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Nikki for Acne User Reviews (Page 2)

Nikki has an average rating of 5.3 out of 10 from a total of 49 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 41% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nikki

  • Sinny
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 17, 2021

"So I posted a previous review sometime in December. I’ve now been on this birth control for a little over 2 months (I’m on my 3rd pack). And I am very happy to say my skin is doing 10x better. My acne cleared up like crazy and I don’t get zits nearly as much. The ones I do get are small and go away quickly. When I was first on this pill the first month was pretty much a nightmare. My skin broke out terribly, bad side effects, etc. But that’s all balanced out now. I’m very happy with this pill, I highly recommend if you deal with hormonal acne. However here are some side effects I’m dealing with still: -drier/more irritated skin -low sex drive -itchy genitals -have to pee more"

9 / 10
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  • CJano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 8, 2021

"This birth control Nikki took a few months to help my bad cystic hormonal acne but I am now on month 4 and my skin is so much better. My breakouts are smaller, less frequent and heal faster. My skin is very dry but it’s nothing a diligent moisturizing routine can’t fix. Frankly, dry skin is better than massive painful cysts."

9 / 10
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  • paint...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 5, 2019

"CVS changed me to this in August and ever since I've been gaining weight rapidly with no change to my lifestyle or daily routine. I'm at the highest weight I've ever been in my life. As a former athlete who still remains pretty active, it's been incredibly frustrating for me. I switched to Walgreens so I could get my Loryna back - a drug that caused me basically no side effects."

3 / 10
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  • Maddog
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 11, 2020

"I’m on week two of Nikki. I switched from Sprintec(used for about 7 years) which I had no problems with and had spot on periods that always came on the same day, around the same hour, and lasted 3 days. I switched to Nikki for acne reasons. These past two weeks I have been an emotional MESS. I think I’ve cried every single day. I feel hopeless, anxious, angry and sad about everything. I almost called my doc to put me back on Prozac because I didn’t know what was going on with me. I got a lot of answers coming to this thread though. I’m going to try and give this a month or two to see if those feelings subside at all, but if it stays how it is now I will be switching back to Sprintec. I would rate it more than 1/10 if I was on it long enough to see if it helped with acne or the mood swings stopped, but for now it’s a solid 1/10."

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  • Mandy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 15, 2018

"I have been taking Loryna for a couple of years now and recently had to switch to Nikki because CVS had stopped selling Loryna. Within a week of taking Nikki I had noticed that I was getting more acne than usual. Second week into Nikki, my whole face was covered in cystic acne that made me want to stay inside all day. I had migraines that hurt so bad I threw up and almost passed out. Not only that, but I felt like I could cry at any given moment and I was so tired for no reason. I quickly realized Nikki was the cause and found another pharmacy that carries Loryna and I can't wait to feel better again. Nikki has been the worst experience with any birth control I've ever taken, it was almost as if I stopped taking birth control all together. DO NOT TAKE NIKKI!"

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  • Savvy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2019

"Before Nikki, I was taking the name brand Yaz pill for a year. On yaz, my face was so clear and amazingly smooth. In the 3 months I’ve been taking Nikki, my face is broke out all over and makes me so upset and not even want to leave the house. I struggled with acne years ago and took Accutane which healed me but Nikki brought all my acne back. Do not take this pill."

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  • Pano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 5, 2019

"This birth control made me break out in cystic acne all over my chin. Take note, I’m 21 and never had acne in my life!! Also if I even miss one day, my period starts and is extremely heavy. Even if I take the pill exactly the day after missing my period, it still cycles for an entire week. Also my sex drive has been terrible since starting this pill. I can never get wet anymore and sex feels like a chore. I would never recommend this pill."

2 / 10
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  • Katie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 26, 2019

"I don’t recommend Nikki at all, I had been taking Gianvi since I was 18 and now I am 22. I began taking it because it was prescribed by my dermatologist for acne. After 2 1/2 years, my pharmacy started giving me Nikki. I didn’t think much of it because I thought it was basically the same thing. Wrong. It didn’t make me break out, but it caused horrible mood swings. I felt very depressed and very anxious all the time (I don’t have a prior history for depression or anxiety). I decided to stop taking Nikki and it has been a HUGE difference. I feel like a different person."

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  • Nat...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 3, 2022

"I'm on my 2nd pack of Nikki birth control, so I'm about a month and a half in, and my skin has absolutely never looked worse than it does right now. My skin has always been pretty smooth for the most part with maybe some breakouts on my chin or forehead, but since I started Nikki, i've had terrible acne all over my face, sometimes even on my neck. I switched pharmacies and I believe that my new pharmacy doesn't have the generic form of Yaz that my other pharmacy carried, but the generic form of Yaz I was taking before Nikki never made my skin look this awful. I've also been feeling significantly more depressed and anxious recently, and I hadn't contributed that shift in mood to Nikki until I read other people on here saying that Nikki made them feel more depressed and anxious - now I'm suspicious! I've read some people on here say that Nikki didn't start helping their acne until around month three so I'm gonna wait another month or two and come back to update y'all."

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  • Smart...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 25, 2018

"My daughter received Nikki as a generic substitute from the mail order pharmacy. She immediately broke out in hives and her acne was much worse. She did not immediately attribute the hives to the BC and went to the Dr. for some steroid medication. As soon as the steriod medication was finished she was itchy all over again. I finally found on the Nikki website that this is a lesser occurring side effect and she stopped taking it. Watch carefully for side effects when you start taking any new medication!"

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  • elano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2019

"I got Nikki from my dermatologist as my acne got so so bad to the point that I didn't want to walk out without any makeup on. I threw up like 3 times a week and I never felt good, also I always wanted to sleep and had terrible headaches."

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  • Sadie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2021

"I’ve been on Nikki for almost three weeks and my skin has been breaking out like crazy. I went on the pill for a little cystic acne on my chin but so far it’s made me my skin terrible all over. Oily but also dry, red, irritated, textured. I’m gonna stick with this for a while since many people say this is normal and it will get better after a couple months. I’ll post an update after my second month!"

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  • hannah
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 6, 2021

"Originally was put on Nikki for acne. I had breakouts the first month or two but by month five my skin was clearer than it had been in years with only breakouts before my period. However I did experience a lot of headaches and really intense mood swings to the point I was crying pretty much every day. I have a history of depression and anxiety and they both went sky high while on Nikki. I also was nauseous and had stomach issues while on it along with period like cramping throughout the month. I liked how my skin reacted but with the increased risk of clots and all the side effects it wasn’t worth it for me."

4 / 10
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  • Lexi
  • August 15, 2020

"I was put on this for my acne after having acne for 10+ years and was on Nikki/ Gianvi a little over TWO YEARS. After a year, I started to feel very sick as if my immune system was attacking itself every single day. I would wake up with a sore throat, was getting sick all the time for long period of time, and just felt overall so tired and not like a healthy 22 year old. After spending close to a year seeing doctor after doctor, various blood tests/ procedures, the doctors could not find anything. I was convinced I suddenly had an autoimmune diseases. After doing immense research on birth control, I discovered it can cause an increased risk of autoimmune diseases, cause NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES, ETC. After stopping birth control, I cannot even begin to tell you what a change I have seen. I no longer feel sick on a daily basis which is insane and I also have so much energy!! This birth control MADE MY ACNE WORSE, and CAUSED MUCH ANXIETY."

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  • Leo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 21, 2018

"I've been on many different birth control before but I decided to try this to treat my adult acne. I took it for 3 months and it was the craziest experience next to the Mirena IUD! I had crazy mood swings, cried a lot, and my libido went from 10 to 0!!! I didn't even want to have sex because it made me not care for it at all! The only benefit was that my acne did clear up. I got off of it and am now on spirolactone for the next month. If nothing happens then I'm going back to using Accutane (isotritenoin)."

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  • Hobbes
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 7, 2019

"I have just finished my first pack. First 2 weeks I had annoying headaches and got really moody. 3rd week wasn’t too bad. Now I’m starting to get really bad acne. I got on birth control for acne because I’ve been dealing with acne since I was a teenager but this acne is way worse. Cystic painful acne all over my cheek/chin area. I’m only a month in but I wouldn’t recommend this brand. If you could get/ afford another.... please do."

4 / 10
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  • anony...
  • September 17, 2018

"I started taking birth control for my acne and I was on the brand Loryana and it cleared up my acne so good. But I’ve recently switched to the Nikki pill and been eating nonstop and have this awful cystic acne. I do not recommend!"

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 3, 2021

"This pill was absolutely awful for me. I bled every day for the 7 months I was on it and also have never been more depressed. I also experienced severe fatigue every day for the first few months on it (I had to skip classes because of how tired I was). I switched from Junel because of how badly it broke out my skin and Nikki definitely cleared it all up but it wasn’t worth it at all. Of course everyone is different but I just wanted to share my experience."

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  • lindsey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 24, 2023

"I have now been taking Nikki for 3 months. During that time, my face has broken out worse than ever before. I have acne everywhere, and it really has taken a toll on my confidence. However, I know birth controls take a second to balance out, so I still have hopes it will get better. Everyone's skin either clears right away or it takes a few months. I do think it is getting a little bit better. My forehead has cleared a lot, but I have a lot of scars on my cheeks now. I will update in another month to see where we are at!"

5 / 10
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  • PCOS...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 11, 2023

"I never leave reviews, but I spent so much time reading through these when I was prescribed, so I would love to leave my take. I have PCOS and typically had hormonal acne near the jawline area around my period. When I was diagnosed, I started this pill and it cleared up my skin almost immediately. I had extremely sore breasts for the first month, and then it went away, but my boobs are a lot more plump on it. After about a year and a half, I decided to take a break to try and treat my PCOS naturally by completely getting rid of dairy/gluten and stressing less. About 6 months after my break, I had my moments where I would fall off and have a little cheese here and there, and I started breaking out again/gaining weight (not nearly as bad as before I was diagnosed and didn't know to avoid dairy/gluten). I am now in nursing school with high stress as well, so I got back on Nikki a month and a half ago with little to no symptoms. I even lost a little weight since then, ironically enough."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 20, 2021

"I switched from tri sprintec to Nikki to help with my acne. I was on tri sprintec for 3 years and have been on Nikki for almost 3 months and I think I will be switching to a different birth control after this pack. I have been crying so much and I feel depressed everytime I start a new pack. Towards the end of the pack I’ll be better, but I don’t think it’s worth suffering if there’s other birth controls out there. For my acne, I think it’s helped a little but nothing like oh my gosh wow. For my period, it was a positive because it made them less heavy and last 2 days."

4 / 10
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  • Jane
  • January 8, 2022

"I have been on this Nikki birth control for about 2 and a half months. I have tried numerous pills in the past which had not worked for me, so here I am almost a quarter of the way through my third pack. Not much has changed, in fact, it has gotten worse. The only thing it has changed is my periods which have become slighty lighter and shorter. I look forward to the day when this Nikki pill actually shows some changes to my face:)"

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  • ismcn...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 1, 2023

"This drug was supposed to help with acne but just caused weight gain and worsened my acne."

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  • Meg
  • July 20, 2019

"Don't take this it is bad"

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  • Soni
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 25, 2022

"Started taking Nikki a little over 3 months for moderate acne. I do not see any improvement instead it has gotten worse. Not sure if I should continue taking it and will it ever get better !!"

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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