Amitriptyline for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome User Reviews
Amitriptyline has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 45 reviews for the off-label treatment of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Amitriptyline
- Cka...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 13, 2019
"Amitriptyline is a miracle drug! I developed functional dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhea, and a bad taste in my mouth after a night of food poisoning! For four months, I was in misery. Got down to 95 lbs. I was desperate for an answer. My gastro suggested I try Elavil at 25 mg. I was very skeptical and scared it wouldn’t work. Within 3 weeks, it was working and took away all symptoms. I’m now able to eat again. I can even have coffee and wine again. I thank God every single day. Don’t be afraid to try this. It works!!!!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 14, 2013
"I had my first episode of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome about 3.5 years ago. It was some time until the doctors and I figured out what it actually was. Nonstop throwing up for 2-6 days about once a month. What made them severe, I guess, was the amount of vomiting. A few times, I had double IVs because they could not rehydrate me as fast as the vomiting was dehydrating me. If you have CVS and are reading this, I just want to say I am truly sorry. It was a miserable and emotional ride for me and the people that care about me. I can truly say I feel your pain, and I pray that you find peace. I fought the doctors about taking this, but when I finally gave in, it worked. Not one episode since then (about 1 year and 6 months). I was skeptical at first, but it worked! 25 mg."
Frequently asked questions
- Jef...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 8, 2024
"First time that I threw up after eating a Danish, I thought it was just something bad that I ate. Then about 3 weeks later, I threw up again. This time I knew it wasn't anything bad. So now, I'm wondering what could be wrong with my stomach. I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist, he ran some tests, and they came out good. So that doctor prescribed Amitriptyline at the lowest dosage possible, 10 mg, and it was like magic. The vomiting and nausea stopped immediately. I was fine for about 18 months. Then out of the blue, I threw up again. Thanks to my sister, she took me to her doctor, told the doctor the whole story, and the doctor bumped up the dosage from 10 to 25 mg. That was about two years ago, and ever since then, I have been vomiting and nausea free."
- hap...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 13, 2014
"I've had cyclical vomiting syndrome for about a year and a half and was diagnosed about two months ago. As soon as I was diagnosed, I was put on amitriptyline. The only side effect I have noticed is a bit of sleepiness, but not enough to really affect my life. Amitriptyline has given me back my quality of life, and I've started uni and am looking for part-time work. This would never have been possible before being on amitriptyline."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Beu...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 23, 2024
"Our daughter was diagnosed with cyclical vomiting syndrome at age 8. It took a while for doctors to figure out the diagnosis. Had multiple tests, MRI brain, etc., all normal. The doctors started experimenting with various treatments, including topiramate, which did not help. Poor thing, she would vomit 20-30 times per episode. Innumerable visits to the ER for IV fluids and Zofran. Oral Zofran would not help, but intravenous would always stop the episodes. We came across literature suggesting amitriptyline as first-line. We encouraged her doctors to try this medicine. They hesitantly started her on it. Basically, it was a godsend. Immediate cessation of the episodes. She has been on it for years at the lowest dose without any recurrences. The only time she has problems now is when traveling on flights. This may be a separate issue, but probably her CVS is flaring up somehow with the stress of flying. Otherwise, she’s got her life back, playing sports and growing normally."
- che...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- November 12, 2012
"I started with cyclic vomiting syndrome when I was 14 and was in and out of the hospital for years. It got to the point I suffered from an episode every week with only three days in between until I was 22. I then saw a doctor that had heard of CVS, and he prescribed amitriptyline every night and Zofran when an episode started. Since then, now I'm 32, I have not had an episode. I still take amitriptyline every night, but it has definitely stopped CVS and is a miracle for me."
- Pav...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 3, 2021
"I was vomiting once per month for a week straight for almost an entire year. I went from about 190 lbs to 138 lbs and was ready to die. I had been to the hospital 4x and no drug or testing would help. I had every possible test available. Finally, on my last ER visit, the doc prescribed amitriptyline. I stopped vomiting now for 4 1/2 months and gained all my weight back (very hard to do as a diabetic!). I recently tried to quit the amitriptyline and within 2 days, my symptoms came back. Looks like I may have to use it for life. Luckily, it is only $8 a month."
- Kri...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- June 4, 2020
"75 mg of amitriptyline a night has given me my life back from cyclic vomiting syndrome. I used to have CVS relapses every 6 to 8 weeks. Since starting amitriptyline, I have been vomit-free for six months. I have occasional bouts of nausea here and there. But I am myself again. Cannot recommend this enough to help cyclic vomiting!"
- Ben...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 25, 2018
"After years of testing and misdiagnosis, it was finally discovered that I have cyclic vomiting syndrome. My doctor was not well-versed in the condition and was reluctant to try any treatment and just said, 'There's nothing you can do about it.' I did my own research, and after I again conveyed how traumatic a CVS episode was, he agreed to try prescribing me amitriptyline in a low dose. I've been symptom-free ever since! I had lost all hope, and words can't express what a relief it was to not be nauseated constantly. Only bad side effect was it makes me extremely tired, especially in the mornings (I take it at bedtime). It also sometimes made me feel 'blah' personality-wise, like I was kind of sedated. Minor problem was it gave me dry mouth in the beginning."
- Cri...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 8, 2018
"I've been suffering from CVS for over 10 years, and like most people who suffer from this condition, my life has been a combination of consistent pain mixed with violent vomiting episodes on a regular basis (mine were happening about 3 times per month, sometimes it would be worse). After having tried tons of medications, my doctor finally put me on amitriptyline 25 mg, and it has been the biggest life change I've had since this condition started. I am able to go sleep nice and sound, and my pain is not there anymore. It has also opened my appetite, and for some reason, I am always thirsty now. Not a bad thing, as I wasn't able to drink a lot of water for fear of starting an episode. This medication has been a life changer, and I would suggest anyone who has an uncontrolled case of CVS to suggest this as a treatment option to your doctor."
- Chi...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 25, 2014
"My daughter was diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome at age 10, she lost 13 lb in a few weeks' time frame. She had an EGD and other tests. The doctor then prescribed amitriptyline 25 mg at bedtime if it helped. She stayed on it the entire school year, we then took her off of it for the summer. Things were going great until this week, and she has had two episodes, we will be starting her back on it today. We also use Zofran as needed."
- glo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 23, 2012
"After vomiting for 3-4 days solid, every 4/5 weeks for 6/7 months (starting at age 45), went to see a consultant doctor. Underwent a brain scan etc. to rule out any other causes of the vomiting, diagnosed as cyclic vomiting syndrome, and started 10 mg amitriptyline a day. Cured! No vomiting for 3 months now, brilliant!"
- Bro...
- August 30, 2013
"I have been sick for over 4 years now and been on this for the past 2 weeks, and it's been a miracle. I haven't been sick or in pain once. I don't mean I just vomit, I start, and I can't stop for 19 of 30 days. So far, the minute I took one, that night I have been more relaxed and less sick, have been able to cut down my oxycodone and Zofran, so I am thankful. I will let you know how it continues to go, but so far, it's my miracle."
- Van...
- May 4, 2020
"I have chronic nausea and vomiting from what my doctors believed to be GERD. But even while on 80 mg daily of pantoprazole, I was still having intermittent issues with nausea. So my GI suggested amitriptyline. I started on 10 mg for 2 days with little difference. So I went up to 20 mg at night. That first day was great! I wasn’t nauseous, I had energy to play with my kids. But that second dose of 20 mg made me feel horrible. Anxiety, shakiness, and I couldn’t sleep. So I am stopping the medication. Come to find out (thankfully now rather than later) that this drug has a HORRIBLE withdrawal attached to it. So I’m glad I only have 4 days to detox from, but even this short stint with the drug is making me feel horrible. Continued shakes, anxiety, and nausea. And it hasn’t even been a full 24 hours since my last dose yet. So if you plan on taking this medication, be forewarned that you’re either going to be on it for the rest of your life or have a hell of a fight trying to come off."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 19, 2014
"I was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome almost 2 years ago. I have been on amitriptyline for about a year and a half. I recently went off because I ran out of refills and my insurance changed, making a specialist visit expensive. Within a week, I was extremely nauseous. The doctor called me in more, and I started taking it again. Within a few days, it went away. I am so thankful for this medication."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 13, 2013
"Began having cyclic vomiting syndrome in November 2012. Hospitalized several times. We also found that I have a vestibular issue causing me to throw up. That has resolved but left with this CVS. I started taking this medication about 3 weeks ago, and I think it helps. Started 30 mg dose and had an episode, so increasing to 40 mg and holding, if I get sick, I can increase to 50 mg. I am struggling with anxiety, which I had before this all started. Increased anxiety to severe state as I never know if this vomiting thing is going to come back. Overall, it works. Side effects are not bad at all. Anxiety is almost unbearable, which is not a side effect of this medication. I think it is a side effect of having CVS."
- Nat...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 20, 2023
"I was incredibly, intensely sick every other week. I have been suffering from CVS since November 2019 and was in and out of the hospital monthly. I have lost a couple of jobs, and generally, life wasn't good. All the doctors I came across, from general practitioners to specialists, did not know what it was. I was prescribed different antacids along with Buscopan, but nothing helped. I was left feeling very low along with health anxiety. I did lots of research online and learned about cyclical vomiting syndrome. I then asked my GP for amitriptyline 25 mg twice a day, and my GP agreed, and I’ve been CVS-free for 7 months now. I feel so happy right now, I’m no longer spending days in my bath crying. I recommend you try it if you suffer from CVS, it will help!"
- Mrs...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 25, 2017
"I'm 27 years old and have been to the doctors many, many times. I've had nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and headaches/migraines for over a year now. I'll have a few days to a week with no symptoms, and then they come right back. I've had appointments with a gastroenterologist and have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done. I've been to the hospital on a few occasions due to my vomiting. Doctors still don't know what's wrong. They have put me on acid reflux medications, which don't help much. I have talked to my doctor about the possibility of me having CVS. He hasn't said that's what I have but prescribed me amitriptyline. Just started it yesterday... Hope it works. Close to losing my job if I can't get this under control..."
- Mel...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 18, 2021
"This is a miracle drug. I’ve had cyclic vomiting for 3 years. I started amitriptyline about a year ago, I went off of it because I thought I didn’t need it. I had an episode for over a week. Now back on amitriptyline and no more nausea and pain."
- Aud...
- June 6, 2019
"I suffer from many things, such as lupus, scoliosis, migraines, cyclical vomiting syndrome, and depression/anxiety. I am frequently put in the hospital due to my CVS, not being able to stop throwing up to the point where I vomit blood, get extremely dehydrated, and suffer from extreme, painful nausea. Recently, my doctor put me on amitriptyline to help with my chronic nausea, headaches, and depression. Before this, I was on Zoloft. Since being put on amitriptyline (it's only been 2 months), I have gained quite a bit of weight. I have also been suffering from extreme belly bloat and insanely vivid nightmares. My mood has not changed or gotten any better. I know this drug helps a lot of people sleep, but this does not have the same effect on me. It has also not helped with my nausea whatsoever. I am tapering off this awful medicine and am going back to my Zoloft until I find something better."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 17, 2012
Elavil (amitriptyline) "I really like this medicine because it calms my nerves right down. I am now entering week 3 of a rather bad episode of cyclic vomiting syndrome. (Started 5/3/12) but anyhow, when I can keep them down, these are the best for my nerves and reasonably priced as well."
- Anonymous
- October 8, 2011
"We find this medication one of our lifesavers. My son began cyclic vomiting syndrome when he was 5 years old. Started out with a bang, and he would spend one week per month in the hospital for over a year and a half. We did finally resort to both a G and J tube, one for nutrition and one to bypass the stomach during episodes to give medicines, fluids, and nutrition. However, we use the Elavil every night and use Ativan as well as Zofran during an active cycle or right when we see one coming on to abort, as well as loads of fluids. We have tried to experiment and 'see' what happens without the Elavil, and it was bad. Within a week of not having it, right on the money comes an active episode. My son is now 13, we still have the tubes in place and use all the medicines listed."
- CES...
- September 22, 2017
"I have had cyclic vomiting for five years, and nothing seemed to work. Anytime I was in a social situation, or somewhere new, or had something stressful going on (the list goes on and on), nothing seemed to help. I was also taking 4-5 meds just for CVS alone. Once I was prescribed this med, everything changed. I am finally back to my old self and can eat food without worrying about nausea/vomiting. I am so thankful for this med!"
- Lif...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 27, 2023
"I suffer from chronic migraines, which has also given me cyclic vomiting syndrome. This medication has truly changed my life. I no longer suffer from cyclic vomiting syndrome and have fewer migraines. I take 20mg before bed, which has also significantly improved my sleep. I went from 5-6 hours of sleep a night to an uninterrupted 8-10 hours. I do notice that if I miss a dose, I will experience nausea and sometimes a slight migraine. Overall, I think this medication is very effective."
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- Drug class: tricyclic antidepressants
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"Have been on Amitriptyline for three years now and haven't had a cyclic vomiting syndrome episode. My gastro doctor tried it as a last resort and it works. 25 mg at bedtime. My bouts started like clockwork at 8 am. My last episode lasted from June 18th to July 4th, with 3 different hospital stays. My weight went from 235 lbs to 180 lbs. I thought my life was ending. I was skeptical that this pill at bedtime would do anything, but I couldn't have been more wrong. It saved my life. For anyone reading this, please try this treatment, and I hope you are as lucky as me. I am 57 years old."