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Will oxycodone 30mg get rid of a severe toothache if so how long does it take?

3 Answers

kpwilson 12 Sep 2011

not really, it sounds like you have a infection. The only medicine that will take away your pain is a strong antibotic. Go see your dentist. KWilson

Votes: +1
pup6767 7 Sep 2011

As Laura said, yes oxycodone will help the pain of the toothache... it is a hefty dose... so I would suggest taking a third or a half of a tablet first if you are not use to taking opiates.
But the main reason I wanted to comment is that I hope that you see a dentist and have the tooth treated. Most times toothaches are due to infections, and if not treated, can lead to losing the tooth. In addition, If the infection spreads and if it is still left untreated, it can go into your sinuses and other more serious places or get into your systemic circulation leading to all sorts of nasty problems... so... in addition to the oxy... get to a dentist and get on some antibiotics... I hope that you feel better...

Votes: +0
Coby416 8 Sep 2011

I would guess that it will provide relieve but it will be short term. The pain pill is treating the symptom not the problem. The dentist will need to find out why you have a toothache to begin with.
He will probably give you antibiotics that will provide more relieve then the pain pill. Then he will treat the problem.
Good luck

LaurieShay 7 Sep 2011

Yes, oxycodone will help a toothache. I hope by now you are feeling better.

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