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If Xanax isn't... working what will?


Inactive 21 Sep 2009

There is no 1 answer that fits everyone, only trial and error and suggestions. Most people respond pretty well to an antidepressent and counseling. Tranquilizers usually work, but, you are saying it is not working. Have you tried an antidepressant as well. Out of all of them I tried, Prozac worked the best to keep me from being anxious. I have heard a few people sweal Paxil worked. Counseling helps people not be so fearful and also new ways to think and act to keep from constant worry. I can't just take the meds and have them magically get rid of panic attacks or depression, i have to do the counseling, then I start feeling less edgy and down.See if your local mental health center can help you with counseling, either group or individual. You will probably want to do individual first, to find out what you are anxious about and then group for maintenance and support.

Votes: +1
ruthcrane 16 July 2017

My xanax isn't working well for me anymore so I joined a group counseling to learn to deal with my anxiety without that kind of medicine I also take Zoloft and trazadone. free discount card

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xanax, depression, anxiety, panic disorder

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