Diphenhydramine for Nausea/Vomiting User Reviews
Brand names: Benadryl, Banophen, Benadryl Allergy, ZzzQuil, Diphen, Unisom SleepGels, Calm-Aid, Sominex, Benadryl Children's Allergy, Nytol, Hydramine Cough Syrup, Diphenhist, Diphendryl, Diphenydramine Quick Melt, Dormin, Buckley's Bedtime, Diphedryl, DPH, Diphenyl, Beldin, Hydramine, Hydramine Compound, Allermax, Unisom SleepMelts, Dytuss, Snooze Fast, Sominex Maximum Strength Caplet, Unisom SleepMinis, Unisom Liquid, ConRx Allergy, Dicopanol, Hyrexin, Bydramine, Diphen AF, Diphen Cough, Aler-Dryl, Allergia-C, Benahist-10, Benahist-50, Benoject-50, Diphenadryl, Genahist, Aller-G-Time, Sleep Tab II, Nytol QuickCaps, Trux-adryl, Valu-Dryl, Altaryl, Belix, Vicks QlearQuil Nighttime Allergy Relief, Silphen Cough, Diphenylin, Nytol Caplet, Compoz Nighttime Sleep Aid, Sleepinal Help I Can't Sleep Twilite Banaril Aler-Tab Siladryl Allergy Sleep-ettes D Diphenmax Ben-Tann Dytan Vanamine PD Pharbedryl Histaprin Z-Sleep Aurodryl Children's Allergy Simply Sleep Complete Allergy Relief Miles Nervine Scot-Tussin Allergy Sleepwell 2-nite …show all brand names
Diphenhydramine has an average rating of 7.5 out of 10 from a total of 38 reviews for the treatment of Nausea/Vomiting. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Diphenhydramine
- A b...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 20, 2015
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "I got a severe back injury about 2 years ago. Couldn't function, pain was so bad. So my doctor started putting me on codeine, then Vicodin, then tramadol, and then so on, but they all gave me hours of vomiting, gut-wrenching cramps, and sweating. Read about Benadryl being used to prevent this side effect. I took 3 25 mg tablets. I know that is one over recommended dose, but I was desperate. 35 minutes later, I was sitting with my kids and not by the trash can for the first time in a while. I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner, especially with a biotech degree."
- Sha...
- December 20, 2022
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "Benadryl has been incredibly effective for nausea and vomiting, in my experience. There are times when I'm so sick that I literally can't eat, but give me some Benadryl and within an hour or two, I feel much better."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the strongest sleeping pills?
- What is the max dose of diphenhydramine for adults?
- Does Mucinex help with Covid?
- Does diphenhydramine raise blood pressure?
- Mar...
- June 5, 2016
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "I had a couple of surgeries on my jaw where I could not open it fully for an extended period of time. I am already semi-allergic to pain meds/anesthesia (excessive vomiting and nausea), so I was terrified to take my painkillers after surgery. The nurse/doctor recommended taking a couple of Benadryl tablets (25 mg) before the pain meds, and it worked wonders! The only side effect is drowsiness."
- Sim...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 14, 2017
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "ER gave me 25 mg diphenhydramine IV for nausea. The only effect was delirium and a brief medication nap. I felt woozy and poisoned for at least two hours afterward. It may work for others, but it certainly didn't help me."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Mor...
- November 15, 2015
"I tried everything yesterday to stop throwing up acid. I went from Nexium to Zantac to Pepto to Tums, nothing helped, and it all just came back up an hour later. Thankfully, my brother is a paramedic and told me about how they use Benadryl for their nausea patients, so I took 3 of the 25 mg tablets, and it worked!!"
- Sic...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 7, 2019
"Have nausea often, especially if I undereat one day. I'll be nauseous and have trouble eating for days on end. I've been given Zofran, Phenergan, and Bentyl at the ER. When those ran out and the nausea didn't, I looked on the web and saw Benadryl recommended. It's worked very well for me every time! You will most likely be pretty sleepy, though. Plan on some nap time."
More FAQ
- Does Benadryl help with or cause anxiety?
- Can diphenhydramine be used as a sleep aid?
- Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride vs Citrate: What's the difference?
- Can't Sleep? A Pharmacist's Tips for a Good Night's Rest
- Mic...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- April 11, 2018
"Better known as Benadryl. Every time anyone is puking, I can always rely on this to immediately stop it. (Chewable form) My children have struggled with nausea with no help from any medication until this was brought to my attention. This is the absolute only thing I will use for nausea/vomiting."
- Mel...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- July 24, 2019
"Uhhhhhh.... Wow..... All I have to say is that I have had extreme nausea all night... I tried Dramamine. Didn’t work. I remembered that diphenhydramine can also be used for nausea relief. So I took a liquid gel (50 mg), and it’s been maybe 10-15 minutes, and I already feel better. Thanks again, diphenhydramine!!"
- Mig...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- May 19, 2018
"Diphenhydramine has saved my life. I have a severe migraine disorder that comes with extreme nausea and sudden vomiting. I now take liquid diphenhydramine, sold as children's med, for nausea and vomiting. I tried pills, and they are not fast-acting enough, and the dose is too high, so it makes me very sleepy. The smaller liquid dose knocks my nausea out almost immediately and only makes me mildly sleepy. I carry this med on hand at all times and take it as needed when I feel the first sign of nausea. If I feel like a full migraine is coming on, I'll take the complete adult dose. The reduction in nausea, in addition to the powerful sleepiness, can really help me avoid more expensive or risky migraine abortive medications. I've taken this medication for years, and the only chronic side effect that I've noticed is dryness/dehydration, but I compensate for that with added water and fish oil. Thank you, scientists, for diphenhydramine!!"
- Bab...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 27, 2017
"Was told by pediatrician to give to 4-year-old for nausea and vomiting for a virus. I tried Pepto-Bismol but vomited it back up within 10 minutes. Ondansetron was prescribed to the entire sick family. My son and I tried our ondansetron and still felt nauseated. After 4 hours, it was clear we needed to try something else. The Benadryl is definitely helping."
- Big...
- July 25, 2016
"Anyone who takes this in order to take pain medication or if also taking any benzodiazepine needs to use caution since all three slow your heart rate and breathing down. Inexperienced users might fall asleep and pass away during FYI."
- Mag...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 1, 2017
"Like others here, I discovered using diphenhydramine for nausea when I had to take pain killers in the hospital. My nurse explained why to me. But since, I have found that if a drug of any kind gives you nausea, or, in fact, if you have nausea at all, give it a try. Last week, I had a fit of nausea that I can't track to any new Rx, it just seemed to occur on its own. I took the OTC diphenhydramine, and it went away. When I went to my doctor complaining of a stomach virus last year, I was prescribed Dexilant. When I had the nausea symptoms recently, I took some of the leftovers. Those didn't do anything, but the diphenhydramine worked."
- Bet...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 18, 2018
"For me, this is the most reliable medication for nausea and vomiting for multiple purposes, and I’ve tried everything else, including ondansetron. For any kind of nausea, taking this early enough stops vomiting altogether and really helps with nausea side effects from other medication like morphine, etc. Great as well for migraines, as it reduces nausea, stops vomiting, and seems to help with making other medication more effective, too. I tried everything for motion sickness, both natural and pharmaceutical, and this is the only one that helps at all. Shame many pharmacists in the UK are so poorly informed about this medication and refuse to allow you to buy it if you say it’s for nausea-so always just say you want it for occasional sleep issues."
- Anonymous
- March 6, 2010
"I had a severe migraine, was driven to the hospital when regular pain relievers did not work. I was given IV Benadryl along with an anti-nausea medicine and fluids. I felt sleepy almost immediately, and my pain was lessened. The huge down side was that I felt a huge amount of anxiety for 48 hours afterward. I do not suffer from anxiety normally. I believe this was an adverse reaction of the Benadryl. "
- syl...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 21, 2017
"If you got a migraine cocktail in the ER, then the med that gave you the anxiety was most likely the Compazine. It makes you feel very anxious, that's why they give the Benadryl with it to counteract the side effect of anxiety. (Migraine cocktail consists of Benadryl, Compazine, and Depakote or Solumedrol). I had to take more Benadryl to get rid of the severe anxiety."
- net...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 29, 2022
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "Took Benadryl when I was out of town and did not have my generic brand equate with me. I had done this twice and both times the Benadryl made me sick with diarrhea and nausea I will always stick with the equate for hay fever as I never feel sick from it."
- Rem...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- June 1, 2020
"Diphenhydramine works for me when I have nausea and headaches. The only side effects I experience are sleepiness and dry mouth, but I have insomnia, so it's actually a big bonus drug for me, and they are cheap. A bottle of Great Value is 4 bucks for 100 pills."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 25, 2022
"I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and suffer from bad nausea as part of my PMS symptoms. All my usual remedies (ginger, antacids, peppermint) just don't seem to work, so I did a Google search and found that diphenhydramine (I use Nytol, available over the counter in the UK) can help with nausea. It has absolutely helped me!! I take half a pill, so 25 mg, when the nausea starts to come on, and with half an hour, I'm up and about feeling better! I take my first dose at night as it does make me drowsy initially and causes some really weird dreams, but any subsequent doses after that don't really have much of a drowsy effect at all. Definitely worth a shot for hormonal nausea."
- Bea...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 27, 2019
"My review is about the IV and IM form of diphenhydramine (for migraines). 1. Works great for migraines and helps other drugs work better. 2. Can cause anxiety and restlessness. This has to do with how quickly your body processes the drug. 3. You will build up a tolerance quickly, so do not take this every day. 4. If receiving this through an IV, ask them to push it slowly. It can burn, and it also makes me cough."
- Mit...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 22, 2017
"I took diphenhydramine by mouth for spring allergies. It made me drowsy and helped my allergies, but also made me dizzy and nauseated, which it is supposed to prevent. I do know that it is probably one of the best antihistamines on the market."
- Con...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 11, 2024
"I was given a concussion. I had to go to the hospital. Fortunately/unfortunately. I've already had my yearly quota of radiation. They were planning a CT scan. In the end, I didn't even have an X-ray. A doctor, neurologist I suppose, dilated my pupils with a light, looked in my throat, felt my glands. 'Follow my finger' and gently felt my entire skull. There doesn't seem to be a crack in the bone, I hope! Only an X-ray would show a hairline fracture. There is one very tender spot. I have multiple splits in my scalp. The doctor asked me to grab his hands/push with my feet. I'm okay enough? I was then discharged. I have been taking diphenhydramine every 4-6 hours for over a week. Without it, I vomit instantly. I'm still dry heaving. Be careful with your head. I've been drooling and slurring. The diphenhydramine knocks me out. 25 mg. Zzz... I think I need rest. Oh, have a slice of bread/crackers, a yogurt, or some physical food in your stomach. Enough to help the pill, something gentle."
- Pat...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 2, 2024
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "It's a miracle worker with benzodiazepines, take 50 mg with Xanax, etc. If you're like me with a decent tolerance or don't seem to get what you wanted from it. Benadryl amps the effect and takes away more anxiety. Love it!"
- Con...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 13, 2025
"OK. Be very careful. Renal failure is a warning on the box. I was hit in the head. Even taking 1-2 weeks off and 2 weeks on. My kidneys are hurting, and the whites of my eyes are turning slightly yellow. I am stopping altogether. Thankfully, wow, it's been 4 and 1/2 months. I don't need it anymore. I was vomiting uncontrollably. I have a splitting headache, and I'm dizzy. But I lost consciousness for a few seconds. I've been recommended to avoid NSAIDs because I can see/feel signs my organs are having trouble. Be careful with your head. 4.5 months sick. Not to mention I slur and stutter now. Everything is improving though. Dr. said 6-12 months, and whatever is permanent."
- Ros...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 3, 2022
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "I use to take this med when I was younger I gad no side effects now as an adult a child's dose gives me nightmares and hallucinations. I do have Hashimoto's and take levothyroxine not sure if that's the reason in the mix then again my friend who is older than me who takes levo for Hashimoto's has no side effects from Benadryl."
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- Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics
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Other brands
Benadryl, Banophen, Benadryl Allergy, ZzzQuil, ... +24 more
Professional resources
- DiphenhydrAMINE monograph
- Diphenhydramine (FDA)
- Diphenhydramine Capsules (FDA)
- Diphenhydramine Injection (FDA)
- Diphenhydramine Oral Solution (FDA)
Other brands
Benadryl, Benadryl Allergy, Diphen, Dicopanol
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) "I have emetophobia, that is, a pervasive fear of vomiting. I do not know if this affects vomiting, but if I feel nauseous, Benadryl works wonders. My stomach settles right down and my anxiety lowers just enough for me to deal with it without the use of benzodiazepines."