I started having reflux symptoms a year ago. I have LPR (silent reflux) and notice that I have heart palpitations after eating sometimes and especially when I go to bed at night. I also started having terrible anxiety and panic attacks along with the acid reflux. Are these symptoms common with LPR?
Zantac 150mg - Does acid reflux cause heart palpitations and/or anxiety?
Question posted by Mom on fire on 25 Aug 2018
Last updated on 13 January 2020 by england1038
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
6 Answers
Hello. This is sort of off topic but I have experienced chronic postnasal drip. My doctor said it could be caused by "silent gerd." And he recommended omeprazole to help it. I took omeprazole for a while. And I stopped it because somehow the post nasal drip stopped. And also I have read recently that it is not such a good idea to take medicines to reduce one's stomach acid. I do feel my "pulse" all over my body when I am trying to fall asleep. I don't know if these are heart palpitations or not. I do have atrial fibrillation so I might be feeling an irregular heartbeat when I am quiet and lying down. I hope this is helpful in some way.
Hi Mom on Fire, I'm having the exact same issue with heart palpitations after I eat and at night. Then, because of the palpitations, my anxiety kicks in and makes it worse. For a while I couldn't tell if they were just anxiety attacks. I also experience light headedness and vertigo with the palpitations which doesn't help my anxiety. I took zantac for the first time last night and was able to sleep without any palpitations. I proactively did this on my own as my doctors aren't sure what the cause is and next steps are to have an echocardiogram. I then have a follow-up with my doctor in a couple of weeks. Would love to know how your progress is coming along.
Hello Mom on fire, I find that when my anxiety is really of the charts, my stomach produces a lot of acid. I'm currently, taking Zantac 150mg as needed (when it acts up). Never experienced any heart palpation when taking this drug. I've seen my Gastroenterologist regarding this problem & he prescribed Omeprezole, it is stronger then zantac. Also, had a Colonoscopy last yr. & Endoscopy done. (results were all normal). I have a sensitive stomach & have to watch what I eat. Are you taking any medication for your anxiety & panic? See your doctor & let him know... maybe he can prescribe something that would ease your anxiety!
Take care & be well
Hi all. Thank you for your answers/comments. I am still having terrible anxiety. I tried Xanax. It made me sleepy, but didn’t really help my anxiety.
I have silent reflux or LPR. The most troublesome symptom is throat mucus. It’s weird, but I think this causes most of my anxiety. I take one Omeprazole 40mg ER capsule in the morning as recommended by my GP. It doesn’t really help with the mucus though. How often can you take Zantac?
I’ve read online that reflux is caused by low stomach acid instead of too much acid. The low acid keeps the LES open and pepsin and acid vapor then gets into the esophagus and upper airways.
I also have terrible neck pain which is apparently the body’s defense mechanism against the aciid in the esophagus. Not sure exactly how this correlates, but the neck pain started with the reflux symptoms. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Hello Mom on fire, It states on the zantac bottle not to exceed more then 2 a day!
Take care!
For me, the Zantac and generic Ranitidine have been causing my palpitations. and anxiety attacks.
Absolutely reflux can cause heart palpitations! Symptoms are often worse at night or when laying down. Doctors are just now starting to realize this, unfortunately, and you will not find a lot of literature on it. There is conflicting information as to why this happens. Some say that because blood flow is redirected to the stomach during digestion, benign heart palpitations can occur when there are digestion issues. Others have said that the vagus nerve, the “rest and digest” nerve, is to blame. In any event, when this happens try to take deep breaths so that anxiety does not cause a feedback loop exacerbating the palpitations. If you are not already on acid reflux medications, of course that helps. Also, try to keep a food diary to see if certain foods make the condition worse (e.g. gluten). Otherwise, burping helps tremendously. Try slowly slipping on 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a cup of water. I also find that chewing gum or eating an apple helps as well.
I can't recall where I read this, but I do remember that the article stated that reflux can indeed produce anxiety..
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