I fractured 7 vertebrate recently, then a few days ago, I sprained my ankle. I am on pain meds as well as 4 mg Tizanidine 4x/day. When I first fractured my vertebrate a few months ago they gave me flexoril (10mg's). I am not completely sure if I notice a difference between the two (been on Tizanidine for 1 day). But between the two, which one is more potent, and/or works best to relax my aching muscles both in my back and now in my ankle. Thank you
Which is stronger 10mg Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride or 4mg Tizanidine?
Question posted by eb060348 on 11 March 2010
Last updated on 27 November 2018 by Jwolf11508
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
6 Answers
I can only speak for myself and for Flexeril and I found it doesn't do anything at all for me. I need to find out other muscle relaxer so I can ask my doctor tomorrow when I see them that's why I'm on here looking right now. I think I'm going to ask him about Soma.
I am not a nurse or doctor but have a little knowledge regarding meds. I believe that zanaflex is stronger than flexeril because of what it is used for. I have used both, I also believe it depends on patients use, how much and if you acclimate to the med.
I have been on Zanaflex for years and in my opinion it is much stronger. It also does not leave you feeling hung over in the morning, yet helps to control muscle spasams during the day. I have SPS and Zanaflex is better than baclofen for me.
I have been on baclofen for years and just hit switched to zanaflex. Is there any thing I should know about it
You should ask your doc about giving you Soma to try! It's habit forming but It's a matter of "quality of life". If you have none without the proper meds to help your situation, so that you can function, then the doctor is more willing to prescribe whatever it takes to give you back your "quality of life".
I hope you're feeling better soon. God Bless You!
Went thru same issue.
No Dr. Would prescribe Soma/Carisoprodol until I tried ALL, literally, ALL the other muscle relaxers & proved once again that only Soma works for me.
And even when you stop, if you do, you can tapper & its only like having the flu for a couple of weeks. I know, I've done it several times in my 20 years of experience.
He Well & God Bless!
Tizanidine 4mg (zanaflex 4mg) is alot stronger than flexeril 10mg. There is also a difference between the zanaflex tablets and capsules, the capsules are made for some reason to not make you as sleepy as the tablets would. Also with the zanaflex tablets it makes a difference if you eat before you take them, if you eat before you take the tablet the zanaflex works faster and reallly makes you sleepy. So to answer your question zanaflex (tizanidine) is more potent than flexeril.
My dr. just put me on zanaflex last Thurs. I had been on 30mgs of flexeril for about 7 years. To be quite honest, I can't tell the difference and I am still having spasms. I did well for a very long time on the flexeril, but after so long, they just lost effectiveness. So, I plan to ask for something else. Any suggestions? I don't know much about them, but they are not working for me!
i know this is late, but for muscle spasms, you should really try out baclofen. when i had muscle spasms baclofen had worked better than any benzo, flexeril or any other medication ive taken, herbal or pharmaceutical. if its just muscle tension and pain, i would advise flexeril as it helped me tremendously when i wasnt having spasms.
i cant say much on zanaflex, i might get it today because lately my back has been really bad again after 2 years of being fine. anything that really reduces stress will help but a nice muscle relaxant and a hot tub/bath in epsom salts will help the most. for spasms though, definitely give baclofen a shot as it was a miracle cure, not only for the spasms, but cramps and also made me quit alcohol temporarily and not desire to drink [ i have been a long term alcoholic ]
again im not a doctor this is just my expirience
I have been on somas for years, it always works for me and gives me quality of life, but my doctor don't like it, says it's habit forming, it's not too me but, ciggs are and just about every thing else, I have to suffer cause my Dr don't like it, any suggestions
Zanaflex is not necessarily stronger. Zanaflex is an older drug than Flexeril. I have had multiple C-spine fusions a a couple of lumbar fusions. I take pain meds and usually Flexeril together for the best relief. I also have Zanaflex but it doesn’t work nearly as well in my opinion. Eating before taking your medicine almost always helps to digest the meds better and as a result the meds will almost always work better, Unless you were told or the instructions say to take the meds on an empty stomach. Lastly, 10mg is obviously stronger, hence it is 10 and not the 4mg of most Zanaflex prescriptions!
Zanaflex is not necessarily stronger. Zanaflex is an older drug than Flexeril. I have had multiple C-spine fusions a a couple of lumbar fusions. I take pain meds and usually Flexeril together for the best relief. I also have Zanaflex but it doesn’t work nearly as well in my opinion. Eating before taking your medicine almost always helps to digest the meds better and as a result the meds will almost always work better, Unless you were told or the instructions say to take the meds on an empty stomach. Lastly, 10mg is obviously stronger, hence it is 10 and not the 4mg of most Zanaflex prescriptions!
they are both muscle relaxer,the cyclobenzaprine is stronger to me ,when i used it it was to strong for me ,it hade me sleeping a lot and it took a few days for me to shake it off.the tizanidine does ok but not to strong to me,i was on a pill called somas,the worked good for me an the dr. stoped giving them to me because they are habit forming
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zanaflex, muscle spasm, pain, cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine
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