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Pristiq for Depression User Reviews (Page 2)

Pristiq has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 743 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Pristiq

  • NYC...
  • November 17, 2008

"This drug is amazing. Before taking it, I would eat non-stop and obsess about food because of my depression. Now, I only eat when it's mealtime and don't even think about it any other time. I sleep great, have more energy, and the only side effects were mild nausea the first couple of days. The depression is gone, and I feel so much better. I'm taking 50 mg once per day."

10 / 10
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289 Report
  • dbugg
  • December 11, 2014

"Pristiq for me is a lifesaver! The first 2 days I took the medication, I was tired, but now being on it for two weeks, it is amazing. I used to cry at the drop of a hat, and I had severe anxiety. Pristiq is the only medication that has ever worked for me! Try it! It might save your life too!"

10 / 10
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199 Report
  • Root...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 17, 2014

"This medicine has been very helpful to me. I started having extreme anxiety when I started taking Latuda. For two years I dealt with depression, severe anxiety, and killer side effects from the SSRI (avoid them). In 2014 I finally said 'ENOUGH!' I was a little scared to try a different medicine, but life was so terrible I was willing to get some relief. I did not have any side effects when started taking the medicine. Pristiq has given some of my life back. I can function at the day program (which was in jeopardy before Pristiq). I highly recommend this medicine for those who suffer from depression and anxiety, at least give it a try."

10 / 10
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199 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Jessica...
  • January 13, 2017

"I just want to share my experience with Pristiq. I had suffered from depression since I was 15 and tried many antidepressants that made me hallucinate, gain weight, and sleep all day. The day my doctor changed my medicine to Pristiq, my life changed forever. I can safely say that my depression is completely gone. It also diminished my anxiety by 90%. I have absolutely no side effects: no weight gain, tiredness, or dizziness. On the contrary, it gives me energy, and I feel happy and calm all the time. I am more social, I laugh, and live life like I used to. Pristiq saved my life, and I know that for some people it may not be the best, but if you are looking for a new antidepressant, you should definitely try Pristiq."

10 / 10
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160 Report
  • kt124
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 27, 2014

"I was diagnosed with anxiety and major depression just over a year ago. I am a 19-year-old female and have a very difficult family situation. I first tried Cipralex, which made me really irritable, then I tried Wellbutrin, which gave me a rash. I was then on Cymbalta for 6 months, but I had many side effects and was exhausted. Within the first week on Pristiq, I began to notice a huge difference, much more energy. A month later I almost feel like my old self, lots of energy, I can control my own thoughts, and I can concentrate, which is amazing because I'm in university. I'm so glad I finally found something that works for me, and I'm looking forward to more improvements over time."

9 / 10
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196 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Rose
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 12, 2024

"I started on 25 mg of Pristiq in March and just upped my dose to 50 mg 2 weeks ago, so I’ve been on this medication about 3 months. After bad experiences with other antidepressants, I took the genesight test (100% recommend everyone do this) and Pristiq came back as the top match for me. I would say that my big fears (phobias, existentialism, etc.) have decreased significantly and I no longer have extremely dark thoughts about whether I’m meant to exist. In all, I’d say my anxiety, OCD, and depression have been improved about 30-40%. Side effects aren’t bad, but I do have fatigue and dropping elevator/dizzy sensations regularly. Nothing compared to side effects I had before though! Just make sure you eat enough and drink lots of water. Also, meditate! Generally happy with it overall and am hoping it gets better as I’m on it for longer. Hope the best for everyone out there! Keep your head up!"

8 / 10
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13 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 25, 2019

"After 20+ years on SSRIs, I have a new lease on life with only 25mg of Pristiq. I’m alert, in a positive mood, and have lots of energy. This has lasted for 6+ months. This drug is so much better for me than any of the SSRIs (I tried probably all of them). The only reason I give 9 stars is because of low appetite and constipation side effects."

9 / 10
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107 Report
  • Eliza...
  • October 23, 2014

"This medicine saved my sanity. I had crippling anxiety/panic attack disorder that forced me to take a year and a half off of college. I was a complete and total wreck. After a year and a half of rest/therapy, I decided I was ready to go back to school, within 3 weeks I was totally crumbling, and was completely overwhelmed (anxiety disorder I had worked so hard to treat was rearing its ugly head). I was scared to try another med because my old one made me gain 55 lbs (despite dieting), but at this point I was so desperate. My psychiatrist gave me Pristiq and BAM, a week later I was like a different person. No more constant crying and confusion. Now 10 months later I am doing really well in school and have lost 40 lbs."

10 / 10
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183 Report
  • Daveoh
  • November 9, 2013

"I started Pristiq 2 years ago and have been on risperidone for about 20 years. These two drugs have kept me feeling quite fuzzy and warm. There is not much that I can't tackle in a day. I am like Teflon when it comes to negativity. 100 mg a day. No worries. I have lost about 30 lbs and have quit smoking after 20 years. Pristiq has been my wonder drug. I don't plan on stopping this medication anytime soon."

10 / 10
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186 Report
  • fkgaj...
  • December 29, 2014

"My wife unexpectedly told me she wanted a divorce, and I was devastated. We have two small boys. I instantly saw a psychiatrist who prescribed me 50 mg of Pristiq. It seemed to help somewhat, but I would still break down into hysterical crying fits. After 15 days, she put me on 100 mg, and I've been fine ever since. I feel like I can deal with this now. I have not had any negative side effects, except shaking my leg. I do have insomnia, but I had that from the anxiety of the divorce, and I'm prescribed something to help me sleep. I can't say for sure if the Pristiq causes the insomnia, but I do feel a little amped. Overall, it's better than I thought as I generally don't feel like I'm on something and feel like myself."

9 / 10
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171 Report
  • Alex
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 6, 2024

"This medication completely changed my life for the better. I had persistent depression for a decade. Now, it’s very rare that I have a depressed mood. I take 150 mg every day. I feel so much more awake and alert as well. If I accidentally forget to take it, I am way more tired during the day."

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anxiety...
  • April 10, 2015

"I have nothing but amazing things to say about Pristiq. I went through a 5-year toxic relationship, lost everything including myself, tried to rebuild my life after leaving him but could not stop feeling 'heavy'. Felt numb. Had anxiety, could not sleep and pretty much felt like I was living in the dark. Went to see doc, started with 50 - no side effects so after 2 weeks he upped to 100mg and after three weeks I started to feel better and after a month I was truly amazed. It's been just over three months and I feel better than ever. I can't believe I suffered for so long. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, it just isn't enough! Best thing I ever did for myself. Thank god for health benefits! It's expensive!"

10 / 10
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157 Report
  • JeffR
  • October 29, 2014

"I've been on Pristiq for just over a month, and I don't have the desire to do anything. I have gone days without shaving or taking a bath. I feel like a zombie unable to make decisions or take care of myself and my home. I find myself sitting all day on my sofa, and sleeping most of the day. My appetite has increased and now my weight has gone up rapidly. After reading a recent post on this medication, I was shocked to learn that only one other person has had the same experience. I am quitting this medication today."

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162 Report
  • MissA...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 20, 2015

"On my first day of Pristiq, I noticed an immediate surge of energy (coupled with a racing heart and a feeling of disorientation). I am somewhat sensitive to medications generally, so I was prepared to experience some of the side effects. What I have experienced in my first week is tiredness, irritability/difficult sleeping, grinding teeth, nausea (vomited 5 times on night 1, which settled on the second day), loss of appetite, and general stiffness around my neck and back. I trust these symptoms will settle in the coming weeks but thought it may be valuable to share my first week, for those who are a little sensitive to medication. In regards to my mental state, I can safely say my mood has been moderately chilled, unfazed, and without any anxiety."

7 / 10
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159 Report
  • Glad...
  • January 1, 2015

"Was totally down in the dumps for some reason, even though my life was great. Finally, I could take no more as my mind was giving me nasty thoughts to end things. Immediately went to the doctor, and he prescribed me 50 mg of Pristiq which sent my mind out of control. Now my whole being was in trouble, refusing to go to work and be around my family. Immediately went back to the doctor to be put on 100 mg, and I can say I have never looked back. Totally changed my life as I am myself again. Yeah, a few sexual side effects but I can live with that. I'm just glad to be back."

10 / 10
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157 Report
  • Happy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 19, 2024

"This medicine has helped my joint pain, lessened my PTSD triggers, reduced anxiety, given me energy and mental clarity. Most critically, I no longer feel depressed. Pristiq was identified as one of the better antidepressants for my body in terms of metabolization with the least likely to cause side effects (identified through genetic testing). Also worth noting, a genetic mutation was identified. I am now taking a supplement to assist with the folic acid conversion process."

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Retro...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 11, 2014

"Started 12 weeks ago on 50mg, stuck it out for 7 weeks - not much change and decided to step up to 100mg. 5 weeks later, I can say a change has arrived in the last 10 days and I am over the moon. I have refused medication all my life - this was a massive decision for me. I wish now I'd done it years ago. Critical voice gone, anxiety close to gone, depression lifting, motivation returning - hope and dreams coming back. I now laugh, play jokes, and manage stress 'normally'. I have to take care to get enough sleep - some days I am still really exhausted, but that is lifting. The side effects were as expected: dry mouth, need to eat regularly, headaches, and perhaps a little sleep issues - but compared to life before, they are well worth it."

9 / 10
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153 Report
  • doova
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 19, 2019

"Was put on Pristiq 50mg about 6 months ago for depression, bad sleep anxiety, which was caused by OCD and ruminating thoughts about not sleeping, which was the root cause of my depression. This constant rumination was horrible, and I was convinced that it was unfixable, and that my life would be ruined by it. It was a horrible and hopeless feeling. After being on the 50mg for a month, I noticed improvement, and then I got put on the 100mg dose, and have had continuous improvement since being on the 100mg, and am now almost 100% better. Depression will tell you that there is no hope, it's awful. I remember thinking 'there is no way this medication will work,' but you must stay patient and you will be amazed how the depression goes away and the nasty thoughts just go away."

9 / 10
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97 Report
  • megan...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 10, 2023

"Pristiq saved my life. I was suffering from suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety, and depression for 5 months after getting COVID. I tried Lexapro, which was awful for me. After that, I was against taking any other antidepressant, but my mental health continued to decline. I reached out to my provider, who ran a genome test to narrow in on which medications would be best for my body to metabolize. It showed Pristiq and Wellbutrin, so we picked one. Pristiq was the choice, and after bumping it up from 25mg to 50mg, I made a complete recovery with my mental health. I have been on it for 9 months and am now going to start to taper off. If my mental health starts to decline again, I will 100% be using Pristiq again. Hope this helps someone!"

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Finally...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 26, 2017

"I have been on 100mg of Pristiq for three years for depression and anxiety. Without question, it has changed my life incredibly. I waited 47 years to have the courage to take an antidepressant and wish with all my heart I had met this medication in my 20s. I started on 50mg but after two months reluctantly headed up to 100... my reservations were for nothing... this medication has worked beautifully for me. I did have side effects in the first few weeks: beating heart, very thirsty, and slight headaches, but they passed quickly, and I have been amazed by its strength ever since. I have had some serious life crises to deal with in the past three years, and often feared the medication would not be able to 'hold' me... it always has. I have an amazing therapist who I saw for the first two years, but no longer need that support, the medication is enough. I used to have so many concerns about taking any such medications - was frequently turned away from them by what I'd read as horror stories online... I wanted to let you know... it's not for all of us... some of us do have great reviews... maybe not enough of us drop back to pass them on because we got busy with our new lives where wellness is the new normal. I never worry about coming off them, I don't care if I have to take them forever... as long as I feel this good, I'm not ending my relationship with them..."

10 / 10
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118 Report
  • Candles
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 27, 2017

"Psychotropic medications are appropriate for the small percentage of us who would literally die by our own hands if we didn't take them. For that reason, their relative levels of effectiveness are often viewed by us through a completely different lens (realistically) than by those who take them for less serious reasons. Even bouts of major depression don't constitute a definite reason for taking pharmaceuticals. If it keeps you alive & lets you work towards having something better BEYOND just 'existing', it's working. Try to reevaluate the manner in which YOU are evaluating the medication's effectiveness based upon what it is TRULY intended to do. As with everything in life, maintaining realistic goals & expectations is key to happiness."

7 / 10
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121 Report
  • dvaldez
  • December 10, 2009

"For those coming off antidepressants such as Wellbutrin, Lexapro, and Zoloft. The venlafaxine formulation in Effexor and Pristiq work in entirely different ways than the medicine you used to take. If you cut cold from your old drug, you will also have withdrawal symptoms despite having started on a new antidepressant. If you are coming off something you've been taking longer than 5 months, ask your doctor to wean you off with smaller and smaller doses first. Lexapro, Zoloft, Celexa, and Prozac are SSRIs. Wellbutrin (bupropion also marketed as Zyban) is an NDRI. Effexor, Pristiq, like Cymbalta, are all SNRIs. They all go after different receptors in your brain, and some of them change how your brain works."

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195 Report
  • amybi...
  • July 26, 2014

"I've been taking 50 mg Pristiq in combination with 300 mg Wellbutrin for two weeks, and it's the best I've tried. This week I've been able to handle family and work issues with a sense of hope and able to focus rather than anxiety/worrying, and that's awesome. I had been taking Prozac and Wellbutrin for years but felt it wasn't working. I tried everything but other meds didn't work or had bad side effects. This made me queasy at first, but my Dr. had said that would get better, and it did. I take it at night because in the morning, it makes me tired. So don't give up! There is hope. Hang in there."

9 / 10
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144 Report
  • Kay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 19, 2020

"Had a DNA test to recommend what type of antidepressant I should be taking. I had been on Venlafaxine for years after refusing others. Pristiq was recommended by this test for me to take. I did notice a number of positive changes taking Pristiq. Generic 'Desvenlafax.' I am more alert, have somewhat more interest in life. No longer think about dying. It doesn't control my anxiety, so therefore I take a mild dose of Klonopin when needed. It did not give me energy but helps me get up and around. I take 50 mg a day. I do sleep 10 to 12 hours a day, sometimes not waking up during that time, but I know that's the depression. I do take Amitriptyline for pain from Spinal Disk Degeneration pain."

8 / 10
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79 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 1, 2009

"I will start by saying that I suffer from major depression. I have tried just about everything in the book and was starting to just about feel like giving up hope (on medications, that is!) and was completely exhausted. My doctor just recently put me on Pristiq, and almost immediately I noticed a difference and have had no side effects whatsoever. I have been excited about life and happy to get out of bed every day now. It has been a drastic change, and I am so thankful. I'm not sure how this medicine might affect others, but for me, it has worked wonders."

10 / 10
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196 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.