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Acetazolamide User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Acetazolamide has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 181 reviews on 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Acetazolamide

  • February 17, 2018

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Glaucoma "It's a good medicine to decrease the eye pressure. While taking this tab, depression and dark thoughts are more, and I have no interest in food, and also my hands tickle like they are in water. Now I've stopped the medicine, my eye pressure has become normal and constant. After stopping the medicine, it takes a few days to decrease all the worst symptoms."

8 / 10
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  • Meltini
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 12, 2017

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "Diagnosed with Chiari Type 1 and Pseudotumor Cerebri in 2008. Started Diamox, and it changed my life. Within days, I was feeling so much relief. Over time, my dose went up, and the next move was an LP shunt, which has worked wonders for almost 8 years. It's starting to fail now, so my revision is scheduled, and I'm back on Diamox in the meantime. Yet again, symptoms under control with it. Yes, I have weird tingling in my face, hands, and legs, and I can't drink carbonated beverages. Oh well - I'm thankful to be functioning and not nauseous and dizzy and disoriented all day long. Diamox is the best thing, other than my shunt, for this disease. Very thankful for it."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2015

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I was diagnosed with Pseudotumor Cerebri 2 weeks ago after experiencing blurry vision and dizziness for some time. I got an eye exam done, and they saw I had a swollen optic nerve. The neurologist prescribed Diamox, told me to lose weight, and stop birth control. I noticed within about 2 days of taking the medication, the blurred vision is completely gone. The doctor told me to ease into the meds, starting with 1/2 of a 250 mg pill 2x/day for a week, then 1 250 mg pill 2x/day for a week, then if symptoms persist, take 3 250 mg pills 3x/day. This helped me get used to the side effects. So far, I have tingling in my fingers and sometimes my mouth. I pee a lot, but am trying to lose weight, so drinking lots of water and eating healthy and no pop is likely helping too."

9 / 10
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  • Andie
  • June 11, 2020

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Mountain Sickness / Altitude Sickness "At age 37, I decided to take my 1st ever mountain camping trip. We found a beautiful spot at 12,497 Ft. I had been to Denver as a teenager with no reaction to altitude so I wasn’t expecting to get sick. I hydrated, but evidently not enough. Within 4 hours of making camp, I began feeling nauseous. After 6 hours, diarrhea. By 10 hours, around midnight, I was going in and out of consciousness. We thought I had severe food poisoning. Due to the dangerous location, we could not get down from the mountain. Long story short, when I returned home to Dallas Texas, I had had a mild edema. My doctor prescribed Diamox and portable oxygen for my next mountain trip. It really gets the job done. I have played around with the dosing starting at half doses &add more up to the full dose as needed. I begin Diamox 48 hours before ascending over 9.5k. I find smaller dosing decreases the drowsiness. I hope this information helps others. Be safe and well."

10 / 10
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  • Sarah...
  • September 18, 2020

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I was diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri. Lets start off with for about 3 years I have had the worst pressure headache every single day. One day I noticed I had a new pulsating wooshing sound with my headache. I was vomiting. The next day I went to the store and noticed I couldn't see anything around me. It slowly started to get worse. One day I woke up and could not see at all. They immediately did exams , CT scans and an MRI. I also seen and specialist ophthalmologist who instantly seen how swollen my optic nerves were and suggested I be admitted for a lumbar puncture. My opening pressure was 54. They drained it to 15. Its almost been a month and I have only had 1 head ache. My vision came back but still is not 100% at all. Right now I am on 1,000 MG's of diamox twice a day. I have no complaints about it yet other then tingling in my feet and constant urination. Just make sure you drink lots of water and take a potassium supplement. I'm being seen by neuro ophthalmology once a week."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • August 24, 2010

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I had been diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri when I was 10 years old. That was 16 years ago, and I have been taking DIAMOX on and off for that long. I get very bothersome tingling that doesn't go away, often waking at night with extremely painful tingling in my feet that causes me to have to get up. I get crippling headaches that hurt when I even breathe, and the last time I was on the medication, the headaches got worse while I was taking it. I am currently back on the medicine and have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I take 1000 mg a day and can no longer drink pop. Anyway, I have good and bad experiences with the Diamox, but the benefits to my eyes outweigh the inconvenience."

6 / 10
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41 Report
  • Adam...
  • August 1, 2016

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I have only been on this stuff for a couple of weeks now but it has been a miracle drug for me. I have seen immediate relief. My visual disturbances dropped from a few times per hour to a few times per day. I'm hoping that improves further as my optic nerves have a chance to heal. I didn't think I had too bad of headaches before being diagnosed with PTC, but ever since I've been taking Diamox and the pressure has gone down my head feels normal again. It was like I had just got used to the pressure before treatment and didn't notice how bad it was until it was gone. As far as side effects, I have had some. I do get the tingles in my feet at times but it isn't too bad. And like others I can no longer drink carbonated beverages. Worth it."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Vetdoc
  • February 19, 2017

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "Hello. I am 18 and I have diagnosed with Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) December of 2016. As we all thought, I had a concussion because I played volleyball but it didn't quite flow with the big blind spot in my left eye and the perfect MRI and MRE scan results. Well, as my opening pressure from an LP was 49.7, more than half for my age, and being the first patient for my pediatrician, I have Psuedo Tumor Cerebri. My new neurologists put me on 2,000mg a day. Yes, this caused severe abdominal and GI upset for almost the first month I was taking it and a little bit here and there. My ophthalmologist has seen an improvement. My second LP as of 1/30/17 had an opening pressure of 28.7. They drained me to normal and took 10cc of instead of 8. I hope it keeps working."

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • Sarah...
  • June 9, 2015

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I was diagnosed in 2014, and I can honestly say it has been a very difficult disease to handle... though I know there are much worse out there. I was put on Diamox, and my headaches or vision problems did not improve, in fact, they got worse. I have had more migraines since starting this than I ever did before. The side effects are awful... no appetite, foggy head (I am barely able to function day to day), nausea, everything you try to eat tastes awful. I am glad this has worked for some, but I cannot continue taking it."

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • November 3, 2010

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I've been on this medication for 2 weeks because of increased pressure in my spinal fluid due to head injuries. While the medicine works amazingly well on the headaches, my brain basically turns to mush when I'm on it, and I can't function well enough to do my job or understand my schoolwork. I also have really annoying tingling feelings in my hands, feet, and lips that haven't yet gone away. I wish there was a way to get this to keep working for my headaches."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • February 6, 2012

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "I have only been taking the medication for a week. 500 mg/day. I have lost 11 pounds in that week due to the loss of appetite. When I do eat, I get sick. Nothing tastes good to me anymore. I'm having some crazy dreams at night. I urinate every 2 hours minimum. I get a tingling feeling in my fingers, face, and legs. I'm having a spinal tap this Friday to relieve some pressure. I'm hoping after that happens I won't have to take this medication anymore. It has alleviated the headaches, though!"

5 / 10
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  • Jeni
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 21, 2020

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Pseudotumor Cerebri "So I just found out I have IH due to there is a golf ball sized tumor in the vascular sinus of my brain. From the MRV it shows stretching and scaring on the opposite side they believe in December/January when the headaches got so bad is when that happened. I received the results two Fridays ago. This Diamos is killing me my kidneys hurt my urine is coffee colored and smell weird. I know TMI. The nuerologist nurse practitioner keeps telling me it's. Normal side effects however I haven't eaten in 5 days and if I take a drink I better be VERY near to the potty. This drug is killing me I'm sure. And I'm still in pain still hear things cry always going crazy but my vision does not have black stripes and no peripheral vision."

1 / 10
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  • Rainb...
  • January 26, 2014

For Pseudotumor Cerebri "I have been on acetazolamide 500 mg 3x per day. On the first day, I experienced tingling in my feet that lasted at most 5 minutes, and I woke up disoriented on whether it was 9 the same night, the next night, or the next morning. I have a ridiculously busy schedule, and I'm always tired, so I am still unsure if I have experienced fatigue due to the medicine. Get the capsules instead of the tablets if possible. Tablets release all 500 mg at once. The capsules release little by little, so you don't get all the side effects just dumped on you. With the capsules, side effects seem to be lighter in intensity. Soda tastes like crap. I already urinate frequently due to my water intake. My pseudotumor symptoms have disappeared, though."

9 / 10
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30 Report
  • Nat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2019

For Hydrocephalus "I’m on my 5th day of this acetazolamide tablet now. for Intercranial Hypertension I made an appt at the opticians as I had been suffered with disturbed vision and dizziness for around a year. I went to the opticians where they found my optical nerves were inflamed. Went to the hospital had CT and MRI scans which were normal. Had a lumbar puncture which revealed excess fluid on my spine so they drained some out. For anyone who says that spinal taps aren’t painful, they’re lying. It was horrible. They then put me on these tablets to prevent the fluid from reproducing. Blurred vision and dizziness seems to be my main symptom along with tingling fingers and toes. I am determined to stick this out though as I have read great things about it."

4 / 10
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  • Suzy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 9, 2019

For Glaucoma "Acetazolamide is great bringing down my eye pressure. I am also eating normally, but losing weight (yay), an unexpected added bonus. The first week left me feeling super down and tired, but now I feel great. In addition to the weight loss bonus my arthritis is way better. I used to hobble from stiff joints, and found it hard to lift my right arm, but not anymore! I am on 500mg twice day, and my eye pressure drops within minutes of taking it. There is a diarrhea side effect sometimes, but it isn't so bad for me. I drink a lot of water while taking this and that seems to help."

8 / 10
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18 Report
  • lei
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2018

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Edema "I was given diamox to treat bilateral ringing in the ears, headaches and pressure behind my eyes. I am 39 years old and I have lived with ringing in my ears all of my life. I have tried every available option out there to treat tinnitus and nothing has worked. I was referred to a new specialist dealing with ear diseases and he asked me a few questions and then prescribed diamox. Within 2 hours of taking diamox the ringing in my ears stopped completely and the pressure behind my eyes went away as well as headaches I've dealt with for years. I was shocked that this medicine is working as one of the side effects was ringing in the ears but I am having the opposite effect."

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  • rlshaw
  • July 4, 2019

For Edema "My ENT prescribed Diamox for Meniere's Disease, a build up of fluid in the inner ear. I will experience tinnitus, vertigo, ear fullness, and visual disturbances, including light sensitivity. Once starting Diamox, all of my symptoms were significantly minimized. I also struggle with migraines and noticed since taking Diamox, I have not had 1 episode. Like others, I experience diarrhea, but increasing my daily water intake has helped. I too also experience tingling in my hands and feet, but it's not intense. I just learned this medicine can suppress appetite, and this does occur with me. I also have more energy, so much, most nights I have insomnia. Has anyone else experienced this? Overall, for me the benefits certainly outweigh the costs. I've been granted a new outlook on life. Before Diamox, the Meniere's left me in a fog, both in vision and hearing. If anyone has also experienced trouble sleeping, please share what you have found to help, I would love to hear it!"

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  • Sam
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 23, 2019

For Pseudotumor Cerebri "Acetazolamide isn’t fun but it does work really well for me. The headaches and vision loss I was suffering from pseudotumor cerebri were way worse than the side effects of this medicine. I haven’t noticed any of the side effects alleviating over time. I experienced my hands, mouth and feet tingling so much it hurt. It would wake me up at night and I’d have to walk around till the tingling stopped. My mood and energy have definitely been low since taking this medication. The worst side effect is probably the way food tastes, for me it is almost everything, not just carbonated beverages."

8 / 10
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  • Shan
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 4, 2021

For Pseudotumor Cerebri "I've been taking this medication for about a month so far. My opening pressure was 36 but I also was throwing up and croppy flopping from anxiety attack with needle in my back and that caused me to be laid up for 2 months alone. When I first started this medication it was miserable to say the least. I had tingles in hands feet and face, felt nauseous and weak, lightheaded, had chest pain also skin peeling. Most of it went away after 2 weeks with a little help of lemonade for nausea and walks as much as I could. I went to see my nueroptomoplogist and in 18 days I'm done, my swelling is gone and my eye sight is wonderful. It definitely is a struggle to get on this band wagon of a med but it works I can vouch for that. Just remember lots of potassium and proteins really help to. Hope this helps for others there is a light in the tunnel and there are other medications if this isn't a suitable one for you. Shunt should be last option due to all the risk factors that happens with it."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Susie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 23, 2017

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Mountain Sickness / Altitude Sickness "Anyone planning to take this medication for altitude sickness prophylaxis, I recommend you do a trial run at home first. I took this medication to hike the inca trail and started it the day before flying to Cusco. I developed a rare side effect of blurred vision/myopia which came on about an hour after the second dose of diamox. The myopia lasted for 72 hours after ceasing the medication. It almost ruined my trip but fortunately vision returned just in time to start the hike. I went on dexamethasone after that for prophylaxis. No side effects but unfortunately the Dex didn't work as I got altitude sickness.........but that's another story!"

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  • Woodsey
  • November 21, 2008

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Epilepsy "I have used Diamox for over 20 years as a 'seizure control drug' for epilepsy. In this time, I have found it a very effective drug. One side effect I did experience was that the drug Tegretol, in tandem with Diamox, did not allow the Diamox to work effectively. This was soon discovered, and Tegretol was stopped."

9 / 10
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36 Report
  • miked
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 30, 2020

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Mountain Sickness / Altitude Sickness "Diamox is freaking MAGIC. I used to get horrible, debilitating headaches at altitude in Breckenridge and Crested Butte. And if I had a beer, well, it was so much worse. I told my doctor, an avid skier, about it and he prescribed Diamox/acetazolamide. Game changer. Not that I condone this, but I could hang with the 20-somethings in the bar 'til closing and wake in the AM feeling great and ready to go. Since then I don't go about 8000 feet without following the protocol."

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13 Report
  • nygirl
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 26, 2015

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Glaucoma "I have congenital glaucoma this medication was prescribed to me in 2009 the worse medication I've ever had. Tingling of the toes, fingers at times lips. Worse headache of my life and it's related to Diamox according to my doctor. The headache becomes so bad I can't think straight. It doesn't lower eye pressure for me in its entirety. But to a certain degree. Also, accompanied with this medication it falls down horribly on my stomach unbelievable pain as well as dizzy symptoms. Doctor stated to me that this medication does produce these side effects."

2 / 10
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23 Report
  • Notfo...
  • October 19, 2018

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Mountain Sickness / Altitude Sickness "DO NOT if you have panic disorder. Had the worst panic attack of my life hours after taking it and thought I was gonna pass out and/or die. Guess I’ll just have to face the altitude sickness bc you couldn’t pay me ten trillion dollars to take this again. FYI I think most people do not have this experience, just warning those who have bad anxiety!"

1 / 10
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  • Pete
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 10, 2019

Diamox (acetazolamide) for Glaucoma "Reduced my eye pressure after a vitrectomy. Initially made me spacey and sleepy with Pins and needles but hey small price to pray to protect my vision and lower my eye pressure from 50 to 40 and so on. Used in conjunction eye drops. I’ve only used short term. I’ve read several other side affects and have experienced the need to go urinate often."

8 / 10
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14 Report

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