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Will taking colace capsules lead to dependency?

3 Answers

LaurieShay 4 Feb 2011

I believe that colace can be taken for upto one week without consulting a doctor. Taken for long periods of time can effect normal bowel function. Do not take more than the recommended dose. Do not take with laxatives unless directed by your doctor.

Hope this helps,


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DzooBaby 4 Feb 2011

Yes, they can. Like the person before said, they should be only used on occasion, unless your Dr has prescribed them to combat constipation from another drug that you must take. In short, you should use them only occasionally unless directed otherwise by a physician.

Votes: +0
Inactive 4 Feb 2011

Laxatives should only be used temporarily until normal bowel habits return.Prolonged use can lead to laxative dependence.

All the best and take care.-

Votes: +1
caringsonbj 4 Feb 2011

from experience Maso knows what he is talking about, the more you use them the more you have to take them. free discount card

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