My husband was diagnosed with cirosis in January... Had the fluid build up in the legs and abdomen, the itching was a nightmare.
Medications such as water pills were given. He quit for 21 days after that, lost all the water weight and had much better blood work. However, since he was told his blood work looked much better, he has continued again to drink all day everyday... I have done everything I know how. I feel like its time for me to walk away.
What happens when you continue to drink when you have cirrhosis of the liver?
Question posted by Susanj401 on 7 May 2020
Last updated on 8 May 2020 by Gingy1973
What stage is he at? My husband has stage 4 decompensated liver disease, he had fluid build up and was bleeding internally, he quit drinking for 3 months then he decided that he wanted to live the rest of his life the way he wanted to, now the fluid is back and I can tell he is getting worse, it's not easy watching someone you love die, it's your decision if you want to leave, but if your husband doesn't stop drinking it will get worse over time, good luck
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cirrhosis, liver, liver disease, diagnosis
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