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Cyanocobalamin for Schilling Test User Reviews

Brand names: Vitamin B12, Dodex, B-12, Nascobal, Eligen B12, B-12 Resin Twelve Resin-K

  • lor...
  • January 5, 2016

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) "I have been using B-12 inject for close to twenty years. I suffer from thyroid problems and am currently treated with pills. I also have goiter, fibromyalgia, RA, osteo, being tested for lupus (which is almost a yes for sure), panic disorder, chronic, and several other minor things. My body is in daily pain. I use 1500 mcg of B12. This aides in pain relief, as well as a mood enhancer. It also puts you down when you're too highly strung. It also keeps your skin so pretty. I go weeks when, sometimes, I forget to take it, and my body screams 'please get me the B12.' It seems to run your nervous system and pain. I take this to ease some parts of pain for what it works on. When the weather is nice, 1000 mcg a month. It seems to be keeping me normal. Love it..."

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