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Why is it that I should not put Androgel directly on my penis or testicles?


midwestma 19 June 2010

Absolutely NOT... It will have severe side effects, especially if you have sex, the female will suffer severe sides effects from this get and they can be very serious. Always wash your hands with soap and water after applying the gel. Please look this up on this site and read all that you can regarding this gel, It is really not ever to be used on your penis or testicles. Knowledge is powerful and for your own personal safety and that of a potential sex partner, I implore you to read all you can about this drug. It is listed here on this site under drugs from A to Z. I wish you Luck, and Please Be very careful . Bless You!!

Votes: +0
wOOlf 19 June 2010

Thank you for the info - I will follow your advice. free discount card

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