Dextromethorphan User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Delsym, Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief, Vicks Dayquil Cough, Cough Syrup DM, Dextromethorphan HBr Adult Formula, Dry Cough, Bisolvon Dry, DexAlone, Buckleys Mixture, Robitussin CoughGels Long-Acting, Calmylin, Delsym Children's 12-Hour Cough Relief, Vicks Formula 44, Babee Cof, Buckley's Mixture Cough Suppressant, Benylin DM, Covonia Bronchial Balsam, Dexi-Tuss, Sucrets Cough, Creomulsion, Robitussin Direct Cough, Robitussin 12-Hour Cough Relief, Silphen DM, Vicks Formula 44 Custom Care Dry Cough Suppressant, Balminil DM, Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief for Children & Adults, Robitussin Cough Long-Acting, Benadryl for the Family Dry Forte, Contac Cough, Robafen Cough Liquidgels, Bisolvon Dry Junior, Dristan DM, Triaminic Long Acting Cough, Creomulsion Children, Buckley's DM Tussin Cough Gels (Long Acting) Vicks Nature Fusion Cough Duract Max Strength Cough Scot-Tussin Diabetes Hold 12 Hour Cough Relief Triaminic Thin Strips Cough Giltuss Honey DM 8hr Cough Giltuss Children's Honey DM 8hr Cough ElixSure Cough Hold DM Robitussin Children's Cough Long-Acting …show all brand names
Dextromethorphan has an average rating of 3.7 out of 10 from a total of 386 reviews on 21% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 63% reported a negative experience.
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Cough | 384 reviews for Cough | 826 medications |
Reviews for Dextromethorphan
- Ang...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 30, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "At the risk of someone thinking I'm the 'same person as other posters,' I'm posting my real name. I've had a nagging cough and chose to try Delsym again as I've had success in the past with it. I commute 30 miles to work. I got within a mile of my office and coughed... and pooped all over myself. Yes. Explosive diarrhea in my scrubs! It was awful. I'm sitting in the work parking lot, calling the girls outside since I can't move out of my car! Forward... I'm home but can't get more than twenty minutes away from a toilet. If you take this, trust me, you won't cough, just like it says, for 12 hours. You'll be afraid to. Take something else, please. After all, it has been a terribly shi€€y day for me."
- Anonymous
- July 2, 2012
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I actually came on the site to see if severe diarrhea was a listed side effect. I have taken other products with the same active ingredients and not had this happen. Twice I have taken Delsym, which I buy for my kids, and had severe diarrhea. It must be a sweetener or thickener that they use. That being said, I haven't coughed in hours."
Frequently asked questions
- Does Mucinex help with Covid?
- Dextromethorphan - can you give TusQ Dx to a child and what is the dose?
- How do I Treat Cough and Sore Throat if I have COVID-19?
- How do I treat a mild case of COVID-19 at home?
- gro...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 4, 2017
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "After taking this cough syrup, I woke up and I experienced the most awful panic attack. Fingers tingling, feeling 'weird,' thinking I was at death's door. The only explanation was the cough syrup, I was pondering whether to call 911 and didn't because I KNEW it was the Delsym, and it probably would pass with time. Drank a lot of water to hopefully flush it out faster. I will NEVER take Delsym again. Would like to know what ingredient gave me such a violent reaction."
- Del...
- February 19, 2015
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Delsym is okay at cough suppression, depending on severity, but if you want to have hot liquid diarrhea all night within hours, then this is your medication. It sent me to the toilet faster than the laxatives you take the day before a colonoscopy, and it did not stop until 12 hours later. This is the single most poisonous substance I have ever ingested."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Sha...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 11, 2021
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I had a sinus infection and took the antibiotics along with Mucinex D, and it cleared right up. However, I had a lingering dry cough (probably unrelated, but who knows?). I picked up some Delsym for the dry cough, along with Benadryl before bed, and slept like a baby. I took another dose of Delsym before work and didn't cough nearly as much as I had been. It didn't make me drowsy, dizzy, nauseous, 'high', nor did it give me diarrhea or stomach cramps. Everyone reacts to medication differently, and I am not by any means downplaying anyone who had such horrible side effects! I just wanted to share that some good can come for some with this medication."
- Sad...
- December 7, 2020
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "My husband started using Delsym when he found out how much DXM is in it. He's severely addicted he walks in the stores weren't readily available and steals it he recently just got kicked out of rehab for having 10 bottles in his room he will drink two or three bottles of time and he can't walk or talk he gets totally out of his mind for weeks on in the stuff should be illegal I hate Delsym I hate cold medicine anything with DXM in it ruining people's life"
More FAQ
- What OTC drugs relieve tripledemic symptoms in kids?
- How to Choose Cold and Flu Medications for Kids
- Dd1...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 19, 2021
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I've had a bad cough for several days, thought it was COVID, it wasn't, but the cough was getting really bad. Bought some Delsym, took some of it, and about 15-20 minutes later, watery diarrhea just started pouring out my butt. I didn't even need to push, it just poured out like someone turned a faucet on in my butt. Thank God I work by myself, and Target was across the street. Other than the diarrhea, I haven't coughed all day. LOL."
- Sp3...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 7, 2018
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I have never been so scared in my life! I took Delsym 12 hr relief at 10 PM for a mild cough. I woke up at 3 AM in a panic attack. My entire body was tingly, I couldn't feel myself breathing. My heart rate was 115, and I was sure I was gonna die. It took close to 24 hours for this to wear off. I don't recommend it to anyone, this stuff is poison and should NOT be sold OTC!"
- JoS...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 16, 2020
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I bought Delsym as it was recommended by a family member for my bad cough. I took the correct dosage, and within 1 hour, I was nauseous. It has been 24 hours, and I'm still nauseous. I also feel shaky with a rapid heartbeat. Please be aware this medication has major side effects."
- mel...
- January 22, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I bought this medicine for my husband, and after reading all these reviews, I was hesitant to give it to him. His coughing not only kept him up, but myself. He did take it after all, and believe me, he slept through the night, and so did I. I can honestly say I am glad I did not listen to these reviews, it really worked."
- wom...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 12, 2020
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I took Delsym last evening and began to feel strange. Then I felt anxious, nauseous, had a full-on panic attack with screaming. I rehearsed calling 911 in case. I had visionary hallucinations... I can't believe this med is on the market. I rode it out, and it was a bad trip! DO NOT TAKE!"
- Sma...
- January 20, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I wish I had read the reviews before taking this product! Forty-five minutes after taking Delsym, I had lots of belly gurgling, then painful cramps, and then immediate violent diarrhea! I got so dizzy and lightheaded while sitting on the toilet I almost passed out. I will never take this product again and will advise all friends and family to avoid it as well. As far as suppressing my cough, I was too afraid to cough for some time after the diarrhea started!"
- Riz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 28, 2015
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Stopped the cough, but jump-started my bowels. Took it before bed and spent the morning on the toilet. All I had before was a cough, now I can't leave the house. Wish I could charge them for a sick day. On the upside: I'm just one dose of Delsym from my goal weight!"
- Cha...
- October 25, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Woke up in the middle of the night with a horrendous cough. I decided to take some cough medicine and went back to sleep. It stopped the cough. Then I woke up in my own excrement (seriously), severe diarrhea. Heart palpitations, extreme dizziness, sweating, and confusion. I almost went to the emergency room. I will never take this again."
- Sti...
- January 10, 2020
Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Please save your money on this one, folks. I've had all of 2 doses. Had diarrhea after dose #1. Waited the 12 hrs, took dose #2. I had such terrible wheezing for 1 and 1/2 hours following that 2nd dose. Scared me. As I live alone, I wasn't sure I would be able to drive myself to the hospital, so I sat up and prayed, a lot. Very scary trying to catch my breath. Of course, following dose #2 came more diarrhea. This unused portion was immediately delivered to the garbage can. This was even recommended to me by my pharmacist when I picked up my 2 Rx's called in by my PMD. So glad others have written in with their comments/complaints. Wish I would have read them 1st. Now I'm out $10.00 plus change but glad it's out of my house! AND, it did NOTHING FOR MY COUGH!"
- Nev...
- December 29, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Do NOT use this product! I have given this to my children when they were younger but have never taken it myself. Had a cough, decided to try it. (Only had a yogurt early in the morning) took Delsym at noonish. Made a sandwich around 1:30 or so. Mid-sandwich.....I literally pooped my pants!!! I had to run to the bathroom where I suffered with raging diarrhea!! I hadn't had a stomach ache or any symptoms prior. For the rest of the day, I haven't eaten or really drank. It's now 6:10, and I'm sipping on water and at times feel like I could vomit. Stomach still gurgling. Something made me look up if Delsym could cause this, and I see so many other similar reviews. I will never take it again."
- Inf...
- January 6, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Helped the dry cough for sure! But I am currently on the can as I write this. The reviews are spot on (wish I read them before I took up to 3 doses). I've traded a horrible cough for uncontrollable bowel movements!"
- Cel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 6, 2018
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I’ve taken Delsym and Delsym Max Strength, and after a day or two, it does start to loosen up the tight congestion in my lungs. The only problem with it is it causes me extreme stomach distress. It doesn’t matter if I take it on an empty stomach or not, but about 15 minutes after taking a dose, I experience extreme nausea. About 30-60 minutes later, I will have to run to the bathroom; I’m not going to go into detail, but to say the least, I don’t go in there and puke. I’m not sure if I have a sensitivity to something in it or if it’s normal to experience this. I don’t take cough medicine often, but I don’t remember having this severe of side effects from other brands, but I digress. If you chose Delsym, especially Max Strength, be prepared to possibly trade your cough for bathroom troubles."
- del...
- December 18, 2019
Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Post nasal drip kept me up coughing, so I bought Delsym, thinking it would help. I took the regular dose about 8 PM. I couldn't fall asleep until 3 AM. I was wide awake. The main ingredient must work as a stimulant for me. I did not experience any other bad side effects. It did not help my cough. I will not take it again."
- Tex...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 20, 2019
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "The medicine works really, really well. I took it at 7:30 AM before work and have not coughed, and it's almost noon. HOWEVER, the medicine has made me super dizzy and loopy. I almost feel like I am borderline drunk. My fingers are also numb and cold, but that's going away as time goes on. I love this medicine, and this is the first time I have ever experienced these symptoms."
- Kja...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 3, 2021
Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I just took the recommended 10 mg dose for a severe cough that I can’t get rid of. I was actually hopeful that it was doing as intended, my cough went away for all of 7-10 minutes. I don’t know what to think about that, it’s a 12-hour medication. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this product."
- LOa...
- December 29, 2019
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I started taking Delsym for a viral cough that's going around. The coughing has stopped. But this morning, I woke up with a lot of diarrhea. Watery, my stomach is making these loud bubble noises (bubble guts), and I've been to the bathroom five times now. I woke up at 4 AM to start work. I'm a 100% remote IT specialist. So the one thing that is saving me is at least I'm not onsite in the office because I would've had to leave work. I read the other reviews, and it seems the diarrhea is the main thing. No dizziness, high, vertigo feelings for me. I'll match this up with some Imodium AD to stop the diarrhea. Everybody is different, and sometimes you have to find what works best for you. Happy New Year, and feel better, folks."
- The...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 25, 2016
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "Didn't do anything for my cough, as a matter of fact, I was scared to cough because I didn't want to poop my pants! Forty-five minutes after taking this, I had explosive diarrhea, my stomach was bubbling. I thought I had to pass gas, so I attempted to do so. To my surprise, it wasn't gas but explosive diarrhea. It was all over my bed. Stay away from this product unless you want to lose weight!"
- Nev...
- December 9, 2017
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "The first time I took Delsym (a couple of years ago), I landed in the ER because I thought I was dying: severe nausea, chills, sweats, shakes, dizziness, shortness of breath, and the dreaded diarrhea. I didn't make the connection that it was the Delsym until it happened to me again a couple of days ago. Almost identical symptoms as the first time, but this time instead of just nausea, I was also vomiting profusely. I'm glad it works for others, but please don't 'poo-poo' (pun intended) those whose experience was less-than-pleasant. We're all different, and what works for one won't work for another."
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Delsym, Delsym 12 Hour Cough Relief, Vicks Dayquil Cough, DexAlone, ... +14 more
Delsym (dextromethorphan) for Cough "I had the nagging COVID cough and decided to take Delsym. I'd taken it before with good results and knew it would work well. I bought a bottle and kept it at the ready for my 2 AM wake-up coughing fit. Sure enough, I awoke coughing until my throat hurt. Took a dose of the orange-flavored elixir, previously had grape, and decided to let it do its magic so I could return to sleep. Oh, it did magic all right. By about 3:30 AM, my GI system was making noise and not at all pleased. By 4 AM, I was stumbling to the bathroom and having diarrhea as though someone turned on a water faucet! I was on the toilet wondering if it was another COVID symptom or what, then had to think of any changes in the last 5 hours. Thought to look up side effects to Delsym and came across this. Unbelievably, it calmed my mind. I mean, I feel bad we had to go through that, but happy we shared our experiences. For those that didn't have such watery side effects, that's great, and we are happy for you."