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Yasmin for Acne User Reviews

Yasmin has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 187 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Yasmin rating summary

6.4/10 average rating

187 ratings from 198 user reviews.

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Reviews for Yasmin

  • Yaz
  • February 13, 2020

"I started Yasmin after suffering from mild acne. I have been on Yasmin for 6 months and my skin has mostly cleared up. First 4 months of Yasmin, my skin was SO much worse, from mild acne to cystic acne, with a breakout every few days. Now I am almost at 6 months, I stopped breaking out in cystic acne, and my skin has cleared up. I think Yasmin takes 6-9 months to see the full effect. The side effects that I noticed in the beginning - breakthrough bleeding, increased hair shedding, went away after the first few months. I feel that I stopped some of the side effects with vitamins and supplements. It is so important you supplement with certain vitamins as the pill depletes these - zinc, B vitamins, iron, vitamin E, D3, etc. I also take MSM (sulfur) which stopped my hair shedding and regrew my hair thicker. It is important to supplement as the pill depletes vitamins from your body. If you are experiencing side effects such as hair loss, etc., please look into taking the above vitamins as well as MSM!"

8 / 10
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107 Report
  • phoeb...
  • September 4, 2014

"I had really bad acne. I'd cry about it for hours. I would wear a lot of makeup to hide the fact that my skin was awful. I'm a very sensitive person, so when people nastily commented on my make-up, it hurt. I would think, it isn't my fault, it's my skin! I went to the doctors after receiving many acne medications (which had lots of side effects but no results). I was offered Yasmin before, but I thought I was too young. It was my last resort before going to have Roaccutane. I was 13. I'm still on Yasmin. I used to have irregular periods and mood swings. They've stopped, and my skin is clear and beautiful now. I stopped wearing makeup and became more confident. I would recommend it!"

10 / 10
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171 Report
  • Beuaty
  • January 5, 2009

"I am 24 years old. Before I started Yasmin, I felt like I was trapped in a 47-year-old's body; always tired, moody, angry, and never seemed to lose weight. I've also tried every acne product known. None of them work (not for me anyway) until one day, I saw a commercial on television about 'Yasmin'. After talking it over with my doctor, he told me to try it and see. WOW! Let me tell you what happened to me. I kid you not, after the 1st week, my face was clear, I mean beautiful. I didn't have to wear any makeup, and I lost 10 lbs within the first month. And for some strange reason, people don't call me bipolar anymore. I tell you, Yasmin works from inside out. It is GREAT."

9 / 10
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191 Report
  • Jules
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 21, 2020

"Started Yasmin mid November after suffering from outbreaks of persistent chin acne that wouldn’t go away. First couple of weeks were fine, then came the outbreak, I didn’t break out everywhere on my face just my chin, but it was inflamed & painful, took time to heal, and hit my self esteem big time. I’m 38 always been an acne sufferer, had roaccutane at 21, which worked for a while, but after having my children my chin would flare quite severely. I was on Yasmin years ago and decided to try it again, to try and also help my heavy monthly’s to! I’m now into my third packet of pills and I’ve finally started to clear! No new outbreaks and scarring is fading nicely, my periods have been lighter & in myself it’s the best I’ve felt in a long time with PMS symptoms. For anyone struggling with the initial acne outbreak it does get better, it may not seem so right now but it does, I also used a 10% benzoyl peroxide and simple range to wash my face. Good luck x"

10 / 10
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61 Report
  • acned...
  • February 27, 2014

"I must say this is GOD sent. I was on Yasmin for polycystic ovarian syndrome and birth control! At first, I didn't know that it would help with my acne, but it did help... wow! I was acne-free for the five years that I was on Yasmin. I could actually go out without foundation; it was amazing. BUT for the past five months, I came off the pill because I wanted to start my family, the biggest mistake I ever made! My acne came back full-blown and even worse than before. In those five months, I tried every topical and home remedy, but sad to say, nothing worked. Now I'm back on the pill, only four days in, and I'm already seeing a drastic improvement where my acne is concerned."

10 / 10
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106 Report

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  • Anonymous
  • November 30, 2018

"I had always had really good skin so when I started having acne at 23 years old I was distraught. Before taking Yasmin I tried antibiotics that did not work and made me feel sick! So decided to try Yasmin the doctor said it would be about a month before I saw any really difference. Still after three weeks was still breaking out everyday and completely stressing out. I was in panic I exfoliated my whole bloody chin off, burnt my face off with retinoids and benzoyl and cried most nights. One week into my second pack I have not had a pimple in 5 days is amazing. I also take zinc supplements, probiotics and magnesium which help. I have decided to share my experience because reading the reviews helped me believe things would get better. Acne destroyed myself esteem and made me very depressed and self conscious. Yasmin worked wonders for me and I’m so grateful. Just know you are beautiful no matter what and know that acne is only temporary and will get better if you keep trying."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • Paridhi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 30, 2013

"I was suffering from acne since 12 years. Now I am 27. I had taken various costly treatments, including chemical peeling and other cosmetic treatments. When I was 25, my skin specialist suggested Yasmin. I took it for 11 months. In the first month, I had a little bit of headache and nausea, but in the second month, there was no discomfort like that. In the third month, my face was almost clear, and by the end of the 11th month, my skin started glowing; there was not a single acne or mark on my face. Friends started asking about my glowing skin. I did not gain weight. But I stopped taking Yasmin after getting glowing skin; within one year, acne came back. Now, I am starting it again."

9 / 10
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93 Report
  • spot
  • September 17, 2019

"I'm now on my fourth pack of Yasmin after being on it for just over 2 months. When I first went on it my skin was absolutely awful, big spots and bumps everywhere - I have never really suffered with spots on my cheeks however after being on this pill I have suffered a lot everywhere on my face. At this point my skin is still awful and not consistent if it clears up a bit. I have no idea what to do as I've been on it not even 3 months but its getting to the point where I don't want to go to school and feel self conscious speaking to anyone - it is extremely effecting my mental health because my skins so bad:( I want to stay on it because of the good reviews however don't know how much longer I can take this what do I do?!?!?"

2 / 10
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47 Report
  • lidia...
  • November 21, 2013

"I used this as a treatment for my acne and PMS symptoms. I don't believe it! This medicine is a miracle! My acne is completely gone! (I've suffered from acne since I was in 4th grade; doctor-medicated cream didn't work on my skin! 14 years I've suffered from acne) And now my acne is completely gone, and not only is my acne gone, my pores have also become invincible. Say goodbye to my nasty oily skin! Now I only wash my face with warm water! (No soap, no toner, or chemicals whatsoever) With Yasmin, my PMS symptoms and cramps are also gone! This is the best medicine that works! It balances your hormones and reduces oily skin!"

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • Tati
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 20, 2019

"I had tried every skin cleanser/treatment on the market! Two different types of antibiotics and two different pills (Levlen & Loette). Then I tried Yasmin. The first 3 months I broke out quite severely but now my skin has cleared up. I still have the odd pimple, but it disappears in 1-3 days rather than weeks! I take Yasmin and treat and break outs with epiduo and pimple patches. I have stopped wearing make up to work which has also made a huge difference! I used to spend nights crying about my skin (a little dramatic I know!) this is just my personal experience, but I hope it can help someone else! There have been no other side effects my mood is happy, and no weight gain or loss!"

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41 Report
  • Becca...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 17, 2020

"Hi! Writing this review after a year of struggle with acne that went on for about 10 months. I was 27 years old and had never struggled with acne at all in the past, I was always blessed with beautiful skin. Then out of the blue I started getting spots on my chest and face, quite badly, they were relentless and beginning to scar. I went to go and see a dermatologist and used antibiotics -lymecycline and tretinoin gel. This helped a lot... I was scared that if I came off them then I would be back to square one. I also had the coil as a contraceptive and had read this may be a contributor to the problem. I got the coil taken out and asked for yasmin. I came off the lymcyline and tretinoin and the acne has not returned! Skin has just got better and better. You would never know I had a problem. My cycle is also better controlled, I used to get a lot of break through bleeding on the coil. I am writing this review in hope it may help others!"

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Helen
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2020

"I started Yasmin 6 months ago and I love it. There has been no side effects for me, no mood swings or weight gain which I liked. I initially went on it because I started to experience hormonal acne around my jawline and chin. This has pretty much cleared up now with maybe a couple spots around my pill free week. Apart from that I would highly recommend this pill despite the negative comments I’ve read about it. Definitely give it a go if you experience hormonal acne or you want a pill that doesn’t make you retain weight."

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • Silly...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 15, 2012

"I've suffered from acne prone skin since I was about 10. And let me tell you after years of suffering from low self esteem and being made fun of I am in love with Yasmin. I've tried Pro-Active and other face cleaners but nothing worked. My face took a month or so to improve, it's not all completely gone, I do get pimples every so often. Yasmin has helped me with emotional issues as well. I'm not so moody and I feel so great on it. I definitely recommend it."

9 / 10
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68 Report
  • Louise
  • October 6, 2018

"Had to comment after reading the negative reviews on here! I was on Microgynon 30 for 6 years before switching to Yasmin because of acne developing on my face. I've just finished my first month, and honestly, Im finding it really positive! I only felt nauseous for the first day, and after that, all I have to say is positive! My sex drive has absolutely gone through the roof, the boobs are increasing in size (I'm a 32A), no weight gain, and my moods in general are so much better! The only reason I am marking this down is because I'm still waiting for more improvement to my skin, but that can take up to 6 months so I wasn't expecting miracles after 1 month. Girls, I would ABSOLUTELY stress, take these reviews with a pinch of salt - I am in a group of 6 girls and we must have gone through at least 12 pills in total before we all found ones that suited each of us, and like a previous reviewer has said, how many people actually bother to comment with a positive review?"

8 / 10
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35 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 13, 2020

"I’ve been on the Yasmin pill for exactly 3 months now, before I started it I was self conscious about my skin and I have horrific period cramps so I decided to go on this pill. The first week or so my skin was pretty clear and I originally thought my skin was going to stay like this ... it didn’t. In month 2 and 3 my skin blew up getting huge under the skin spots that were painful and took ages to go away, I realised that I cried almost everyday about it but I convinced myself that it was going to get better as my doctor said it would take 3 months to get better. However, my skin looks 10X worse that it has ever looked before and my period cramps haven’t changed in anyway. I’m not sure what to do going forward because my skin is so scarred and damaged from all the huge spots I’ve been getting, someone help!!!"

1 / 10
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22 Report
  • sammyb
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 21, 2019

"Hi ladies.I have been on Yasmin a few years back due to my acne and it really cleared my skin up in a matter of a month ,made my boobs big (which I loved as U am a 32a) never made me pick up any weight which was amazing!I ended up going off the pill as it made me moody and at times depressed !My face stayed clear after going off it and haven't been taking any contraceptive for about 2 years .The last 3 months my acne has once again shown up and I have tried every cream out there spending a small fortune an washes scrubs and creams but nothing works. I have made a decision today that the moods swings and mild depression that Yasmin gives is 10 000 times better then the depression that I have felt over the past 3 months because of painful cystic acne that no amount of makeup can hide. I would recommend this pill to any girl that has oily acne prone skin .It will save u so much money on makeup and skin care products as well."

7 / 10
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27 Report
  • catri
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 12, 2014

"After having the implant I switched to Yasmin to try and treat my mild acne (generally around chin area ) and it really hasn't helped. I've only taken it for 5 days and my skin is even worse my whole forehead is breaking out, my skin feels greasy. I'm very moody and tired, and feel physically sick if I'm hungry (much like pregnancy symptoms!)."

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44 Report
  • Bill
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 29, 2019

"I was sceptical about taking this pill due to some of the reviews I had seen but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’ve been using Yasmin for 9 months now and it the clearest my skin has been in 12 years. I’ve gone from getting 2 spots a day to 2 a month (if that). It did take about 4 months for me to fully seen the effects so please persevere with it because it’s more than worth it!"

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 8, 2011

"I've been on Yasmin for about 4 months now. I love it, my face has cleared and I get little to no cramps. I used to have 8 day long periods and now they are 4-5 days and are much lighter. My hair doesn't seem thinner and I haven't gained weight. I recommend it."

9 / 10
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47 Report
  • kelly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 20, 2019

"I've been on the Yasmin pill for just about a month and most of my acne is cleared! It came as a shock for me as I have tried Accutane, antibiotics, creams and everything on the market but Yasmin has helped tremendously! yay! let's hope it continues like that"

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • bug
  • January 13, 2021

"I’m on my 3rd month of Yasmin. I can't tell if it’s working or not. For the first week of every month my skin clears and then I’ll break out for the rest of it. Maybe the hormones haven’t stabilised yet so I’m going to stay on it for 6 months. No other side effects except I have had 2 migraines."

4 / 10
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17 Report
  • cira
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 8, 2020

"I was prescribed Yasmine to get rid of my acne. 6 months ago I stopped taking the pill and about 4 months later my face had a sudden acne breakout, it was quite severe. I had had acne before but my skin had recovered from it. My dermatologist advised me to take Yasmin again as he said it my acne was hormonal. I have been taking it for a month and a half and it has done miracles to my face, I just have 3 spots and scars left. However, I have noticed that my mood has been changing for the worse but I prefer this to having acne as it completely destroyed my self-confidence. Completely worked for me."

8 / 10
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20 Report
  • xobet...
  • July 12, 2009

"I have taken Yasmin for 4 months. 1st month had increased acne, headaches, nausea, tender breasts and slight irritability. Half way through 2nd month skin started to improve and side effects stopped. My period came on 2nd day of taking white placebo pill. Usually the week before my period I have painful cramps and have to take pain killers, this time there was no bloating or cramps and pain. On the 3rd month and my skin is starting to heal and look a lot clearer, periods are normal and pain free. Only mild discomfit half an hour before my period starts. Yasmin will make your skin breakout when you first start taking it, but it will start to improve. After I wash my makeup off I can't believe how clear my skin is."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • arh
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 5, 2020

"I had to be prescribed Yasmin because I was being treated with accutane for severe acne - and you are not allowed to get pregnant. I have been on it since I was 15 (I'm now 21), and overall I have had no problems with it apart from when I first started taking it I had a month long period. It regulated my periods, didn't effect my hair/weight, and I didn't find it had any impact on my mental health (although this may partly be because I was so happy my acne cleared up). I stopped taking it when I was 18 to give myself a break but I found my skin got really bad again, so I panicked and went straight back onto it and it cleared up after a month or so (but I had another month long period). I also find if I miss just one pill I come on my period."

9 / 10
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16 Report
  • Pippa...
  • May 22, 2017

"I decided to try out Yasmin in the hopes that it would help clear my skin. For a long time I had suffered from hormonal acne primarily along my jawline and my doctor thought that Yasmin might be a good solution for me. It took exactly 3 months on the pill for my hormones to stabilize but since then my skin looks great. I've been on the pill for 7 months now and I never get breakouts anymore, it has really boosted my confidence. I've also been lucky in that I haven't really noticed any side effects. I've gotten slightly bigger boobs, but that's about it. For me, Yasmin is the best. And for everybody out there who's trying it out - be patient, it takes a while for the hormones to stabilize but when it happens the result is wonderful."

10 / 10
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25 Report

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