Azithromycin for Bronchitis User Reviews
Brand names: Zithromax, Azithromycin Dose Pack, Z-Pak
Azithromycin has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 175 reviews for the treatment of Bronchitis. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Azithromycin
- Anonymous
- January 30, 2012
Zithromax (azithromycin) "Zithromax works. I see a lot of websites stating that bronchitis is usually caused by a virus. The fact is, that although the triggering mechanism that brought on the bronchitis may be a virus, a secondary infection of bacteria is common. My entire family had bronchitis for several weeks. Zithromax will get rid of it in most cases. Don't believe the nonsense that you don't need antibiotics - after a couple of weeks of this, go get some Zithromax. It works!"
- Sha...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 12, 2014
Zithromax (azithromycin) "I suffer from asthma and would frequently come down with bronchitis. This Zithromax is a lifesaver. I love how it helps me get over it quickly, and I am on my feet again within the week. Best prescription ever."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the best antibiotics for a tooth infection?
- What antibiotics kill Covid-19 (coronavirus)?
- What is the best antibiotic to treat strep throat?
- Does azithromycin cure chlamydia: How much / how long?
- Alc...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 11, 2015
Zithromax (azithromycin) "This stuff starts working on Day One. Within a couple of hours of taking it, I already feel like the congestion has halted and just needs to clear up. Make sure to take the whole pack, but all three times I've ever had bronchitis sneak in during a cold, Zithromax knocks it right out. No side effects for me."
- Tin...
- November 3, 2013
"I wanted to give a complete day-to-day experience taking Z-Pak. Summary: I started to get sore throat, earache, fatigue, body chills, vomiting, and a slight fever. I would cough up white/slightly yellow mucus. Day 1: Fatigue was reduced by 80%, less coughing, didn't cough up as much mucus but dry hacking cough was still there. Day 2: Coughing was still there, ear infection reduced, little to no mucus. Couldn't lay down or would still get coughing fits, would have to sporadically sit up so I wouldn't cough throughout the night, had liquid stools. Day 3: Felt 70% better, coughing turned into an annoying honking cough with no mucus, slight blurry vision, some sweating, dryness, continued watery stools. Day 4: Feeling 75-80% better."
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- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 14, 2013
Zithromax (azithromycin) "Got a regular head cold about a week ago. The cold is better, but the cough got much worse - so violent I can't talk. Went to Urgent Care - they gave me Lortab for coughing, a Z-pack & an inhaler. It's been 2 hours and I am already feeling an improvement. This is the second time in 2 years that this happens to me. I only wish that I could prescribe it to myself at the onset next time instead of trying every other medicine!"
- Nel...
- March 2, 2018
"This medicine always clears up bronchitis. I fiddle around with the inhalers and steroids the doctors try to foist on you first until I lose patience after a week of suffering and ask for this drug. This medicine literally starts healing within the first day. It is a miracle drug that removes pure misery and gives you hope again, and suddenly you don't feel like you've been run over by a semi after a week of no sleep. I don't understand the initial resistance to prescribe it when a patient clearly has a condition it can cure. I could have been up and enjoying life again in a couple of days instead of wallowing in misery for almost two weeks."
More FAQ
- How long does azithromycin stay in your system?
- What are the best antibiotics for pneumonia?
- What antibiotics are used to treat chlamydia and gonorrhea?
- Can you drink alcohol with Z-Pak (Azithromycin)?
- Ron...
- June 10, 2014
"Had bronchitis for maybe 2 weeks. At first I thought it was a cold or maybe an allergy. My temp started to move up to 99.6, and then 100+ and finally like 101.7. But the cough was the worst. The weirdest cough I ever had, deep, loud coughs and I'd cough for like 30 sec+ or cough and sneeze at the same time. Could not lie down at all or I'd begin coughing (but I'd cough anyway). The doc prescribed Z-pak. About 4 hours after I took it, I could tell the symptoms improving. My temp improved, the cough subsided, too. This is my second day. For me there are no side effects."
- old...
- February 29, 2016
Zithromax (azithromycin) "Used a number of times over the years and always found it to work better than anything. 250mg capsules (6), 2 to begin then 1 per day, 1 hour before, or 2 hours after eating. Lots of coughing up phlegm but clears the chest so can breathe properly. Keep lots of tissues handy. It ought to be available over the counter, as in some foreign countries."
- Doo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 3, 2014
"Z-Pack is the only antibiotic that will kill off bronchitis for me. I am on the 3rd day of taking it, and my constant, deep coughing has subsided. Today actually is the first day I have felt better in 2 weeks. Now when I cough, you can tell the congestion is breaking up, and I am not coughing deep at all. By the end of the course, I am sure I will feel 100%. My doctor gave me Levaquin originally, it did absolutely nothing. Stick with Z-Pack if you want to feel better."
- Rol...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 2, 2016
"I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis at the age of 32. When I catch a cold and it won't clear up, it turns into bronchitis about 90% of the time. I am now 57 and take the Z pack when I have flare-ups, never have I had a relapse. Usually, by the second dose, I am on the mend. The most amazing drug ever. Thank you."
- Sco...
- January 15, 2013
"It definitely works fast on bacterial infections. I've used this medicine twice. In my most recent event, I was sick for close to three months with a gurgly, wet, and sometimes dry, wheezy cough with fatigue but no fever. The doctor called it bronchitis when I first got sick, and we tried a 10-day amoxicillin regimen with no improvement. Over the 12 weeks, the cough mutated into three different variations, including a sinus infection. I finally went back to the doctor. After starting the 5-day regimen, I noticed an improvement within the first 12 hours. In both cases, I was nearly 100% healthy by the 3rd day. The antibiotic is very stressful to your body. I experienced extreme fatigue and muscle soreness during the regimen, but it was worth it."
- 321...
- August 13, 2013
Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "I had been having a mild sporadic cough for a week and a half before I started having the 'under the weather' cold feeling. It started in my chest and was accompanied by body aches, a sore throat, and a headache from a dry cough. After two days of dry cough and developing laryngitis from coughing so much, it moved up into my nasal area, where I started finally experiencing mucus. By the third day, I was feeling like crap and had no real appetite. So, I went to the local clinic. I was diagnosed with a cold, bronchitis, and laryngitis. I was prescribed a 5-day antibiotic treatment of 250 mg. The first day, I had nausea, diarrhea, and a racing heartbeat for a couple of hours. I started feeling better after 2 days, kept taking the antibiotic, the side effects went away, and so did the cold. Fast."
- Hea...
- February 21, 2017
"Had a horrible chest cold for over a month that turned into bronchitis. Suffered through several doctor visits before, after about 2 weeks, being put on Z-Pak. I think this is the most wonderful antibiotic I've ever been on. By day 2, my energy is returning, and today is day 4, and I've done more around the house than I have in over a month. No upset stomach or any side effects."
- Amb...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 29, 2015
Zithromax (azithromycin) "I had the most horrible case of a bronchial infection. I was sick for almost a week. I went to the doctor, and I was prescribed a 250mg Z-pack. I began to feel better on the second day, which is where I am now. I am beginning to cough up some phlegm that was making my chest feel so very tight. So far, I am not experiencing any side effects. I do take it during a midday snack. I have rated it a 10 so far based on my personal experience. I just hope it clears this completely up."
- Anonymous
- November 9, 2009
Zithromax (azithromycin) "I'm on the 3rd day of the 5-day treatment (2 pills on day 1 and 1 pill each of the next 4 days) and have had no bad side effects when taking this medication. My bronchitis finally seems to be clearing up and I'm pleased with this medication."
- Ska...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 15, 2014
"I went to a baseball game and was severely chilled. Thought I had a bad cold/allergies, which turned into a bronchial infection. After 48 hours of continual coughing, I called the doctor. The on-call physician prescribed the Z-pack. It's been 8 hours, and I'm feeling much better. I've got thyroiditis and cannot take decongestants and over-the-counter medicines. While I know we try to not take antibiotics in order to avoid resistance, I think it is worth getting an antibiotic instead of allowing your resistance to get so low that recovery will take longer and weaken your system."
- Hea...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 13, 2019
"I had a sinus and bronchitis infection, got the 5-day azithromycin treatment pack. Also given 5 days of steroids. Feeling better after the second full day of treatment, so amazing how quickly it worked. I did sleep 12 hours the first day of treatment, which helped. I had been coughing up nasty stuff for a week. Side effects aren't bad, just follow Dr. orders. Eat with the Z pack pill, drink lots of water, 6 bottles a day, and get tons of rest if you can. If you get a headache, take what you normally take to get rid of it. All in all, the Z pack works for what it's meant for. I'm glad it works for me. Just eat, drink lots of water, and rest if you can."
- Piu...
- November 24, 2015
"Took the 6-pack after two weeks of suffering from bronchitis. After the first dose of two pills, I slept soundly for a long time and felt maybe 90% better. Now finished all 6 pills. Feeling so much better but still cough at times. I was told the medication will stay in the body for 5 days after finishing. So maybe in five more days this thing will be finally gone."
- Aul...
- October 23, 2009
Zithromax (azithromycin) "For about 10 days now, I had a very bad cough and severe congestion in my lungs (coughing so much that I thought I was going to actually break a rib). I went to my local emergency room, where the attending doctor sent me home with a 'Z Pack' (5-day regimen of the Zithromax, plus a bottle of guaifenesin cough syrup). I'm now on my third day of these antibiotics and am not, thankfully, coughing as much as I did."
- Anonymous
- December 12, 2011
"I, too, get bronchitis every year when the weather changes, and I swear by Z-packs. It is also wonderful for strep throat. Yes, diarrhea is a side effect of nearly all antibiotics, but I tell you, I'd rather perch on the toilet than cough until I bust blood vessels in my eyes."
- joj...
- February 10, 2017
"It started a month ago when I developed a cold, and it went into a bad cough. It was scary, and then I lost my voice. My doctor prescribed azithromycin. I decided to look at the reviews, and I thought, yikes, I'm not taking this. One person said the side effects were worse than the illness. Three weeks later, I got rid of my cold only to get it back one week later, but this time the cough turned into bronchitis. Now that cough scared me so bad I decided to look at the positive reviews. One woman said you have to try it first, and I did, and wow, three days on the medicine, my cough is almost gone. Side effects: sore stomach for a few minutes after taking it, mild headache. Compared to that cough, I have nothing to complain about. Life is good again :)"
- Anonymous
- October 5, 2010
Zithromax (azithromycin) "My bronchitis was so severe that the only way I would be able to board my flight to South America in 3 days was with the Z-Pack. I took 2 pills right at the doctor's office and headed back to the office. I was in complete disbelief when, within 3 hours of taking the first 2 pills, my overall condition had improved tremendously. I am glad that I didn't experience any adverse symptoms while on it, but I know of some people that unfortunately are not able to take this medication."
- YHa...
- September 22, 2019
"It's useful to have azithromycin along with steroids (Deltasolone) too (for those with asthma). I have found when prescribed only azithromycin on its own, it wasn't sufficient. Seemed to need the boost of steroids alongside the antibiotic for a few days to help kick the extended cough. The lungs are too inefficient to remove the mucus effectively. Many doctors seem to not know about this. After years of travel, I discovered this from a doctor in Malaysia who also had asthma - so understood how colds and infections are so difficult for an asthmatic to recover from."
- 702...
- June 4, 2016
Zithromax (azithromycin) "The Z-Pak cleared up my bronchitis right away. However, it almost instantly caused symptoms of gastritis and pancreatitis that made me very ill for five months. I could eat very little but was rapidly losing weight. My doctor found low liver and kidney enzymes and suggested further tests. An endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, several lab tests, and $1,700 later, there was no diagnosis, but after five months, I gradually got better. The next winter, I got another cold that turned into bronchitis and was again prescribed a Z-Pak. Almost immediately, the same symptoms occurred, and I was just as sick for another five months. This time, the connection was clear - Z-Pak."
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Other brands
Zithromax, Azithromycin Dose Pack, Zmax
Professional resources
- Azithromycin Dihydrate monograph
- Azithromycin Dihydrate (FDA)
- Azithromycin Injection (FDA)
- Azithromycin Oral Suspension (FDA)
- Azithromycin Tablets (FDA)
Zithromax (azithromycin) "The only medicine that works on my bronchitis. I've tried others and suffered more. For me, it starts working in 2 days. No side effects for me, just relief. I love it. But I really need to quit smoking. I wouldn't get it so often, get it at least 2 times a year."