Dofetilide for Arrhythmia User Reviews
Brand names: Tikosyn
Dofetilide has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 73 reviews for the treatment of Arrhythmia. 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Dofetilide
- Tom...
- February 5, 2009
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I've been taking the maximum dose for years to control atrial fibrillation and flutter. It reduced the atrial fibrillation from 100% of the time to about 65%, which feels WAY better. I accidentally overdosed (double dose) once and went to the ER for observation with NO ill effects. Later learned that another person - same situation - DIED within a couple of hours. Glad they told me that after. This medicine is great, POWERFUL, and dangerous if overdosed. So if you take it, be damned sure to never ever take more than prescribed."
- cla...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 28, 2014
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "26 when diagnosed, 3 ablation, at least 50 cardioversions open heart Cox Maze success. At 37, went on Tikosyn. I live a normal life in sinus rhythm 99% of the time. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have had any surgery. However, a very nice effect of the Cox Maze is that it nearly eliminated my risk of stroke. Been on Tikosyn for five years with no noticeable side effects."
- Car...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 22, 2019
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Tikosyn was and is the only thing that stopped my constant afib. We tried shocking and then ablation and neither worked. I didn't want to try Tikosyn since it required 3 days in the hospital, but since I was already in a hospital for the afib and dangerous blood pressure, I did it and am so glad. It has changed my life for the better. I have been on it for 4 months with no side effects. I forgot one dose and the afib started coming back, so it was a reminder of how effective this drug is. I love it, and I am someone who hates taking meds. For me, this has been a winner."
- Car...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 22, 2013
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "In persistent atrial fibrillation for 11 months, being switched around between various doses and combinations of metoprolol and diltiazem for rate control without success. Converted on the second dose of Tikosyn and had absolutely no problems with dosing in the hospital, other than a little headache on the first dose. I never knew how bad I felt in atrial fibrillation until normal sinus rhythm was restored. Check with your doctor about this medicine. They have a great program to ensure safe medicine loading (although three days in the hospital can get a little boring!)"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Rus...
- July 18, 2012
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 2007. Three electrocardioversions, two ablations, a Medtronic ICD, and 1000 mcg a day of Tikosyn, and I am in sinus rhythm 99.998% of the time. Before treatment, I was in A-Fib for 10 months. My Electrophysiologist prescribed 25mg twice daily of atenolol to help with the pounding heartbeat side effect of Tikosyn. I turn 37 in August, so my major concern is the long-term use of Tikosyn. It's a fairly new medicine, and there isn't any research on long-term (20 yrs) dosage. So far, so good. It does make me tired, but that is a small price to pay to live without A-Fib."
- Car...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 27, 2014
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Update - Now over one year taking Tikosyn (500 mcg twice a day) in combination with metoprolol (25 mg, twice a day). Went from 100% persistent atrial fibrillation to 5% occasional episodes. Some side effects (dry mouth, dry eyes, a little fatigue - unless I force myself to be active), but nothing as debilitating as atrial fibrillation. Still highly recommend this therapy!"
- Lis...
- April 12, 2012
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I just got out of the hospital after my second ablation proved unsuccessful and was taken off my previous anti-arrhythmic Sotalol, which seemed to be less effective for months in its generic form. Anyway, with Tikosyn, I noticed a difference in how I felt pretty quickly and am hoping this trend continues. I had been on Betapace for 15 years and have had 4 ICDs/Pacemakers after being diagnosed with an idiopathic DCM in 1996 and surviving 3 cardiac arrests now. As far as I am concerned, the difference in my heart rhythm and how I feel thus far is the MIRACLE I have been waiting for. It has been years since I felt this good, and someone who is 44 SHOULD be able to feel this good (I was 28 when diagnosed). I think this medicine is definitely worth the risks!"
- Dav...
- October 4, 2010
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Very good for atrial fibrillation. Electrocarioversions were not holding. This medicine converted my heart to a sinus rhythm after one capsule and has kept me there for 1 1/2 years. I have experienced no side effects."
- Anonymous
- December 4, 2011
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Tikosyn was started in December of 2009 in a hospital setting. At this time two years later, I have not been hospitalized for atrial fibrillation. It has worked well with no side effects. The only downside is remembering to take it at the right time twice a day."
- cld...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 9, 2016
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Been taking Tikosyn for about a year and a half. I've found that this is a great medicine for me! At this time, Tikosyn is now available in generic form! So grateful! The worst side effect was 'sticker shock'! In March 2009, I was placed on Verapamil, Flecainide (Tambocor), Cozaar (Losartan), and warfarin (Coumadin). These did a pretty good job of taking care of things, but it got progressively worse until I really had no choice but to have an ablation. Had hoped that would 'do the trick' but no such luck. Still suffer from a-fib occasionally, but it's nothing like what it had been before the ablation and switching to Tikosyn. So grateful it pulls my heartbeat back to normal rhythm! Others didn't! No noticeable side effects. I'm happy!"
- bme...
- July 26, 2014
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation about 7 years ago. I had 3 unsuccessful ablations to try to get back into sinus rhythm. Mayo Clinic said it was too risky to do any more. Put me on Tikosyn. I have stayed in rhythm about 99% of the time since."
- ear...
- February 8, 2010
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I had gone through a two-year period of Atrial Fibrillation almost constantly. I had two ablations. I was loading up on Tikosyn when I started going in and out of Normal Sinus. After the second dose, I converted. Prior to Tikosyn, I had been Cardioverted, with paddles, over 30 times. In the two and a half years since I've been on Tikosyn, I've needed that procedure once. My only complaint is how dangerous it can be if you take it too soon after the last dose."
- Rog...
- January 22, 2012
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I have been taking this medication for about 8 months. My skipped beats have been significantly reduced. I have not had any fainting spells, and my quality of life has also improved tenfold. My cardiologist just cut my dose in half because of my kidneys, I think. I just hope they don't take me off of it, it has made such a big difference in my life."
- wim...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 10, 2015
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "In persistent Atrial Fibrillation for five years. Tried a few cardioversions and they lasted a week or so. I wasn't very symptomatic, so I lived with it along with Coumadin and then Pradaxa. Had ablation, stayed in sinus for 2 weeks. Couldn't tolerate flecanide. Had another cardioversion and would not convert. Put on Tikosyn and spontaneous normal sinus after one dose and no hint of AF since."
- Bob...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 12, 2016
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Went on Tikosyn 250 mcg twice daily for almost 5 years, and it worked like 100%. No side effects that I was aware of. Did the 'guy' thing and took myself off of this medication. SR was good for almost 2 years, and today I'm going back to the hospital for the 3-day stay. Always leery of ablation and cardioversion, but my cardiologist highly recommended the Tikosyn route once again. My wife is going to the hospital with me this morning... not as a visitor, but will try the Tikosyn route too! She has AF with a high pulse rate, while my AF is the slower heartbeat type. Will check-in in 3 days to let you know how well Tikosyn has done. We are both 74 years old and other than this AF thing, are in very good health."
- Sis...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 28, 2018
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Have had a-fib for 15 years. EP wanted to take me off Flecainide and switch to Tikosyn. Was having some a-fib episodes with rate >150 on Flecainide 150 mg BID, but otherwise worked well with Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg BID. Spent 3 days in the hospital for Tikosyn 500 mg BID dosing. Was on Tikosyn for 7 weeks before discontinuing. Worst 7 weeks I ever had. A-fib was way out of control. I was rarely in sinus rhythm on the Tikosyn. Heart rate was between 40-150. Lots of irregular heartbeats (PACs and PVCs), bad headaches, insomnia, dizziness, and SOB/breathlessness. MD did not want me to stop the Tikosyn even with the side effects. I had to quit working as an RN because the side effects were so bad. Went to a different EP for another opinion and he told me to stop the Tikosyn ASAP. I gladly stopped. I cannot recommend this drug."
- Anonymous
- June 28, 2010
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I have been on Tikosyn for ten years, and it is really working great for me. The only downside is if you miss three doses, you have to be hospitalized and cleaned out of the Tikosyn and reintroduced to the medicine. Otherwise, it has really worked great with my pacemaker/defibrillator."
- Dav...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 13, 2012
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Excellent. I was in atrial fibrillation for about 6 weeks. When my electrophysiologist put me in the hospital to monitor me for this medicine, within 2 hours after taking Tikosyn, I returned to normal sinus rhythm. I still go in and out of atrial fibrillation, and will have catheter ablation within the next few weeks."
- Edw...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 15, 2014
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I had three cardioversions. One lasted 6 years. Another lasted 1 year and the third one lasted only a week. So, I headed to a hospital in Nashville to explore my options. The new cardiologist suggested a 4th cardioversion, but followed up with Tikosyn. I was afraid of side effects, however, I continued with the plan. After 17 days, I went back into Afib. I decided to stop using caffeine to see if it helped. Within 48 hours of eliminating coffee, I was back in rhythm and have been so since. I have no side effects and my exercise routine has dramatically improved. Very happy with the results so far."
- Lit...
- August 8, 2019
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "After an ablation, I began Tikosyn 500 bid. I tolerated it, except for the sudden appearance of arterial tachycardia the last day in the hospital. Three weeks later, I was at my cardiologist. EKG looked good. Outside the exam room, I suddenly could not breathe and passed out. No heartbeat. 150 compressions. Still no pulse. A defibrillator shocked me back to life. It was so traumatic for my husband, who was by me as he prayed for God to spare my life. I was in the hospital 5 days in a huge amount of pain. Thank God I was at the office when my heart stopped! The only factor that had changed was the Tikosyn. I somehow did not process it correctly, which caused ventricular fibrillation and heart arrest. I developed an arterial flutter, for which I had a third ablation 11 days later. Now I am almost free of chest and back pain, but I am still on oxygen since it is too painful to breathe well. This medicine is dangerous. Think carefully before you consider it. I am thankful to be alive."
- Lak...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 28, 2017
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "Put on Tikosyn (while in the hospital) for 24 hours post-cardiac ablation for A-fib. Doctors did not like the looks of the QT wave after 12 hours and reduced the dosage by half. Doctors were still alarmed with EKG results after the reduced dosage and 12 more hours; discontinued medication at that time. Next time someone tells me they want to put me on a medication so scary it requires extra days in the hospital, more blood tests, and EKGs in the middle of the night - and the possibility it could cause sudden cardiac arrest and death... Decline! Just sayin."
- Ste...
- January 6, 2016
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I have only been on Tikosyn for five days now (the first three while in the hospital). Writing this at 2:00 AM, so I am having some insomnia issues and slight pain in my chest upon deep breaths. The first two doses did not cardiovert me, so I had cardioversion via paddle, which got me back to sinus rhythm very easily, perhaps because of Tikosyn on board. I had previously gone out of sinus rhythm 19 days after a successful ablation, with many post-surgical complications, which is probably why I didn't stay in sinus. I have yet to give this a really good test by exerting myself, maybe it is too soon yet, so I don't know if I'll ever be able to be as active as I was. Other Tikosyn side effects so far: my heart rate seems a bit rapid, and I get winded more easily. I will report back."
- Anonymous
- November 19, 2009
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I have been on Tikosyn 250mcg, 2 times a day since July 2009. I have had very few side effects and I'm feeling better, probably never be as active as I was before all this. I have a defibrillator and pacemaker with 3 leads also. I feel bionic but I am better than I was a year ago. Just wish I could have more energy and not get tired so fast."
- dto...
- February 6, 2009
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I was started on this medication in the hospital to help convert Atrial Fibrillation to a normal rhythm using electric shock. The electrical cardioversion was successful. Upon discharge, I now take 1000mg per day without ill effects except the cost, which is about $250.00 per month at this dose."
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- Drug class: group III antiarrhythmics
- En español
Tikosyn (dofetilide) "I went on Tikosyn during a 4-day stay in the hospital in Feb. 2016 for initiation. I had already failed 3 antiarrhythmics, and my second cardioversion lasted about a week. I had very serious side effects from flecainide and propafenone, both of which sent me to the emergency room. Four hours after the second dose of Tikosyn, I locked into sinus rhythm and stayed there. I have had some 3-4 abbreviated runs of irregular heart rate lasting less than 2 minutes each from Feb. through July, but I'm still very happy. This is one of the few drugs I have ever taken that works, with no side effects that I am aware of. It has given me my life back. I am able to ride bikes, walk 3-5 miles per day, and generally feel normal again. I hope it keeps working!"