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Where can you inject lovenox?

4 Answers

Rnazarkewich01 13 June 2019

The NIH studies show absolutely no difference in PT/PTT blood work when it comes to injection site of Lovenox(injection site tested: abdomen 2" from belly button, upper arm in fatty layer, buttocks and outer thigh; given subcutaneously. There is zero evidence to support abdominal injection is any better or worse... it's equal to other SQ sites.

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DemoninDC 15 Dec 2011

Using your belly button as a reference point you can inject yourself anywhere from one inch above and one inch below your belly button anywhere that you can reach in the abdominal area. You should not inject yourself within a one inch diameter of the belly button itself. If you rotate doing your shot on the left side one day and the right side the next day you will reduce the chance of getting hematomas on your abdominal area. You can also inject yourself in the thigh as well, but the preferred spot is the abdominal area.

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marjorie zych 25 Oct 2010

Lovenox is usually given in the fatty layer of the abdomen but can also be given in the thigh or fatty layer of the upper arm but preferrably the abdomen or thigh. I have been on and off Lovenox and Coumadin for years and will be on Coumadin the rest of my life and I go on Lovenox when my levels are not therapeutic or if I have to come off the Coumadin for a procedure/surgery. Hope this helps some, marjorie zych

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christineATU 25 Oct 2010

Hi there marjorie!! I am so happy to see you posting again. I am hoping you are feeling much better. I loved the cat jokes!

robinsghse 7 April 2015

the only FDA approved site is the abdomen at least 2" away from umbilicus. you can call the drug rep if you don't believe this 1-800-633-1610

Rajive Goel 25 Oct 2010

Lovenox: This medication is given as an injection just under the skin (as a subcutaneous injection). In certain circumstances, it may also be administered intravenously (by IV).

The injections are usually given in the fatty layer on the abdomen (the "stomach" area).

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lovenox, deep vein thrombosis

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