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What part of the brain is effected by Abilify?


mitjason 10 Jan 2010

Aripiprazole works by acting on various receptors in the brain, particularly dopamine receptors and serotonin (5HT) receptors. Dopamine and serotonin are natural compounds called neurotransmitters, and are involved in transmitting messages between brain cells. Psychotic illness is considered to be caused by disturbances in the activity of neurotransmitters (mainly dopamine) in the brain. Aripiprazole is thought to work mainly by stabilizing the dopamine activity in the brain. So basically it doesn't work in just one part of your brain but it works throughout your whole brain. I hope this helps! Good luck!

Votes: +1
Psychmajor 10 Jan 2010

yep works all over the brain... there are spots in the brain that have a large cluster of dopamine and seratonin (i think its on the brain stem and the pariatal lobe but not sure!) free discount card

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