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Can you drink alcohol while taking Ibuprofen 800mg?

6 Answers

Cece766 18 Nov 2017

Don't. I had a fall a week ago. I am on ibuprofen 800. I went to an event last night and had a couple of glasses of wine. When I got back to our hotel, i took my ibuprofen. Within a half hour my heart was racing. I could feel my heart pumping. I will not do that again.

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PLA15 20 July 2015

Yes! Just don't go overboard on either. A few glasses of wine with a few Ibuprofen should be no problem if you're generally healthy. I wouldn't recommend hard liquor or high doses of Ibuprofen, however.

Votes: +1
HeadStarter 3 Sep 2012

The directions on the bottle say not to so I am wondering why you are asking? Please don't go against the warnings... you risk long-term injury to yourself and your liver or worse. So, the direct answer is "NO".


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Inactive 2 Sep 2012

How fond are you of your liver? Both alcohol and Ibuprofen are very hard on the liver. I understand a drink occasionally, and I have included the DC advice below. Best of luck to you!!

What should I avoid while taking ibuprofen?
Avoid drinking alcohol. It may increase your risk of stomach bleeding.

See also:

Votes: +0
Inactive 2 Sep 2012

Sorry, I hit enter intend of edit to delete the ads, such as chemotherapy. That is NOT part of the information on Ibuprofen, but it didn't come out in the different colors either.

Inactive 2 Sep 2012

Hello Kendral2012. Yes you can. Best of wishes to you, pledge

Votes: +0
kaismama 1 Sep 2012

Its never a good idea to mix meds and alcohol. Both these things can irritate your stomach lining.

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ibuprofen, alcohol, drug interaction, nsaid

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