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Celexa for Anxiety and Stress User Reviews (Page 2)

Celexa has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 422 reviews for the treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Celexa

  • Anonymous
  • October 27, 2009

"Eight months ago, I had a severe anxiety attack after cutting myself badly while cooking. One second I was fine, the next my heart was racing, dizzy, felt like running, felt I was losing control. After an hour I somewhat calmed down, but after thinking about the anxiety, I got nervous and another came on, and from that point on, for the next week, from the moment I woke up, until the moment I fell asleep (never more than 3 hours a night), I was having total anxiety attacks. Finally I called a psych, who told me to go to a clinic, and they gave me Xanax, which helped to bring down the anxiety, but it recurred after a few hours. Finally they put me on Celexa, and after 2 weeks, symptoms disappeared. It has kept me normal, no side effects. Good medicine."

9 / 10
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394 Report
  • Icoul...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 23, 2013

"Celexa has been a life-saver for me. Ever since I was a child, I've had bad anxiety and depression, and I would have attacks where I would completely break down emotionally over something so silly, like a lost TV remote. I would talk to my mother about my anxiety, and she said it was something I just needed to get over. Finally at age 23, I've confronted this problem medically, and Celexa has changed my life entirely. I don't experience the depression I used to, my anxiety has decreased incredibly, and my attacks have almost disappeared. I don't feel a hovering weight on my shoulders anymore like I'm constantly letting people down, I'm just living my life like I'm supposed to."

9 / 10
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305 Report
  • Zigzag
  • April 13, 2017

"I went on Celexa after three years of getting more and more depressed, and my anxiety beginning to make it difficult to be at social events or function from day to day. I gave in to Celexa after hitting a low that I cannot explain. I couldn't get out of bed, and I determined my life was worthless. I started on 10mg. The first two weeks were bizarre. Headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. The anxiety seemed worse. But after 3-4 weeks, it's like an ugly cloud lifted, and I feel like I have my life back. I upped it to 20mg, and I'm staying at 20mg. I never worry about anything - which seems nuts. How can I not worry? I'm unemployed, single, no kids (I'm 48), yet I feel like everything is okay, and I can move forward on achieving my goals."

9 / 10
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218 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • February 18, 2009

"I have been taking Celexa 20mg for about 3 months for social anxiety disorder and it's worked great so far. I am much more talkative and social around people. I don't get shaky and don't dread meeting new people anymore. Someone at my last party asked me if I was high at a party when I hadn't been drinking or anything. He said usually I am sitting in the corner being anti-social. I had a touch of nausea when I changed from 10-20 mg, but other than that I do sleep deeper and I think I have less nervous energy than I used to. I was also yawning uncontrollably for the first month, but I am much happier."

8 / 10
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382 Report
  • Jenna...
  • April 9, 2014

"This is seriously a miracle medicine! Ever since I went on this, it kicked in within a couple of weeks, and after 3 weeks or so, my anxiety has been completely GONE, no more problems at all! I was having problems swallowing food and just swallowing my own saliva in general because of generalized anxiety disorder, every single day, it was hell, but this medicine seriously pulled me out of a dark hole, and I've been on it since. Thank you, Celexa! I'm so much happier on it."

10 / 10
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278 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jilly...
  • December 20, 2014

"Day 4 of Celexa & WOW my negative thoughts, constant worry & irritation have almost vanished! I'm taking 10mg a day and am amazed at how quickly I feel this medicine working. I have had some bad headaches, dizziness & a little nausea but that's about it & totally worth it for the difference I'm feeling. I feel like life is worth living again. Thank you Celexa!"

10 / 10
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250 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 5, 2016

"I have been on Celexa for almost 2 years and it has completely changed my life for the better. I take 40mg once a day. I suffer from severe anxiety and mild depression. Celexa is my happy pill, my savior. It's the best pill I have ever been on. I am anxiety and depression free all from Celexa. Never once had one side effect. I am full of energy all the time and am happy beyond happy. It took about a good 2 months for the medication to start doing its job. WELL WORTH THE WAIT. I thank my doctor all the time for introducing me to the wonder drug Celexa. Give it some time to kick in and you'll thank me later. Lol good luck to all."

10 / 10
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225 Report
  • Quiet...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 26, 2016

"I rarely post online reviews, but I recognize that most people only post reviews when they don't like something, so I wanted to sort of offset that here. I'm in my mid-twenties and female. I've suffered with severe anxiety and depression for several years due to trauma. Enter Celexa. To be fair, I went to therapy for several months before deciding to go on medication (and was feeling a bit better), but I still experienced severe anxiety that the therapy wasn't helping. I started feeling better after the first week on Celexa, and things have only improved from there. I've been taking it for around three months and my anxiety/depression is almost completely gone. I've had no sexual side effects whatsoever, no weight gain, no issues."

9 / 10
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213 Report
  • Kelly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2013

"Celexa has given me my life back! I suffered from severe anxiety and depression to the point where I would just lay in bed for days. I didn't want to go anywhere, and cancelled plans with friends all the time just to stay home and sleep. It took about a month to work and now I feel great! I am back to my old self - I love going out, seeing friends, exercising, reading, everything I used to do and I'm happier than ever! My only side effects were the first 2 weeks - anxiety was worse, insomnia, no appetite. That's gone now and I have no complaints. If I take it in the morning, I sleep well. If I take it at night, I can't sleep. You just have to learn what's best for you!"

10 / 10
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271 Report
  • Synch...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 31, 2014

"I'm a 40-year-old male that has taken Celexa for about 10 years now for anxiety. I take 40mg once a day. It works well to manage my anxiety. With the higher dose I take, it can cause nausea for me if taken on an empty stomach. I also get sleepy for an hour or two after taking it, so I take it at bedtime. The only issue I've had is forgetting to take or running out of this medication. The withdrawal is pretty bad after about 4 days of not taking, causing anxiety, dizziness, brain fog, 'brain zaps', insomnia, and flu-like symptoms. Celexa has worked very well for me, and I would recommend it for treating anxiety. Just don't suddenly stop taking it. You have to slowly wean off."

9 / 10
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233 Report
  • gourm...
  • April 11, 2014

"I'm a 16-year-old female. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, anorexia, and bulimia about 2 years ago. I attempted suicide 3 times, and I really thought there was no hope. Zoloft did nothing for me. It was awful. But then along came Celexa and it's awesome. I no longer wake up and feel like I'm drowning, and my lungs are going to explode. I can get up out of bed and not hate everything. I can go about my day without worrying about every little thing. I no longer get panic attacks. It's awesome. I have lost weight too. I totally recommend Celexa, best thing I've ever tried."

10 / 10
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238 Report
  • Female
  • August 29, 2011

"I used to be extremely uptight and I am now very laid back. It feels like a dream. If I dig or look for my anxious thoughts, they are gone. I suffered from uncontrollable panic and crying, also extreme nervousness. I can now see things in my life more clearly. I was extremely uptight for the last 5 years and now I am more laid back. I'm sad because I wish I had done this sooner. Lost the love of my life because of my horrible depression, and I feel like if I had been on this sooner, I wouldn't have pushed him away with my panicky behavior which I thought was just my personality! We don't choose depression/anxiety; it is a disease. I thought it was 'me' for years! Feel a bit guilty about not going on it sooner. I am 23/Female."

9 / 10
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278 Report
  • yogini
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 10, 2015

"Starting Celexa was one of the best decisions I've made in my entire life. I had lost myself in a world of anger, darkness, fear, anxiety, panic attacks, and hypochondria. I was not myself. In fact, I didn't even recognize myself anymore. The first month of Celexa (10mg) was hell, to be honest. Side effects included upset stomach, nausea, numbness, weakness, brain 'zaps', hot flashes, night sweats, panic attacks, anxiety, inability to sleep, the feeling of extreme heat within my body (difficult to explain), and strange awareness of limbs. After a month, I woke up one day and was myself again. It felt like a weight had been lifted. I was free, happy, courageous, calm, and peaceful. I am about to meet the 1-year mark - the serenity remains."

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217 Report
  • Julz
  • July 4, 2013

"Just started Celexa, and already I noticed the more feeling of calm, and calm is not something I think I've ever been, I get angered easily, upset, cry, feel overwhelmed, hopeless, feel better off dead, mood always up and down because of how many losses I have had in my life, feeling like a failure, you name it, I really hope this helps me long term. I've noticed a difference already and am optimistic."

7 / 10
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246 Report
  • bentl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 24, 2014

"Literally one week of medication and I'm feeling great! I was up at 7:00 am this morning, wide awake. For anyone who knows me, that's amazing. I was ready for my day and made it a productive one. Thank you, Celexa, you have given me my life back."

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218 Report
  • KEKA
  • February 3, 2013

"I have always struggled with anxiety about little things... Thinking I'm dying over something, or wake up worried if I was going to be worried today (I know, not normal). I would get obsessed with something happening to me. I would be worried someone might break in the house and kept the kitchen light on all night. My brain just couldn't shake things and it would consume me that I felt like I was going crazy. My poor family! I finally agreed to starting meds and my doc started me on celexa. The first few weeks I had anxiety about if the pill was going to work or if I needed to go to a 'better' brand but after about 2 months I started feeling like a whole new person, its been 5 months now and I don't ever want to get off them."

10 / 10
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238 Report
  • gnmandy
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 7, 2018

"I have been on 20mg of Celexa since 2012. Celexa works great for anxiety & stress. I have NOT lost my temper from being stressed out for 6 years. I like most people think I am feeling better and have tried to wean myself off Celexa 3 times in the past 6 years, but I never make it past 2 weeks before I start having meltdowns. I realized each time I tried to quit taking it afterwards, I could not handle all the kids being kids. So I have decided I will have to be on Celexa for the rest of my life. I have not had a moment where I lost my cool with my children in 6 years. I am not saying I harmed my children previously; I was just horrible with my mouth towards my children. So if you are reading this and you have similar meltdowns from too much coming at you at once, trust me; you need Celexa. I am proof it works!"

8 / 10
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139 Report
  • Britt...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 23, 2014

"This medicine is incredible. I had about four months of out of the blue, never had it before in my life terrible panic and anxiety. I was to the point I was throwing up every morning and constantly worrying and thinking about it. I finally went to the Dr. after crying and feeling miserable for days/months. She prescribed me Celexa 10mg to wean on (minimal side effects - nauseous and a little more tired than usual, but I take it at night), then a month later I went to 20mg and I'm happy there. Absolutely no more anxiety or panic, and I don't feel like an emotionless zombie, I feel just like myself. My sex drive is normal, just takes a bit longer to get there."

10 / 10
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202 Report
  • Indig...
  • October 17, 2013

"I have suffered from treatment-resistant generalized anxiety disorder for over 15 years and have tried every treatment in the book (except for Celexa). Nothing worked. Before Celexa, I was on Lexapro, which is supposedly the newer, more 'refined' version of Celexa, and felt horrible. About 6 months ago, I decided to switch over to Celexa and have never felt better. I felt a difference right away (within a day or two). I am finally back to my happy, bubbly, chatty self. Other SSRIs that cut my anxiety made me feel 'flat'. Not Celexa. On Celexa, I'm still able to feel my emotions - I can laugh and cry (when appropriate) - without feeling overwhelmed by them. I take it in the morning and have so much energy all day. I highly recommend this medication."

10 / 10
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212 Report
  • Feeling...
  • January 24, 2020

"I've been on Celexa for a week at a dose of 10mg, and it has been a huge difference. I feel like a different person. It has helped me with my ADHD symptoms. I used to be so anxious I couldn't do work, I didn't want to leave the house, I was late for everything, and now I can focus better and not obsess about my performance at work. The first night I got so confused and self-conscious, but the next day I woke up earlier with more energy and could function so much better. I am still getting used to it. The way I see it, my brain is relearning how to feel everything. My skin feels weird sometimes, the cold feels different, and my emotions and anxiety (which is still there but manageable) are different. I can still feel things like love, connection, joy, sadness, guilt, and I can. They are just all less intense, making more room for me to feel good most days."

8 / 10
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109 Report
  • Eleni
  • February 5, 2014

"Been on Celexa for three months. It took a couple of weeks to adjust to mild side effects such as heartburn and a general feeling that I'm full or not hungry. However, I no longer have those side effects and I feel great now! I have social anxiety, and for the first time in years, I feel happy and more confident in social situations. I feel normal and have nearly no negative thoughts any longer."

10 / 10
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206 Report
  • all...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 5, 2014

"After holding on to the medication for about 3 weeks, I couldn't believe the results after just one day and literally felt the effects hours after I took the medication. I did experience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness, but I found out after taking it the second day that it was only because I hadn't eaten before Celexa. I really see the difference; I'm no longer stressed and depressed. I do feel the difference, and it's a really great medication. I was so iffy about taking depression anxiety medication; however, I'm so glad that I did."

8 / 10
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191 Report
  • Penny
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 22, 2016

"I have been on Celexa since May and was reluctant to start since I had read all sorts of bad reviews on the internet. However, I am so glad I did because it has truly changed my life. I used to stress over everything and I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I feel 100% better. Celexa has allowed me to take control of my emotions, to read situations more clearly and to put things in my life into perspective so that I am not in a constant state of anxiety. I did not experience any side effects. This drug has allowed me to take back the control of my life and has stopped that constant worried voice that was in my head. I highly recommend it to anyone who has the same issues as myself."

9 / 10
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171 Report
  • JessT...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2020

"I've been on this for a week. The first night I took it I felt really, really high but pretty anxious too so I cut the tablet in half for 6 days, and on the 8th, took a full (10 MG). When I cut in half for 5 MG, had no sleep issues, when I take 10mg I do have sleep issues and I do have an anxious chest - not jittery but my stomach and chest feel anxious like I've had too much coffee except the rest of me is still tired. After the first night though, I could already tell in my mood swings and I'm sticking with it. It's not unbearable by any means, but I'll check back in after another week to update you! I would say... if your side effects are so strong, cut it in half and wait another week. Almost every negative review is about the first week or two - make it through that, eat healthy and force yourself to exercise (even if you're tired from not sleeping thoroughly the night before). I believe the long-term effects will be totally worth a week of feeling antsy."

8 / 10
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103 Report
  • ms...
  • September 19, 2009

"Celexa has calmed me down a lot. I used to stress about everything. I always feared the worst. Celexa has helped me overcome this feeling. However, at times I seem too laid back and I get very annoyed with people who complain about everyday situations. At first, I thought this drug is not working, but a month later, I don't know how I survived without it. I do have headaches more frequently, and sometimes I get lazy, but sometimes I get this burst of energy too. Also, every so often, I get really somber, but within an hour I calm down and feel awesome. This drug works wonders for me."

7 / 10
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256 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.