-out (usually a single pimple) that clears up in about a day or two."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 9, 2017

"I switched to yaz from alesse because I heard it was better for acne. It did wonders for my skin and only having a 4 day period was nice too. However, I did notice that I was more emotional and had crazy mood swings, I found myself crying for no reason (not very good for my relationship either). I didn't gain any weight, and had no other side effects. I only switched back to alesse because my doctor expressed a concern about the blood clots possible with this birth control, otherwise I wouldn't have switched. Goodluck!!"

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  • User
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 8, 2021

"The worst pill ever, it made me breakout so bad. My skin used to be perfect, if I knew what it was going to do to me after I would have NEVER taken it. A whole year later and I’m still suffering with more acne than I’ve ever had before."

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  • Grate...
  • June 10, 2010

"Yaz was definitely a God send. I struggled with acne for 10 years until my dermatologist gave me Yaz. I couldn't believe how fast it worked. My skin cleared up in 2 months and my confidence increased. I've been taking Yaz for 2 years now and have absolutely NO side effects. The acne comes a little bit now, but not nearly as much as before. It's so mild, reminds me of taking a multivitamin. I love Yaz and will continue to use it as long as I can."

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  • AkuaB
  • December 12, 2016

"I used Yaz when I was in varsity as I had SEVERE acne. it took a couple of months to clear but when it did, my skin was completely clear!! I used it straight through for about 8 years. I decided to stop using it for about a year as I am much older now and assumed my hormones were in balance. It took about 4 months for my acne to start re-appearing and now its worse than ever again!! So I'm going back on Yaz and I'm on month two and my acne keeps worsening each day! I'm just trying to be patient and hopefully soon it will clear my skin again! I guess Accutane will be my option for a permanent solution because I cannot be on the pill for life!! *Hopeful for a clear skin soon*"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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