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Amitriptyline for Irritable Bowel Syndrome User Reviews (Page 2)

Amitriptyline has an average rating of 8.5 out of 10 from a total of 145 reviews for the off-label treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 85% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Amitriptyline

  • javad...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 9, 2015

"I had a stomach problem since 2009. I am not going into detail because no one is interested in my entire experience with IBS. I should say that due to IBS, I had to quit university, a part-time job, and worst of all, the woman I have been with for many years left me. So I went from being one of the most social people to being one of the most lonely people. A doctor one day wrote me a prescription for 'amitriptyline.' I don't need to explain how it affected not only my stomach but it has brought a great change in my life as a whole, it was just spot on!"

10 / 10
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102 Report
  • DEMM
  • July 10, 2013

"I have been taking 12.5 mg a night for a couple of years, and this has helped me live a near normal life. It took a couple of weeks for me to really feel the difference. I continue to have flare-ups now and then, along with symptoms similar to prostatitis, but I can take a very low dose of Valium (2.5 mg) and the 12.5 mg of Amitriptyline for one night and am back to normal the next day. I have found that regular exercise is also very helpful. I am 56 and just completed a half marathon, which would have been impossible before I started the Amitriptyline. I still have to watch what I eat to some degree, but nothing like before."

8 / 10
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115 Report
  • alway...
  • August 7, 2011

"Having suffered with irritable bowel syndrome for about 20 years and experiencing a bloated stomach and being doubled up with stomach pains after virtually every meal, I had consulted a specialist, tried various diets and self-medication, and had no relief. This led to me feeling constantly worn out and depressed. I really thought I was stuck with this for life and then... I was prescribed amitriptyline. I started with 20mg and gradually increased to 50mg over a period of 6 months. The dosage was then gradually decreased and I was fine until I got down to 10mg, when the pains started to come back again. I increased to 20mg, which I have been taking for about 2 years and other than the occasional short flare-up, I have been fine. I have my life back again!"

9 / 10
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128 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Breryk
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 7, 2019

"I’ve suffered with very acute IBS for six years. The pain and discomfort, plus all the associated symptoms, have made my life very difficult. I had to take lots of time off work. Eventually, I saw a different specialist a few months ago who recommended amitriptyline for IBS at a starting dose of 10 mg and slowly increasing to 30 mg. The symptoms are greatly reduced, and the pain is generally much more bearable. I’m still having flare-ups, so I will keep increasing the tablets. It has given me my life back. I can now make arrangements to go out and know that 99% of the time I’ll be okay to go. Such a great relief. I found this site by accident, but it’s extremely helpful to hear other people’s stories and know I’m not alone. Good luck."

8 / 10
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59 Report
  • GBR...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2014

"I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diarrhea for around 8 years. After GP tried everything, as a last resort I was prescribed 5mg before bed. The very next morning I was amazed at the difference. It also helped greatly with sleep. After 3 days I took it every other day, then after another week every 2-3 days, and so on. After 6 weeks I didn't need to take it continuously anymore. Only the occasional times when it flared up during the next year or so. 18 months later I was free of the problems and had to dispose of the remaining prescription! It's very underrated from what I have read."

10 / 10
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100 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lukee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 23, 2016

"I have been suffering for years with IBS-C and D. I was in severe pain every day, had no social life, fed up, depressed. Until I took this drug amitriptyline. I urge anyone suffering to please try this drug. It works, has totally changed my life. All I take is 20mg a night. I can basically eat what I want, before I could not eat wheat and dairy, and now I can. Please try this drug, 10 out of 10. I know what it is like to suffer, you feel like life is not fair, that you are always feeling unwell when all your family and friends are fine. Please try this drug and good luck."

10 / 10
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81 Report
  • sdgoop
  • May 9, 2020

"When I suddenly developed severe nausea/loss of appetite accompanied by severe acid reflux and abdominal cramps about a year ago, I thought I was sick with an acute illness. I could hardly eat for months. However, all the doctors I saw couldn't find anything particularly wrong with me, save some inflammation in my esophagus. I was at my wit's end after a particularly severe flare-up a few weeks ago, and my GI thought it might be a good idea to try a low-dose antidepressant since most food intolerances had been ruled out. Within days on 10 mg, the cramps were mostly gone, and now, a few weeks later, the nausea is also gone and my appetite is back (with a vengeance). It's truly a miracle! The only downsides for me have been some mouth dryness and urine retention, both mild, and trouble falling asleep despite the drowsiness, which has been slightly more difficult to deal with."

9 / 10
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50 Report
  • Momof...
  • May 17, 2013

"I am not speaking from personal experience, but for my 12-year-old son. He started having stomach issues about 2 years ago. His symptoms included bloating, gas pains, constipation, and diarrhea. Sometimes the stomach pains would keep him up at night, unable to sleep. We monitored his diet, and found that removing dairy helped, but did not eliminate the problem. We, along with doctors, determined he suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A pediatric GI doctor recommended trying amitriptyline. He started with a 10 mg dose each night, which seemed to help. After several months, the dose was upped to 20 mg/night. It has made a significant difference! He sleeps well each night, and has not had a significant painful IBS flare-up in almost a year!"

9 / 10
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99 Report
  • maz
  • November 22, 2011

"I have been taking amitriptyline for 2 weeks for irritable bowel syndrome. Until now, I was taking Buscopan 3-4 times a day. They were really good and helped my problem with diarrhea, but on the odd occasion, I'd still get a flare-up and had to watch what I eat. I now take 10 mg of amitriptyline each night and am pleased to say I'm now able to eat whatever I fancy without getting the gurgling tummy, bloatedness, and urgency to use the loo."

9 / 10
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106 Report
  • Thank...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 18, 2019

"My son is now 22, but since age 4, he has had what doctors called 'irritable bowel with irritable bladder,' and they offered no help beyond 'watch what food set him off' (everything!). And though I prefer holistic medicine, nothing natural provided much help. It was tolerable while he was homeschooled, but when he started working, the fears around his flares really started anxiety attacks that only made IBS-D much worse. It turned into constant stomach pain that nothing helped, and he was getting super depressed. They did tons of tests, ruled out anything causing it, we started on a low FODMAP diet, and after reading reviews about this drug, I asked his doctor if we could try it (though none of the other drugs they tried did much). First 10mg and now at 25mg before bed. It has been like a miracle drug. He can eat what he wants, and he's so much more relaxed and happy-it's a joy for this mom to see after years of trying to find him help. Plus, with our insurance, it's under a dollar a bottle-try it!"

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Bonnie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 23, 2019

"30 mg of amitriptyline saved my life, after being close to the end of life with diverticulitis that led to IBS. This drug, amitriptyline, makes your life better for sure. Get to a good gastroenterologist, not an MD, and get this drug."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • ja20
  • June 28, 2008

"I have taken amitriptyline for 3 months for IBS. I take 20mg at night and 10mg in the morning. I cannot believe how well I feel. I put a little weight on but can now make arrangements to go out and not have to cancel due to the IBS."

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • grate...
  • August 2, 2015

"A number of doctors told me there was no cure for IBS and that I just needed to watch what I ate. My misery continued for years, until I went to a gastro specialist who put me on this - it nearly cured me. I need to be a little careful with rich and spicy food but otherwise I am effectively cured using a 10mg dose."

8 / 10
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70 Report
  • tjb
  • January 13, 2019

"I suffered with digestive issues for years and had just come to the conclusion that it was just something I'd have to live with. Countless docs and tests were run, and everything under the sun came back negative. My issue was feeling extremely full a few bites into a meal. If I didn't stop eating, I would immediately puke or would have really uncomfortable belches for the next hour until everything subsided. Diet didn't seem to matter or anything. My GI said, let's give this a shot at 25 mg. Within a day of being on the medicine, I was able to enjoy eating again and eat until my stomach felt satisfied without the fear of blowing chunks. I've been on the medicine for 3 months, and I've put on 12+ lbs (I'm currently 6' and 145 lbs, imagine the beanpole I was at 6' and 130 lbs.). This pill actually changed my life because dinner with friends and work dinners are enjoyable for me, where previously I had reached the point of just not eating in public."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • LKR
  • March 1, 2015

"I use this medicine as an antidepressant and for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It works miracles. I am sleepy a lot because of it and at first I had dry mouth, but compared to the cramps and upset stomach pains I was used to before this medicine, I could deal with the sleepiness and dry mouth!"

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Kelly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 9, 2018

"I am an active 22-year-old college student. I struggled with IBS-D (diarrhea) and fibromyalgia for almost a year before trying this drug. I had lost almost 20 pounds and had constant stomach pain, nerve pain, fatigue, and diarrhea. Within 2 weeks of starting this drug, almost all the nerve/stomach pain was gone and my bowel movements were greatly reduced. My doctor has increased my dosage to 30 mg, and with each increase, I have felt improvement. The only downside of this drug is that it is a bit harder for me to initially wake up in the morning. Once I'm up, though, my energy level is 10 times better than what it was before starting this medication. I can imagine this medication may not be helpful for people who have constipation-dominant IBS, as this will probably slow down the bowel movements even more."

9 / 10
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44 Report
  • Chick...
  • November 25, 2016

"I had IBS so bad I was living on 8 Imodium a day, just to be able to function. Any less than 8 tablets, and I would be on the toilet all day. I even switched from working days to working a low-stress night job as a caregiver because my stomach was calmer at night. I also had really bad migraines. I was averaging 12-15 migraine days a month. Finally, I went to the doctor and told him about both of my problems. He suggested amitriptyline to control both issues. Within a month, I could tell a major difference. I've been taking 50 mg every night for about 2 years now. My stomach still gets mildly sensitive occasionally. But I rarely get diarrhea and never have to take Imodium anymore. My migraines are down to about 4 or 5 a month."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Linley
  • November 29, 2009

"I had terrible IBS until I was put on Amitriptyline - it has made an amazing difference, it is easy to take, with no side effects apart from putting on a few pounds (I am now holding onto food long enough for my body to absorb the nutrients now I think!). I have not felt so good in a long time."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • Pdubs
  • December 6, 2012

"I have suffered with irritable bowel syndrome for over 15 years. In the last two years, it got so bad I could not continue working. Seventeen months ago, my GP gave me a prescription for 100mg to take at bedtime. The first night, I slept 14 hours and woke up high as a kite. The following two nights, I took a half, and the next night a quarter with the same results and decided this medicine was not for me and returned to suffering. Three months ago in desperation, I took another 100mg pill and had the same experience for three days on just the one dose. After reading reviews stating that IBS patients were taking 10 to 20 mg, I started on lower doses with success. I am now trying to determine my best dosage."

7 / 10
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71 Report
  • Sir...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 18, 2019

"After my rectum removal surgery from having colorectal cancer, I experienced lots of problems with diarrhea and/or frequent bowel movements (soft stools). My gastroenterologist prescribed a 10 mg tablet (to slow down stools going through my colon) along with a little Metamucil to bulk them up. Now I can hold a job and have less frequent trips to the bathroom."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Teepe...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 20, 2016

"I have been stricken with IBS-C for about 9 months. Have been through multiple GIs like most people with this syndrome, went through every test - to no avail. Bloating started as soon as I woke up and lasted all day with severe constipation every day. Have been on the SCD/FODMAP diet for the past 6 months, without much relief. My new GI prescribed this drug. I am taking a much higher dose than the other posters - 50 mg once per night. This has given me SIGNIFICANT improvement - I would say at least 75% better. I am able to expand my diet now, and bloating is virtually non-existent, even with those new foods. This has been a life changer. I do have the trouble urinating side effect, but only in the morning waking up. The rest of the day is fine."

9 / 10
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53 Report
  • Westi...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 17, 2016

"Life-changing medication! Why I hadn't been prescribed amitriptyline years ago, I cannot understand, but after years of living 3 weeks bad out of every 4 in excruciating pain and the dreaded (D), I now have at least 98% better quality of life..... Don't get me wrong, I have odd days when I will have pains and to use the term my gastroenterologist used (explosions), but compared to life before, it's totally manageable. I started on 10 mg at bedtime but upped it to 20 mg, and this works better, no adverse side effects, and I have been using about a year now. Naturally suffering from I.B.S., I watch what I eat carefully, and everyone's different, but for me, it's really helped."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • Adam...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 14, 2016

"Incredible! I've been diagnosed with IBS since I was about 12. 12-18, it was stomach ache here and there, a few bad nights, etc. As I entered my 20s, it got a lot worse. I'd have bad days and sometimes bad weeks. It affected my work and social life, I got anxiety when going out and just worried how useless I was home and close to the bathroom. Tried different medications, some made me worse and some did nothing. After changing GPs, I was put on amitriptyline. I didn't hold out much hope, but after 1 month, I noticed the difference. It took me a while to adjust, and after 4 years of using the drug, I am 98% better. On and off, I have bad days, but due to me eating badly as I am intolerant to dairy and wheat. Give it a go for at least 6 months!"

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53 Report
  • Voltr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 5, 2016

"I am a 48-year-old male in good shape but started experiencing horrible gas no matter what I ate, which went on for months. I woke up with cramps which lasted to mid-morning. I did not have constipation nor diarrhea, just bad gas even on a simple diet of rice, toast, and bananas. My doctor diagnosed IBS and gave me 20 mg of amitriptyline at night. 10 mg for the first week, then 20 mg every night. After the second week, the cramping was 95% better and the gas was completely gone. As an added benefit, it took the edge off certain work-related stress. I am very happy my doctor put me on this medication."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • Miata...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 31, 2015

"After trying many other medications and various limits on certain types of food, my doctor ordered 10 mg at bedtime. Within 2 days, my irritable bowel was controllable. I still have to watch what I eat, but at least I can leave the house and have a normal life."

9 / 10
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54 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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