Citalopram for Panic Disorder User Reviews
Brand names: Celexa
Citalopram has an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 from a total of 101 reviews for the off-label treatment of Panic Disorder. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Citalopram
- Sam...
- October 11, 2015
"I am a 22-year-old female, and have been suffering from panic disorder and anticipatory anxiety for about 4 years. But due to a recent event that occurred about a month ago, my panic disorder and anxiety had become crippling. I could not get through my days without either worrying about a panic attack to the point where I cause one, or not even thinking about the panic attack and having it happen at any random time. It was getting to the point where I was living my days centered around trying to keep myself 'level,' but also petrified that I was going to have another attack. I had constant racing thoughts. My doctor recommended an SSRI for me - Celexa (Citalopram). He prescribed 20mg pills. I would take 10mg at night for the first four days, and then after that I would take 20mg at night from then on. I made the mistake of researching all of the possible side effects! I completely understand researching a drug before you take it - but it is important to remember that a lot of people who have positive experiences most often do not write about it. It is the people who have negative experiences who will. I was petrified to take the drug because of the horror stories, until one day I realized that the side effects of the pill were worth it if it meant that I could have peaceful days. I took the first 10mg at night and had (and continue to have) a fantastic sleep. I did not experience any nausea, no tightness of chest, no insomnia, no panic, no anxiety, nothing but a slight headache. It felt as though the pill gave me relief almost immediately. I have been on the pills for a little over two weeks. They have been a lifesaver for me! I feel at peace. The racing, flooding thoughts have stopped. The panic attacks have been nonexistent. (My doctor gave me a prescription for Xanax just in case I have one) I feel like myself and I am happy again. I highly recommend trying them if you are suffering from anxiety, panic disorder, or depression."
- anx...
- March 26, 2019
"I am here to be your hope. I am 27 years old. I've had severe anxiety and panic attacks on and off for 15 years. This time it got the worst it ever has. CONSTANTLY worrying about every single irrational thing, heart always racing, dizzy, could never catch my breath, panic attacks daily, wouldn't leave the house. Literally 5 days ago I was so hopeless and my anxiety had made me extremely depressed. I've only been on citalopram 10 mg for 5 days and today I feel happier and calmer. I feel like life isn't as scary and that it's definitely going to be worth living, and that it will be awesome! My doctor said it can take 2 weeks until I feel the effects but on day 5 I already feel a big difference. I was terrified to start them - and I did feel very tired, spacey and yawned a lot the first few days. But I just rested and waited. You can do it, and you will feel better!! I'm praying for you all - I know how horrendous anxiety is. I hope this drug works for you. :)"
Frequently asked questions
- SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?
- What is the difference between Celexa and Lexapro?
- What are some common side effects of antidepressants?
- Emz...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- December 26, 2018
"It’s daunting when you're anxious about taking meds, isn’t it? A million thoughts of thinking “what if”. You know I'm right because that was me for many years, scared to take that one tablet a day in fear of what might happen! But I did, and I stuck with it, and I’ve had the BEST 6 years of my life! So please, please try it. If you're scared, make sure you have company with you as I found this helped me. Try meditation, do everything you can to help relax while starting your meds. You will be okay, it’s just side effects, and they will not last. ❤️ Light and love! YOU CAN DO THIS!"
- Anonymous
- January 29, 2009
Celexa (citalopram) "I am 34 years old and have had panic attacks since the age of 7. I have tried everything and nothing was working until I got on Celexa. This drug has totally changed my life. I am a happier person and no longer worry about panic attacks. I wish that I had known about it sooner. I highly recommend this to anyone who has panic attacks. I have not had one panic attack since being on this medication. I have not had any side effects from this drug, and cannot tell that I am even on it besides the fact that every day I wake up with a smile instead of dreading the day."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Mat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 19, 2014
"I must say, I went to this very site and read such great reviews about this medication that I was sincerely relieved when my doctor told me that he recommended I try this medication out. I cannot stress enough how HAPPY I have become over the past few weeks. Panic attack free, full night sleep, good and positive energy (most of the time). Celexa (citalopram) really has done a complete 180 for me. My panic attacks typically consisted of shakes/tremors, tightness in my chest/throat, sweating, fast heartbeat, and a sleepless night. Since day 1 of starting this medication, I've been panic attack free. Only side effects were occasional dry mouth and yawning for me. Definitely recommend this medication!"
- kma...
- March 26, 2012
"25 years of panic, agoraphobia, anxiety, PTSD, depression, OCD. Have tried Zoloft, Luvox, Lexapro, and Anafranil. Citalopram has unsurpassed efficacy for the aforementioned conditions. Quite simply the best SSRI. Panic literally disappeared, anxiety decimated, depression lifted. Also getting relief from OCD symptoms. Zero side effects. Titrated off Wellbutrin, which exacerbated my anxiety. Highly recommend, outstanding medication."
- Dav...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 27, 2020
"I am currently in limbo about starting citalopram for panic disorder. I was prescribed propranolol (40 mg) to take one tablet up to three times if need be. I only started taking one and had to stop because they were making me ill. Couldn't sleep, headaches which made me lie down all the time. So I stopped taking them. But instead of just having anxiety, I felt totally worthless, emotional, and feeling like I didn't want to be here anymore. Lucky for me, I had my wife and family by my side every step of the way. So I went back to my GP in which he prescribed me citalopram (10 mg) to be taken every morning. But I only opened the box and read the leaflet. So for four days now, I've been bricking it to take them because I've got it in my head I'll get all the side effects. But after reading about ten comments on here, I am going to start them tomorrow. I will post again in a few weeks and hopefully get some positive feedback. Stay safe."
- sun...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 2, 2019
"It takes about 6 months before you will feel the full effects and for your body to acclimate to this drug... not the 1 week to 1 month they say. I was terrified to start this, so I began at 5 mg eventually titrating up to 30 mg before it really worked for me. It made me way worse before it started helping. I'm so glad I stuck with it, it does help tremendously. I had severe panic attacks and fear daily and could not function... out of nowhere when I turned 40. I'm so thankful for this medication, I tried everything natural first but it did not help. Please do not fear it, it's there to help you. Just know that it takes a long time to really work and a lot of endurance before it does. You are not alone."
- bel...
- February 23, 2012
"I have been on Citalopram 20 mg for close to 2 months now. I did not experience any side effects other than being a bit tired for the first 3 days on 10 mg and a few minor headaches. Normally, I got every possible side effect possible when I tried a new medicine. I'm not sure why this one was different. Before I started this medication, I was experiencing severe panic episodes daily and sometimes even panic attacks. It was to the point where I was avoiding almost everything just to reduce my chances of being anxious/panicked. I started it and I do NOT regret it. It took me about 1 month to feel ANY effect at all (So don't lose hope). But now, at 2 months, it just keeps getting better every day. I can say that I'm almost anxiety FREE! TRY THIS MEDICINE."
- Tha...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 30, 2020
"You will get better. Before Christmas, I had a couple of panic attacks, which were horrible and scared me. Went to docs, was put on sertraline, which was a horrible, awful drug. Made me feel like I was cracking up and was so anxious about everything and not sleeping at all. Worst feeling I’ve had in my life, and I’m a 40-year-old male. So after a month, changed it to citalopram. Felt loads better, took 20 mg for a few months. Managed to go on holiday, got back, went up to 30 mg citalopram - game changer. Now feel great, citalopram has helped me so much get out of a scary place. Like I say, on the up now, been on holiday, new career. Enjoying life again. Thank you."
- Jho...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 14, 2019
"First of all, this medicine, citalopram, has been a life changer for me. My dose is 20mg for panic and anxiety disorder. The first week or so was awful! I had sweats, tremors, diarrhea, increased anxiety, and panic attacks (the irony). After about day 6, I started noticing a slight change in my mood, and my panic attacks were vanishing. I am now on day 10, and I feel amazing! I’ve not had a panic attack since day 6, and I am sleeping much better than I did before! Please, please, please do not look up all the side effects of this medicine. I did, and it made me suffer an extra three months than I should have, as I was too scared to start. I promise you will have a changed life on this medicine. All 3 of my siblings take this, and we all have had great success with it. Give it a try!"
- gil...
- May 26, 2015
"Had extremely intense acute anxiety and panic disorder for about 4 months. Tried everything in the book except meds - saw about 30% improvement. Then started on meds. No effect until 12th day (in fact, anxiety was stronger) where I felt a small bit of calmness. Side effects were very intense but kept going. Gradually, I kept getting better. There were periods of plateau and sometimes even feelings that it has stopped working. But today, I am on my 49th day (full 7 weeks) and I can say that it is 99.99999% gone. I feel like my old self. No panic attacks, no anxiety (thoughts or bodily sensations) - nothing. I started off 10mg on the first week and then moved onto 20mg. I am still on 20mg."
- Jvi...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 31, 2020
"I’ve been taking citalopram for just over a month to help my panic disorder. I have only just started taking 20 mg, and so far I have noticed a decrease in anxiety (just from taking 10 mg), but the main reason I wanted to write this review is to let you know I had pretty much no side effects. I know people are put off from medication in fear of side effects, but I didn’t have any. I think I may have had 1 or 2 depersonalized days, but that’s it. That being said, I know everyone reacts differently, but for people not taking it because of side effects, they may not be bad, you’ll never know until you try. You just have to bite the bullet and try it. It’s worth it."
- Jho...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 24, 2019
"If I had a higher rating, I would give it to this medicine! I am now on month 4, and I can say with gladness that I have not only stopped having panic attacks and anxiety attacks, but it’s also regulated my moods! I LOVE life now. It’s beyond words what this stuff did for me! I’ve also missed a few doses, and it’s not hurt me any, so if you miss a dose or are late for a dose, don’t panic, it’s not gonna hurt you too bad. I can tell when I miss a dose, though, because my moods get swinging again. Overall, I would give this a 100 out of 10!"
- Anonymous
- April 8, 2012
"I am 18, and have had panic disorder for as long as I can remember. They were horrible, and most days I struggled to leave the house without medication. I have tried many different medications, each with its own ups and downs, when my doctor gave me citalopram. Within a week, my panic attacks almost vanished. I have not had any side effects."
- Ale...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 21, 2024
"It’s been just over 3 years on citalopram now, and it’s still working as well as it always has. I cannot even put into words how horrific and deep the hole was that I was in when, out of desperation, I decided to try antidepressants (I had panic attacks about new meds and side effects). I remember having a bit of nausea and stomach issues for the first couple of weeks, but eating breakfast when taking it helped a lot. It gave me some really vivid dreams (which weren’t pleasant due to my mental state at the time), but taking it as early in the day as possible really helped with that. I started on 10 mg and went up to 20 mg after a few weeks and felt better each week for the first few months. Citalopram keeps my baseline mental state and mood a lot higher, so if I feel down at all now, I’m never trapped in it, and I NEVER sink as low as I was. Antidepressants have saved my life, I feel a well-being I haven’t felt since I was a child on citalopram!"
- jac...
- June 7, 2011
Celexa (citalopram) "One day, six years ago, I became consumed with anxiety. Panic attacks, head pressure, foggy head, pressure in my ear, nausea, dizziness, and tingling appendages appeared literally out of the blue and became my life at 26 years old. I went to numerous doctors who tested me for EVERYTHING. I managed with Xanax, which seemed to be the only thing that made me feel normal again for brief periods of time. I just wasn't myself, and I longed for my old life when I felt confident and in control. I didn't want to believe that it could all be in my mind and was convinced that I had some unknown disorder. Finally, I went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with Panic Disorder and GAD. I was prescribed Celexa 20."
- Day...
- June 21, 2021
"I started this because I was suffering from bad social anxiety with panic attacks. Whenever I was in a social situation, I would have a panic attack. I am a 32-year-old mom, and I'm always being put in social situations, and I knew I needed help. Going on this med was a huge challenge. For me, it was an emotional roller coaster of increased anxiety, panic attacks for 2 months. I just completed week 9, and I know it's working now because I was recently out, and a mom came up to me and started talking with me. Normally, I would have had a panic attack with all the symptoms, but guess what!? I didn't!!!! I talked to her for over an hour! I went to a crowded beach and had no anxiety. I walked around totally comfortable! It's working! To anyone suffering from social anxiety... you CAN do this! It will be hard the first 2 months, but persevere to have this medicine cut the cord in your brain of constant panic!"
- mid...
- August 24, 2008
Celexa (citalopram) "I had never had a panic attack until a year or so ago. It had taken me by complete surprise. I thought I was going to die. By the time my wife got me to the ER, I had already been hyperventilating (I was not aware of this at the time). I calmed down after a half hour with deep steady breathing. My doctor saw me shortly thereafter and started me on 1/2 of a 20 mg tablet. A few weeks later, the full 20 mg. Then back to the 1/2 dosage after quarterly office visits. The most problematic side effect for me is very loose bowel movements. Every other aspect of my life is much improved."
- mic...
- April 23, 2012
"I have dealt with depression for many years. I was put on Celexa 2 months ago, and it's been amazing for me! The panic attacks went away in a matter of days, and I still have emotions, not walking around like a zombie. I feel and enjoy every moment! I highly recommend Celexa."
- tea...
- April 10, 2009
Celexa (citalopram) "I have been on Celexa for about 6 months now and find it a wonderful drug for panic disorder. I have suffered with this problem for many years. This drug is it for me and I am sure that it will help you also. Thanks, doctor, for changing my drug. It has changed my life."
- Cat...
- April 6, 2021
"I’m 46, and I’ve taken citalopram before (many years ago) for anxiety/depression. This time I struggled with side effects for several weeks (mainly tiredness). But after persevering for 3 months, I’m in a much better place. I feel positive-like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can handle things that used to drag me down. I still get negative thoughts, but not as regularly, and when I do, I take it in my stride. I’m more relaxed generally and haven’t had any panic attacks... it’s a revelation. If you are considering taking this drug, then all I can say is try to persevere for a few weeks. You have to give it time to bed in. I’ve wanted to throw the towel in a few times, but stuck with it, and life is so much better now. Now that I have my mojo back, I am looking forward to things... I actually want to see people and feel motivated to exercise again (which I always find a great mood booster). If you are reading this... I wish you peace of mind. Take care x"
- SAM...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 8, 2018
"This medication has changed my life. Honestly, I've suffered with panic disorder for years, and I've always had general anxiety too. At the start of the year, my panic attacks were happening several times a day, and I was very suicidal. My mum and nan are both on citalopram (Celexa) and recommended it to me. Not gonna lie, the first and second week was hard (started on 20 mg) as my anxiety was heightened, my panic attacks were worse, and I felt shattered all the time. But I'm now on week 4, and *touch wood*, I haven't had a panic attack in almost 2 weeks, I no longer feel anxious, and if I do start to feel anxious, I can quickly get myself out of it. Highly recommend for anyone that is a sufferer. This medication is my freedom."
- Ari...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 22, 2023
"I started using citalopram 2 years ago for anxiety and panic attacks. I was in really bad condition. I started on 10 mg and I had really bad side effects. After a few weeks, it's working wonderfully for me. It's like I was reborn and it saved my life. I stopped after a year, really slowly, with no side effects at all. But then, after 1 year, the panic attacks came back. I decided to start again, but this time, I didn't make the same mistake of starting at 10 mg. I started at 2.5 mg and for 3 weeks now, I'm at 5 mg and I feel like myself again. I will remain at 5 mg, I don't need more. Please, when you start and when you come off, do it really slowly if you don't want to get the side effects. This medicine is a life saver."
Learn more about Panic Disorder
- Antidepressants: Options, Advantages, and Precautions
- Anxiety Medications and Alcohol Interactions
- Benzodiazepines: Overview and Use
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- Citalopram monograph
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"*update* I reviewed earlier on 2019-06-14 under the same name. I am now on my fourth week of citalopram. Every side effect has essentially faded and has passed. I still get tremors from time to time, but it's well worth it. I've not had a SINGLE panic attack after week one. I am now able to drive by myself because the world isn't so scary anymore! The Lord and this medicine has helped me TREMENDOUSLY the past month! Please do yourself the favor and take this medicine if you've been prescribed it. I am on 20mg and it's worked wonders for me. Don't be scared of the side effects either! The worst ones are less than 0.1% of those who took it! Praying for everyone who is suffering from panic attacks and anxiety."