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Why is it not safe to take Glucosamine while being pregnant?


Rajive Goel 18 July 2010

Even though glucosamine is a dietary product available without a prescription, this does not automatically imply that it is safe for use during pregnancy. It should never be assumed that a supplement is safe for pregnant women just because it is a "natural" product.

However, there is one small study that suggests glucosamine may be safe for use during pregnancy. Women who took the supplement did not have a higher risk of problems, compared to women who did not take it. However, this study was quite small, perhaps too small to discover potential problems.

Because it is not known for sure if glucosamine is safe during pregnancy, it might be wise for a pregnant woman to avoid this supplement until more information is available.

If you are pregnant, it is always a good idea to ask your gynecologist before taking any medication or supplement. If a natural medicine practitioner recommends that you use glucosamine during pregnancy, it would be wise to check with another healthcare provider, just to be safe (and to get a second opinion).

Hope the info is good for you?

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Inactive 18 July 2010

I am not a doctor/scientist nor pretend to be one at all... I am just a caring individual

The safety of using glucosamine during pregnancy is unknown. Limited clinical studies have been performed and the recommendation is not to use this medication during pregnancy. Glucosamine is a herbal supplement. Consult your Doctor if you are pregnant or intend to be pregnant

I hope this information helps you.

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glucosamine, pregnancy

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