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Will adderall xr cause bruising?


Inactive 11 June 2010

No not from my experience my son takes adderall xr and the only side effects he experienced was loss of weight and sleepless nights. That was quickly fixed with another medication that was added onto the adderall. Maybe another medication might be causing this but ive honestly never heard of anything like that. Do you fall out of bed? or sleepwalk? im sure there is an explanation to this.

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Inactive 15 June 2010

I was actually watching a show the other day about unexplained bruising of the skin and that is why im writing a new post. I think that you need to go to the doctor a.s.a.p not to alarm you for any reason but just to be sure it isnt serious. On the show i was watching this person had unexplain bruising and it turned out to be advanced stages of leukemia. So for my peace of mind please have it checked out as soon as possible thank you and good luck.

audi920 6 Aug 2011

I've been taking Adderall, 20 - 30 mg/day, and I'm bruising horribly. I hate to wear short sleeves - looks awful and people at work are commenting about my bruising. It has to be the Adderall - the bruises started only one day after I began taking it.

oldmom 9 Aug 2012

My son was on adderall xr for 7years and took 40mgs a day and yes, he had unexplained bruising. The one I did see was about 2" in diameter on his ankle. When I questioned him about it he told me he gets them all the time. Also, he too was put on an antidepressant but refused it because that was one of the things along with sleepless nights that adderall caused him. (They also wanted to give him sleeping pills) I just went through a 1month withdrawl with him. Let me tell you that I cried every night because when he was younger I was yhe one to give the go ahead for this drug. The terrible mood swings and other things have gone for now but he is now dealing with his body getting back to normal. Do your kids a favor ... read what people have written on other sites as to the aftermath your body goes through AFTER the withdrawl. Dont fool yourself and think these people are full of crap... THEY HAVE LIVED THIS HELL. Think what adderall xr is doing to your kids. I wish I had.

Rajive Goel 11 June 2010

It could cause Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue) & some other side effects.

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If you have experienced bruising you must seek medical adive, & talk to your doc./pharmacist who prescribed the med, hope this helps?

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