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What happens when you take 1200mg of gabapentin in one dose?


Robinka 12 Feb 2018

Was this amt prescribed? Do you normally take a lower dose? I think you should phone your doctor if this dose was accidental.

I would think it would make you sleepy. I take 1500 mgs per DAY, but I break it up in lower doses of 300 mgs five times per day to keep me from being drowsy.

If this amount is prescribed, I would ask the dr if you can break up the dose. OR is this the new time-released gabapentin, in which case the dose is not all at once. I think you need more information.

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Melquan 12 Feb 2018

No this dose was not prescribed by a doctor, do you have any information about taking this amount twice in one day

Melquan 12 Feb 2018

You were absolutely right though, it put me out for 8 hrs and I woke up for like 10 min and it put me out again't for another 8 hours and I woke back up feeling dizzy and disoriented, I fell out for about maybe 3 hrs and felt like more dizzy and foggy, my head feels heavy and my eyes are hurting also, anyway my question is what would happen if I take another dose but this time let's say 16,000mg? Not saying I want to do it or I would do it now because I'm not but I do want to hear what do you think would happen? Especially after that first dose,

ethan187 5 Dec 2018

You'd probably not wake up. free discount card

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gabapentin, dosage

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