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Anakinra for Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes User Reviews

Brand names: Kineret

  • Kio...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 4, 2021

"I started taking Anakinra in September 2018 for my pericarditis relapses, and I have gotten so badly affected with joint and muscle pain that it is unbearable. It has stopped my pericarditis relapses for my heart, but my joint pain is so excruciating that now my body pain is more debilitating than my original condition. I can’t seem to find anyone else who is suffering from joint and muscle pain. It affects my legs the most and my arms. Is there anyone else who has experienced having no joint pain prior and now being riddled with joint and muscle pain? I’m in Australia."

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