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Azopt for Glaucoma, Open Angle User Reviews

  • Gul...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 9, 2017

"I have been on treatment with Azopt eye drops - once a day - for over 25 years. About 17 months ago, I started getting breathless - especially when walking on hills - out of the blue! Until that time, I had never experienced such a feeling. I'm very upset about it. It's very upsetting that while treating one condition, another organ eventually gets damaged."

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  • Mia...
  • April 6, 2020

"On picking up my monthly Azopt prescription from Walgreens, on opening the pkg., the Azopt had at most only 1 ml of solution rather than 10 as it says; I called Alcon manuf. on the box and told sold to Novartis; Several times holding to Novartis cust. serv., no answer for at least 45-60 min., and once then a hang up; finally called my insurance co.; they said would have to bring the bottle to Walgreens; they had to again call the ins. co. and wait; they tried to refuse since said would have to override and I ended up paying again copay and ins. co. belligerent to do override; I WAS one who went without the med for 5 days; Where is responsibility from Novartis if they now own the co.? Next time have Walgreens open pkg. to make sure you have the right amt. product."

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