Deoxycholic acid for Submental Fullness User Reviews
Brand names: Kybella
Deoxycholic acid has an average rating of 3.6 out of 10 from a total of 10 reviews for the treatment of Submental Fullness. 20% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 70% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Deoxycholic acid
- Den...
- May 6, 2016
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "KYBELLA warning, it's not worth it. I had KYBELLA injections in January of 2016, and from that day forward, I have been so sick. Several Drs. involved. I've been to the hospital several times, only nobody knew what KYBELLA was. I'm having short-term memory loss, headache, for the last 4 months. More tests next week: CT scans, MRI, X-rays, Dr. after Dr. Right eye blurry and getting worse by the day. Intentional infection. I've actually contacted an attorney, so when I lose my memory or die, to fight for my children."
- Sam...
- December 11, 2022
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "Warning! Kybella acid migrates to the brain after being injected into the chin. I am left with brain skull, back of head twitching, and feelings of brain bone parts moving around - had CT scan 4 years after Kybella and discovered Kybella struck my brain tissue and ate away at my brain tissue."
- Tra...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 18, 2022
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "Horrible - a nationwide advocate group needs to start to stop this drug - once it’s injected, it goes from your chin into the neck and spinal cord and will cause permanent lifelong neck, back, spinal cord, and neurological disorders. I had this injection 5 years ago, and it has ruined my life. It destroyed my neck, and I now suffer from debilitating pain."
- Ast...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 1, 2016
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "Just had first injections. 42 injection sites. The doctor used a topical gel to help numb the area first. Side effects during the procedure were slight stinging and feeling of fullness. (Swelling). After the procedure, I kept an ice pack on the area, on and off, for about 4 hours. This helped with the stinging, which lasted from 4:30 PM, when the injections were given, until about 8 PM. After that, just a lot of swelling and feeling of fullness. No trouble sleeping that night. Took 600 mg of Motrin before bedtime. Cost was $500 per vial (a $100 per vial discount off his normal price) it took 4 vials. Still very swollen the next morning with some slight numbness in the injection area. Interested to see how long the swelling lasts."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ang...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 20, 2023
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "I had Kybella in 2018 on my huge double chin. I noticed a difference after about a week once the swelling started going down. The second dose was a few months later and again it continued to shrink my double chin immensely. I also noticed my sleep apnea wasn’t bad at all anymore because it removed the amount of weight on my neck at night. I recently decided to get one more small dose to make it smaller. I don’t need it perfect, I still want to look natural but decided to do one more. My face before continuing to my neck and now it melted the fat around my jawline and you can see my jawline slimming the entire look of my face. I read the other reviews here and as scary as they sound I luckily have not had any negative effects. You do get poked a lot from the tiny needles but you are given ice packs and the pain only lasts about 30 minutes. Huge results for me!"
- Reb...
- November 20, 2021
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "I had Kybella injections 4 days ago. As far as the "expected" side effects go that seems normal. But the first two days I was excessively tired and slept way more than usual, I've also developed a very bad sore throat and upper bronchitis, now on day 4 I've completely lost my voice. Sounds like a cold right? Tested negative for covid and strep yesterday. I think it's due to Kybella, I am very healthy and never get sick. Not like this. I'm hoping I can get back to normal and the effects aren't long term or permanent."
- chi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 27, 2020
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "If you are prone to headaches, you may get one. I am and I did. It started a few hours after the injection and I still have the headache almost 24 hours later, but I haven't taken anything for it because my doctor said Advil, Aspirin, Aleve will cause bruising and possible bleeding with Kybella. She recommended Claritin but I took Benedryl because that is what I had. It does sting shortly after the injection but ice helps. I kept the ice on for hours (on and off) and that really helped. My neck did swell anyways where the injections were given. Hopefully this is all worth it!"
- Vio...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 23, 2020
"Had this deoxycholic acid injected yesterday in chin & lower jaw. The pain injections on the right side made me feel like I was having dental work done without anesthetic it set my teeth on edge. I thought I would pass out. It is now 24 hours since the procedure & my face is still numb, like the dentist. It is very drooped making eating, speaking, swallowing difficult. (Left side was painful but not as bad & has no numbness, drooping etc, just some normal swelling). Just have to see what happens in the next few week."
- Aya...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 18, 2022
"Had one treatment but was promised that even after first will notice some results, well I do, if my double chin was only sometimes slightly appearing , now it’s there all the time fully, it damaged my chin and my face seems much fuller too, so unhappy !"
- kc1...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 2, 2015
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "Kybella has effectively eliminated the appearance of my double chin."
More about deoxycholic acid
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- During pregnancy
- Drug class: miscellaneous uncategorized agents
- En español
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) "My vision in my eye is completely gone after having Kybella. I’m very sick too, this product ate away at my body and mind. This Kybella is a cell-destroying drug which physically destroys the cells. It’s dangerous."