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What term use for doses of a druges in a prescription?


Inactive 3 Aug 2011

Hi pathik. Help me out here. Are you asking about a doctor writing out a perscription, and ... the symbol for the amount of, quantity of that particular drug? if its to be given twice a day, it might be x2. You should have a print out from your pharmacy, as well as directions on your vial/medicine bottle.

Votes: +1
DzooBaby 3 Aug 2011

Do you mean when reading a Drs written prescription what symbol means the dose? When a Dr writes for tabs it will look like an i with a line under the dot-one i for one and 2 i symbols for 2. It will say, the name of the drug and Sig: i-ii tabs po q 4-6h PRN for pain which means, Directions:1-2 tabs by mouth every 4-6 hours as needed for pain, for example. I hope I answered what you were asking.

Votes: +0
Inactive 3 Aug 2011

Hey DzooBaby, I didn't see your response. I was typing away when you posted your thread. ha! Coffee is on, enjoy.

DzooBaby 3 Aug 2011

Mmmm thanks! I sure can use some this morning! Pastries too? Actually, I forgot the part you were talking about. once a day is qD, twice a day is BID, three times a day is TID, 4 times a day is QID, q8 is every 8 hours, q 12 is every 12 hours etc.

DzooBaby 3 Aug 2011

Laurie Shay and I do this a lot. We type the same answers but she types faster than me so hers usually shows first and we say almost the same thing! Smart girl Laurie is. She should be a nurse!

Inactive 3 Aug 2011

Ha! I know from what you say DzooBaby. Laurie should have been a pharmacist. Oh, we do have pastries this morning, well early afternoon, assorted variety. A bit to choose from, so most everyone will or should be pleased. Our coffee this afternoon, is from Columbia, its a dark roast,full flavor. And theres still, fresh home made lemonade, along with iced tea, as well as mineral water. I've a brunch going in in three different threads. Ha! Gaining weight today. Enjoy your day DzooBaby, its another scorcher here, in South Carolina, as I know it is down your way. Well, you do get the sea breeze. here, its hit and miss. Forcast is for rain tomorrow, but only a 20% chance for afternoon storms. That increases to 40% for Friday. Stay cool and care for a refill?

DzooBaby 3 Aug 2011

Please as it is still morning here! 10:30 anyway! lol That is still morning, no? After my coffee I may have an iced tea or lemonaid,mmmm. Good selection of pastries too! Pastries are good all day! I wont be hungry for lunch! lol

DzooBaby 3 Aug 2011

By the way, it is hot as blazes here too! 110 today, I think. We are in our monsoon season so rain can pop up most any afternoon along with those fine dust storms we all love so much! We usually get more dust than rain! Although we cant complain, we have had a few good nights of rain in the past couple of weeks. Rain is always a good thing here-we never get enough anymore and our water tables are down to where we need like 10 good years of rain to refill them :( It will be hot here up until about Halloween too! Land of eternal summer! Once Halloween gets here though, our weather is to die for the rest of the winter so it is something to look forward to! lol

Inactive 3 Aug 2011

Chatting away here. Ha! I understand what you're saying in regards to rain. Its dry here. This past winter we had a fair amount of it, but the past three months, dry. We had oh... just about three weeks ago, one storm that dropped about three inches of rain, since then, nada, zilch. Humidty is high, so things do grow, the mornings are soakers. I mowed the back pasture last Friday, and will probably end up doing it on the weekend, but might hold of, if its that hot still. I, oh about 9 years ago, had close to well, I had heat stroke. I thought I was done for. Live and learn. Now I just let things slide, when the weather is so almost dangerous, it can wait. Theres always tomorrow. DzooBaby, I forgot, I thought you were in the panhandle, my mistake. You're west coast. figures, too much coffee, on my brain. :-0) free discount card

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dosage, prescription

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