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Cipro I.V. User Reviews & Ratings

Cipro I.V. has an average rating of 2.0 out of 10 from a total of 2 reviews on 0% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 100% reported a negative experience.

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  • Bil...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 8, 2019

"Was given Cipro after gallbladder surgery. A few hours after it was administered, I woke up with a strange feeling in my pelvis. A few seconds later, it felt like an explosion went off in my body. It started in my pelvic area and spread to all my limbs. It felt like electricity was running through my veins. It was horrifying. I actually screamed in terror. When the nurses came into my room, I tried to explain as best I could, but they looked at me like I was crazy. It's been 9 months now, and I'm still having digestion issues. I'm starting to lose hope of ever getting back to normal. My side effects are horrific gas and bloating and frequent urination. I have trouble sleeping because of my gut issues. This drug is the worst thing ever."

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  • Hop...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I was on day 5 at night when I took the Cipro. I went to sleep after 11. I woke with hallucinations! I had no idea that an antibiotic drug could do that. I was not afraid, I just needed to figure it out. My BP was very low. Never! I called a friend, and she sat with me for two hours. Finally, I improved and went back to sleep. No more fluoroquinolones for me. Infection still there."

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  • Ggn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 7, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I had many of the side effects and an allergic reaction (I’m not allergic to any other medications)."

3 / 10
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