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What will dog valium do to a human?


silmarien 8 Sep 2011

Valium prescribed for Veterinary reasons is the exact same drug as prescribed for humans. I'd imagine the dose for an animal is much lower than prescribed for humans (because it would be prescribed based on the animal's weight).

Valium is Valium, regardless of whether it's prescribed for animals or humans.

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debbi44 27 Sep 2017

Im sorry but you imagine wrong. The dose of valium for a dog is higher than prescribed for humans. As a dog has a lower absorption rate than humans. They also break down into 3 different components in a dog, meaning the effect will only last half as long in a dog than a human. How do I know you ask? Simple, I have an Epileptic dog that has been having seizures for 4 yrs. He is on twice daily meds, but when he does seize, he cluster seizes, and thank god for liquid valium, given rectally or orally, if really really bad I will give intravenously. But not very often. It always pulls him out of it. BUT ALWAYS SEEK YOUR VET'S ADVICE & DOSAGE FIRST. You have to get from vet anyway. free discount card

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